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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.The end of my sophomore(大学二年级) year was approaching.Mom called me at the dorm one evening during the last week of May.My summer break would be spent with grandma and grandpa,helping out around their farm.The arrangement made good sense to all the family.I wasn't fully convinced of that myself but guessed it was just one summer.Next year would be my little brother's turn.
I arrived late that afternoon.Grandma had fixed more food than the three of us could possibly eat.She loved me entirely too much.The next morning,Grandpa fixed breakfast for the two of us.He told me Grandma had tired herself out yesterday and was going to rest in bed a little longer.I made a mental note to myself to not ask her to do things for me while I was there.I was there to help,not be a burden.
Weeks passed.I gradually settled into a routine of daily work with Grandpa.In the evenings I usually read or talked with Grandma.She never grew tired of hearing about college or anything I was involved in.She told me stories about her childhood,family and the early years after she and Grandpa had married.
The last Saturday in June,Grandpa suggested going fishing.We hadn't expected what we saw when we got to the pond that morning:One of the swans(天鹅) was dead.Grandpa had given the pair of swans to Grandma on their 50th anniversary."Why don't we see about buying another one,"I suggested,hoping the situation could somehow be righted.Grandpa thought for a few moments before answering.
He finally said,"no …it's not that easy,Bruce.You see,swans mate for life."He raised his finger to point,holding the fishing pole in his other hand."There's nothing we can do for the one that's left.He has to work it out for himself."
A few days later,we drove by the pond while doing our morning check on the cows.We found the other swan lying near the same spot we had found the first one.It,too,was dead.
The month of July started with me and Grandpa putting up a new stretch of fence.Then July 12 came.That was the day Grandma passed away.Grandma had died suddenly that morning of a stroke.(中风) By the afternoon,my parents were there.The old house was soon crowded with relatives and Grandpa's friends.
The funeral(葬礼) was held the ne xt day.Grandpa had insisted on having it as soon as possible.On the second day after the funeral,Grandpa announced at the breakfast table,"This is a working farm.We have a lot of things to do.The rest of you should get back to your own lives."Most of the family had already left,but this was Grandpa's way of telling the rest it was time for them to go home.My parents were the last to leave after lunch.
Grandpa was not a man who could outwardly express his grief(悲痛)around others,and we all worried about him.The rest of the summer flowed by.We stayed busy working.I thought there was something different about Grandpa but couldn't quite put my finger on it.
September was nearing,and part of me did not want to leave.I thought of skipping the fall semester and staying around a few more months.When I mentioned it,grandpa quickly told me that my place was back at college.
The day finally came for me to pack my car and leave.I shook his hand and chanced a hug.As I drove down the driveway,I saw him in the rearview mirror of my car.He waved to me and then walked to the farm gate to start the morning livestock check.
Mom called me at school on a stormy October day to tell me Grandpa had died.A neighbor had stopped by that morning for coffee and found him in the kitchen.He died of a stroke,the same as Grandma.At that moment,I understood what he'd clumsily tried to explain to me about the swan on that morning we fished together by the pond.
66.We can learn from Paragraph 1 thatA.
A.Bruce was not happy with his parents'arrangement
B.Bruce is eager to enjoy himself freely on the farm
C.Bruce regarded working on the farm as a rare chance
D.the brothers took turns to attend their grandparents
67.What did the writer think at the sight of the first dead swan?D
A.Grandma would be in deep sorrow over its death.
B.The living can do nothing for the dead.
C.The other was certain to die since swans mate for life.
D.Another swan should be bought in place of the dead one.
68.Grandpa quickly ignored the family after the funeral becauseA.
A.he tended to deal with grief in life b y himself
B.he made the assumption about the matter of life and death
C.he wanted to carry on with his farm work
D.he didn't want his normal life disturbed
69.By"I couldn't put my fingers on it",the writer means thatB.
A.I was so busy that I couldn't give a hand to Grandpa
B.I couldn't tell exactly what was different about my Grandpa
C.I stayed busy working and couldn't keep Grandpa's company
D.I could do nothing to help him out of grief
70.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?D
A.Unforgettable Summer Break                           
B.Death of Swans
C.Everlasting Love Story                          
D.Mate for Life.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Singapore is the smallest country from the South-East Asia,with a surface of 630 square kilometers and with a population of 2 million inhabitants.The capital and the only city is Singapore,and the official languages are malaise,mandarin,Tamil and English.It is a heavily industrialized city,but tourism is also an important branch of the economy.
Located just 15 minutes from the capital city,Sentosa,The State of Fun,welcomes a growing number of local and international guests every year,which is Asia's leading leisure destination.
The 150-year old Singapore Botanic Gardens(植物园) is located on Mt.Perry Road.This Gardens possesses an array of botanical and horticultural(园艺的) attractions with a rich history and a wonderful plant collection of worldwide significance.The lake in the garden with its habitat(栖息地)  of over 120 species of birds is the heart of the Botanic Gardens.Other attractions here include the picnic areas,nursery plants,boardwalks and a themed children's park.
The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum is a Buddhist temple and museum complex located in the Chinatown district of Singapore.The temple is based on the Tang dynasty architectural style and built to house the tooth relic of the historical Buddha.The main parts of it are the One Hundred Dragons Hall and the Sacred Buddha Tooth Relic Chamber.Apart from these,one can find many ancient goods which were given to Lord Buddha.In addition to this,tourists can also experience the taste of China by touring Chinatown.
In fact,there are many more destinations which can offer you wonderful memories,so don't hesitate to pay Singapore a visit.
63.From the first paragraph we can learn that SingaporeC.
A.is only famous for its temple
