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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A mouse looked through a crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package: What food might it contain? He was astonished to discover that it was a mouse trap!
Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse declared the warning, “There is a mouse trap in the house, there is a mouse trap in the house.”
The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, “Mr Mouse, I can tell you this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me, I cannot be bothered by it.”
The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mouse trap in the house.” “I am so sorry, Mr Mouse,” sympathized the pig, “but there is nothing I can do about it but pray; be assured that you are in my prayers.”
The mouse turned to the cow, who replied, “A mouse trap, am I in grave danger, huh?”
So the mouse returned to the house, head down and depressed to face the farmer’s mouse trap alone.
That very night a sound was heard throughout the house, like the sound of a mouse trap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see that it was an evil snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital. She returned home with a fever. Now everyone knew to treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup’s main ingredient. His wife’s sickness continued so that friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer’s wife did not get well, in fact, she died, and so many people came for her funeral. The farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide meat for all of them to eat.
So the next time you hear that someone is facing a problem and think that it does not concern you, remember that when the least of us is threatened, we are all at risk.
小题1:We may infer that the passage is most probably a ______.
A.fairy tale (神话)B.Fable (寓言)C.science fictionD.news report
小题2:We could see from the passage that the mouse was ______.
A.kind and warm-heartedB.well-informed
C.good at cheating othersD.foolish and rude
小题3: The underlined word “ingredient” (Paragraph 7) refers to ______.
A.the mouseB.the pigC.the snakeD.the chicken
小题4:What can we learn from the story?
A.Better safe than sorry.
B.Traps are usually well disguised.
C.To help others is just to save you.
D.To keep the balance of nature is the duty of us all.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

By the age of almost four,  Elijah Edney has never had a haircut in his life.  But now he can ' t wait to visit the barber's  -  for two reasons: losing his two - foot - long golden hair will mean   that strangers stop mistaking him for a girl; the hair will be donated to charity to provide a wig   (假发) for a child with cancer.
Mrs.  Edney, who works in a restaurant, says, "Elijah has always had beautiful hair, so I let him grow it as he w8nted.  It' s like silk.  But now it is at a stage where people mistake him for a  girl and he wants it cut into a boy's haircut. "
Mrs.  Edney and her husband want to collect enough money-£350-to process Elijah's hair  for a sick child.  She says,  "I couldn't bear to see all Elijah's beautiful hair go to waste and my  mum mentioned charities that have human hair made into wigs. "
Mrs. Edney says, "If we can raise the amount we want, it will mean a family will not have   to pay for the wig and can receive it for free.  When you've got children yourself, you hope that if  they lost their hair someone would do the same for them by donating their hair. "
The two-foot-long hair will be donated to the Little Princess Trust (小公主信托基金)  to  make a wig for children suffering cancer. Elijah keeps telling people he is giving his hair to poor  princesses and he is so excited about it.
A spokesman for the Little Princess Trust says, "We're very grateful to anyone who decides   to have their hair cut to donate it to the Little Princess Trust. As a result of hair donations like  this, the charity receives real-hair wigs for free to pass on to families whose children have sadly  lost their own hair through cancer treatment. "
小题1:Why has Mrs.  Edney let Elijah's hair grow so long?
A.Because Elijah has beautiful hair.
B.Because she likes long hair.
C.Because Elijah looks nice with long hair.
D.Because she wants to donate his hair to charity.
小题2:Who first thought of charities that use human hair?
A. Elijah's father.B. Elijah's mother.
C. Elijah himself.D. Elijah's grandmother.
小题3:Elijah's parents try to raise money to _________.
A.pay the barber for his work
B.process his hair into a wig
C.give the Little Princess Trust along with a wig
D.give a child who lost his hair through cancer treatment
小题4:What does Elijah think of his hair being given to a charity?
A.He doesn't care about it.B.He wants to keep it a secret.
C.He is excited about it.D.He feels sad for poor children.
小题5:According to the last paragraph, the Little Princess Trust________.
A.encourages people to cut their hair to donate it
B.welcomes and gives thanks for such donations
C.gives free wigs to children who have lost their hair
D.provides treatment for children with cancer