B.is the cultural heart of Asia      
C.is a tourism country
D.has more natural sights than the man-made ones.
64.Which of the following can NOT be found in the Botanic Gardens?B
A.A bird habitat.
B.Historical monuments
C.Nursery Plants                   
D.A themed children's park
65.Which of the following is True about the Buddha Tooth Relic Templ e and Museum?C
A.It was built during the Tang Dynasty.
B.It is located on Mt.Perry Road.
C.Many ancient goods can be found there.
D.Tourists can taste Chinese dishes there.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Perhaps you think you could easily add to your happiness with more money.Strange as it may seem,if you're unsatisfied,the issue is not a lack of means to meet your desires but a lack of desires-not that you cannot satisfy your tastes but that you don't have enough tastes.
Real riches consist of well-developed and hearty capacities(能力)to enjoy life.Most people are already swamped(淹没)with things.They eat,wear,go and talk too much.They live in too big a house with too many rooms,yet their house of life is a hut.
Your house of life ought to be a mansion(豪宅),a royal palace.Every new taste,every additional interest,every fresh enthusiasm adds a room.Here are several rooms your house of life should have.
Art should be a desire for you to develop simply because the world is full of beautiful things.If you only understood how to enjoy them and feed your spirit on them,they would make you as happy as to find plenty of ham and eggs when you're hungry.
Literature,classic literature,is a beautiful,richly furnished room where you might find many an hour of rest and refreshment.To gain that love would go toward making you a rich person,for a rich person is not someone who has a library but who likes a library.
Music like Mozart's and Bach's shouldn't be absent.Real riches are of the spirit.And when you've brought that spirit up to where classical music feeds it and makes you a little drunk,you have increased your thrills and bettered them.And life is a matter of thrills.
Sports,without which you remain poor,mean a lot in life.No matter who you are,you would be more human,and your house of life would be better supported against the bad days,if you could,and did,play a bit.Whatever rooms you might add to your house of life,he secret of enjoying life is to keep adding.
59.The author intends to tell us thatC.
A.true happiness lies in achieving wealth by fair means
B.big houses are people's most valued possessions
C.true happiness comes from spiritual riches
D.big houses can in a sense bring richness of life
60.The underlined sentence in the second paragraph probably implies thatA.
A.however materially rich,they remain spiritually poor
B.however materially rich,they never seem to be satisfied
C.though their house is big,they prefer a simple life
D.though their house is big,it seems to be a cage
61.It can be learned from the passage thatB.
A.more money brings more happiness    
B.literature can enrich your spiritual life
C.art is needed to make your house beautiful
D.sports contribute mainly to your physical fitness
62.What would be the best title for the passage?D
A.Interest and Enthusiasm                     
B.Secret of Wealth 
C.Rest and Refreshment                        
D.House of Life.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.You probably laugh at something you find funny,but how much do you really know about jokes and humor?Reader's Digest (RD) questioned several experts to give us some facts about them.
RD:What's the oldest joke in the world?
"We can't know the oldest joke in the world because it would have existed earlier than writing."says Christie Davies,professor of sociology at the University of Reading in the UK.The oldest joke book that's been found so far is the Greek Philogelos.It dates from the 4th century AD,al though the jokes date from an earlier time.According to psychologist Steve Wilson,director of National Humor Month (April in the US),it contains 265 jokes.
RD:Do some people fail to develop a sense of humor?
Rod Martin,professor of psychology at the Western University in Canada,believes that while everyone is born without a sense of humor,as we develop,humor and laughter begin to appear."Of course,some children are more serious,quiet,and less likely to laugh frequently,but this doesn't mean they don't have a sense of humor."And according to Steve Wilson,there are no adults who don't have a sense of humor."Almost everyone is able to develop a sense of humor,and I teach people how."he says.
RD:Do people share a sense of humor unique to their own nation?
Sense of humor does differ a lot by country,according to an author named Scott Weems.British humor is thought to be absurd in nature,while American humor has an aggressive quality.According to a study,Germans are found to find everything funny.
56.What do we know about the oldest joke book?C
A.It remains unknown.
B.It was found in the UK.
C.It was written in Greek.
D.It contains the oldest joke.
57.What does Rod Martin agree with about people's sense of humor?D
A.Children have a poorer sense of humor than adults.
B.Some adults lose it when they grow up.
C.Childhood is the best time to develop such ability.
D.Nobody is born with a sense of humor.
58.What kind of humor has an aggressive feature?B
A.British humor                       
B.American humor     
C.Canadian humor                      
D.German humor.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

8.-How would you like your tea?
-________(  )
A.As it comes,please.B.Very much.
C.It will do.D.Not really.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Regular public broadcasting followed shortly afterwards,first ________ on 11May 1928 in New York and on 20August 1929in London.(  )
A.beganB.to beginC.beginningD.begun


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

6.One of the positive effects it has on our lives,I think,is our ability to ________ others through the Internet.(  )
A.subscribe toB.contribute toC.relate toD.oppose to


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

5.When you are searching for some information online,just as you ________ look at when a book was published,you must also check the dates of the websites,usually at the bottom of the webpage.(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

4.The use of technology for communication ________ talking face to face is one reason why real relationships are often sacrificed and ________ personal peace one has is destroyed whenever the phone rings.(  )
A.rather than; whateverB.more than; no matter what
C.less than; whateverD.other than; no matter who


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Her job,I think,must ________ well,for the evening dress she wears in the party always costs.(  )
A.doB.be doneC.payD.be paid