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a boarding school (寄宿学校). ____ being sent away, this boy was the ____ student in his class. He was at the top in every ____ always with high marks.
But the boy changed after ____ home and attending the boarding school. His grades started ___. He hated being in a ____. He was lonely all the time. And there were especially dark times when he ____ committing suicide (自杀). All of this was because he felt ____ and no one loved him.
His parents started ___about the boy. But they even did not know what was __50with him. So his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and ____ him.
They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father started asking him some casual questions about his classes, teachers and ____. After some time his dad said, “Do you know, son, why I am here today?”
The boy answered back, “To ___- my grades?”
“No, no,” his dad replied. “I am here to tell you that you are the most ___ person for me. I want to see you ____. I don’t care about grades. I care about you. I care about your happiness. YOU ARE MY LIFE.”
These words ____ the boy’s eyes to be filled with tears. He ____ his dad. They didn’t say anything to each other for a long time.
Now the boy had ____ he wanted. He knew there was someone on this earth who cared for him deeply. He ___ the world to someone. And today this young man is in college at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him ____!
A.hardest B.naughtiestC.brightestD.dullest
A.comingB.returning C.leavingD.reaching
A.risingB.increasingC.reducing D.dropping
A.led toB.felt like C.thought back D.looked for
A.worthless B.carelessC.concernedD.annoyed
A.caringB.turningC.worrying D.speaking
A.crazyB.trueC.possible D.wrong
A.talk withB.listen to C.tell toD.care about
A.family B.friendsC.studyD.grades
A.happyB.excellent C.interestedD.satisfied
A.caused B.wantedC.encouragedD.forced
A.answered B.ignoredC.hatedD.hugged
A.nothingB.something C.everythingD.anything
A.showed B.meant C.intended D.expressed
A.sadB.angry C.pleasant D.joyful


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When I walked into the house after school, the first thing I noticed was a box with items I recognized from my dad’s office.
“What are you doing at home?” I asked casually.
“Andrew, I was      today,” he answered quietly.
I was sure he was joking. “No, you weren't. Why are you     at home?”
Then I noticed his     and realized he was telling me the truth. My father has always been a hard worker and prided himself on his career.     our family has been his joy, and I guess I have    his work for granted.
My father’s unemployment     many changes in our lives. For starters, he was at home all the time, which meant my bed had to be    , my room cleaned up, and my     done right after school. I would come home every day to find him at the computer     jobs. I began to notice how    he seemed, and how losing his job affected his self-esteem, though he tried to be    . For the first time, I    my dad as vulnerable (易受伤的). He asked my brother and me to    less. I gave up my pocket money,      it wasn’t much. I felt I was doing the right. I also found a part-time job.
After several difficult months of searching, my dad    to go in a totally different direction. He    that he never wanted to be laid off again, so he was going to start his own business. Day by day, I watched him     it, and I admired how much time and   he expended. I     knew he was a hard worker, but watching him in action really affected me.
Although this was one of the   experiences for our family, it taught me a lot about dealing with adversity (逆境), and will be my foundations for success.
A.taken offB.put offC.laid offD.called off
A.came outB.brought aboutC.gave offD.let out
A.falling intoB.putting upC.keeping onD.searching for
A.even soB.if onlyC.even thoughD.as if


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There was a Greek shopkeeper in a small corner shop in London. She taught me about the    of an act of kindness, which has motivated me to give.
On the day I went to that shop, I was     with a very high fever. I had been off work for days and I had       out of food. Because I had been working so hard since I had       to town, I also had no friends who could help.
So I went out to get some food.      , I would have gone to the supermarket, but on this      , I went into the Greek shop because it was closer. I      a few things, which revealed the    that I lived alone. Then I      them to the shopkeeper, who told me, “You are unwell.” I      rather shyly. She pointed at the things I was buying and     “I can make you a sandwich, so you don’t have to do it yourself.”
So, she made the sandwich and asked me to      a moment. She went in the back room and reappeared with a container of hot soup.” It will      you up,” she said with a smile.
What really warmed me up,       , was not the soup. It was her     that told me she cared. Her kindness made me feel cared for when I was particularly      .
And it      me. It made me want to be as      as the shopkeeper. I had been quite shy, but, from that day on, I did not let shyness prevent me from       random acts of kindness.
I was determined to       the joy… and I haven’t felt lonely since!
A.picked upB.took inC.gave offD.made out


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Earning a black belt in martial arts and being issued a pilot’s license are both impressive accomplishments that take year of effort to achieve, but 30-year-old Jessica Cox has done both despite being born without arms.
In spite of all difficulties , but with strong faith and the help of her family ,Cox put herself through high school and then college, typing papers with her toes, She became the first armless black belt in American Taekwondo (跆拳道)Association and now has two black belts, She got her driver’s license and then, astonishingly, her pilot’s license in 2008, The achievement earned her a place in the Guinness Would Records, which recognized her for becoming the first person without arms to fly an airplane.
Now Cox is the subject of a new documentary, Rightfooted, Which Cox says the hopes will inspire disabled young people around the world, “Had I watched a film similar to this one earlier, in my life ,I know it would have make a difference.” Cox says in a trailer (预告片) for the documentary.
The young woman says her current goal is to become a motivational speaker, particularly for chileren born without arms , She says she believes her message can reach millions of people working to overcome a variety of disabilities.
As the next step, she has been invited by non-governmental organization Handicap International to work with disabled children in Ethiopia Cox is extremely excited for the opportunity, She hopes that sharing her story will inspire children with disabilities and encourage Ethiopians to include all children in school because in Ethiopia only one percent of children with disabilities are educated and their parents do not think they can benefit from going to school, She also hopes to meet with government officials to inspire change.
小题1:What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Cox earned a place in the Guinness World Record
B.Cox can type papers as a common person does
C.Cox has little difficulty in doing things by herself
D.Cox has made some great achievements
小题2:What’s the purpose of the documentary Rightfooted?
A.To inspire all young people with disabilities
B.To tell the story of Cox’s life and her desire
C.To show how important one’s foot is
D.To show how Cox works in Ethiopia
小题3:Why does Cox want to be a speaker?
A.To give her message
B.To prevent children born without arms
C.To help people overcome disabilities
D.To prove she can also be a successful speaker
小题4:The goal of Handicap International in Ethiopia is to          .
A.meet the government officials
B.help disabled children find jobs
C.run education projects for children with disabilities
D.help Cox realize her dream of becoming a speaker
小题5:What is true of Jessica Cox?
A.She is the first woman pilot
B.She is a disabled Taekwondo champion
C.She is the director of a documentary
D.She is an armless woman with strong faith


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Debbie Macomber decided to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. She rented a typewriter, put it on the ____ table and began typing each morning after the kids went to school. ____ the kids came home, she moved it and made them dinner. When they were ____ she got it back and typed some more.
Debbie followed this ____ for two years. She had become a struggling writer and she loved every minute of it. One night, ____, her husband, Wayne, said, “Honey, I’m sorry, but you’re not ____ any income. We can’t do this anymore. We can’t survive on just what I make.” That night, her heart was ____. Debbie knew, with all of the ____ of keeping up a house, working 40 hours a week would ____ her no time to write.
Seeing her ____, her husband asked, “What’s wrong?” “I really think I can make it as a ____.” “All right, honey, go for it,” Wayne ____ for a long time and then said.
So Debbie returned to her ____ and her typewriter on the kitchen table, writing for another two years. Wayne worked harder and their kids went without vacations and wore hand-me-downs. But the sacrifice finally ____. 
Debbie sold her first book after five years of ____. Then another. And another. Until today, Debbie has ____ more than 100 books, many of ____ have become New York Times best-sellers. Over 60 million copies of her books are in print.
And Wayne? His selfless ____ of his wife paid off. He got to retire at 50 and now spends his free time building a private airplane in the basement of their 7,000 square-foot mansion. ____, Debbie’s kids also got a gift more important than several summer camps. As adults, they ____ what Debbie gave them was far more important — persistence and encouragement to pursue their own dreams.
A.coffee B.bedside C.kitchen D.dressing
A.Unless B.WhenC.ThoughD.Wherever
A.asleepB.awake C.freeD.convenient
A.standardB.suggestion C.traditionD.routine
A.therefore B.however C.somehow D.anyway
A.making up B.cutting down C.finding out D.bringing in
A.broken B.warm C.touched D.cold
A.abilities B.balances C.duties D.problems
A.stop B.leave C.ensure D.permit
A.achievements B.behavior C.efforts D.sadness
A.typist B.housewife C.writerD.designer
A.doubted B.comparedC.delayed D.hesitated
A.office B.dream C.state D.home
A.paid off B.broke upC.came back D.cleared up
A.challenging B.strugglingC.thinking D.arguing
A.collected B.published C.prepared D.translated
A.themB.that C.it D.which
A.support B.respect C.trust D.protection
A.Surprisingly B.GratefullyC.Gradually D.Similarly
A.admit B.realize C.wonder D.prove


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, was born in Kingfish, Oklahoma on March 29, 1918. He was raised in Missouri where he worked in his father’s store while attending school. This was his first retailing (零售业) experience and he really enjoyed it. After graduation, he began his own career as a retail merchant.
He soon opened his first Wal-Mart store in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas. Wal-Mart specialized in name brands at low prices and Sam Walton was surprised at the success. Soon a chain of Wal-Mart stores sprang up across rural America.
Walton's management style was popular with employees and he founded some of the basic concepts of management that are still in use today.
After taking the company public in 1970, Walton introduced his “profit sharing plan”. The profit sharing plan was a plan for Wal-Mart employees to improve their income dependent on the profits of the store. Sam Walton believed that “individuals don't win, teams do”. Employees at Wal-Mart stores were offered stock options (认股权) and store discounts. These benefits are commonplace today, but Walton was among the first to implement (实现) them. Walton believed that a happy employee meant happy customers and more sales. He also believed that by giving employees a part of the company and making their success dependent on the company’s success, they would care about the company.
By the 1980s, Wal-Mart had sales of over one billion dollars and over three hundred stores across North America. Wal-Mart’s unique decentralized (分散的) distribution system, also Walton’s idea, created the edge needed to further encourage growth in the 1980s during growing complaints that the “superstore” was stopping smaller and traditional stores from developing. By 1991, Wal-Mart was the largest US retailer with 1,700 stores. Walton remained active in managing the company, as president and CEO until 1988 and chairman until his death. He was awarded the Medal of Freedom shortly before his death.
小题1: Sam Walton first made a hit in retailing when __________.
A.he worked in his father’s store
B.he created Walton's management style
C.a chain of Wal-Mart stores sprang up across rural America
D.he specialized in name brands at low prices
小题2:What is the purpose of Walton’s carrying out “profit sharing plan”?
A.To make sure all the employees had their own shares.
B.To encourage the employees to work hard and make joint efforts.
C.To select excellent employees for his stores.
D.To make more profit for himself.
小题3:Which of the statements is TRUE?
A.With Walton’s management style, employees treated the stores as their own.
B.Walton wasn’t one of the merchants who first implemented stock options.
C.The smaller and traditional stores were well affected by Walton’s stores.
D.In his old age, Walton gave all the management to his men.
小题4:What does the underlined word “edge” in the last paragraph mean here?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Linda Evans was my best friend –like the sister I never had ,We did everything together: piano lessons ,movies, swimming , horseback riding.
When I was 13, my family moved away . Linda and I kept in touch through letters ,and we saw each other on special times — like my wedding and Linda’s. Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often .One day a card that I sent came back , stamped “Address Unknown”. I had no idea about how to find Linda.
Over the years, I missed Linda very much. I wanted to share happiness of my children and then grandchildren . And I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died, There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.
One day, I was reading a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked very much like Linda and whose last name was Wagman —Linda’s married name.“There must be thousands of Wagmans.”I thought, but I still wrote to her.
She called as soon as she got my letter, “Mrs , Tobin!”she said excitedly, “Linda Ev-ans Wagman is my mother.”
Minutes later I heard a voice that I recognized at once, even after 40 years . We laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives. Now the empty place in my heart is filled. And there’s one thing that Linda and I know for sure; We won’t lose each other again!
小题1:The writer went to piano lessons with Linda Evans       .
A.at the age of 13B.before she got married
C.before the writer’s family moved awayD.after they moved to new homes
小题2:They didn’t often write to each other because they       .
A.got marriedB.had little time to do so
C.didn’t like writing lettersD.could see each other on special times
小题3:There was an empty place in the writer’s heart because she       .
A.was in trouble
B.didn’t know Linda’s address
C.received the card that she sent
D.didn’t have a friend like Linda
小题4:The writer was happy when she       .
A.read the newspaper
B.heard Linda’s voice on the phone
C.met a young woman who looked a lot like Linda
D.wrote to the woman whose last name was Wangman
小题5:They haven’t kept in touch       .
A.for about 40 yearsB.for about 27 years
C.since they got marriedD.since the writer’s family moved away

