精英家教网> 试卷> 题目




1-5 BCCAC    6-10 ACBBC    11-15 BBCBA    16-20 BCACB


21-25 CDBBC  26-30 BADAC  31-35 BDACB


36-40 BCDAD  41-45 CACAB   46-50 CADBC


51-55CDBCA  56-60 CBCAD    61-65 ACCBD

B. 任务型阅读

66. safety    67. accidents   68. crossing   69. believe  70. necessary

71. bending  72. directions   73. with      74. bad     75. protect

C. 阅读与回答问题

76. Yes. /Yes, he does.

77. Singing./ He /Wang Yuan does well in singing./ He /Wang Yuan is good at singing.

78.Yiyang Qianxi/ He is practicing dancing (while other teenagers are chatting).

79. (For) six years./ Since six years ago. / Since he was eight (years old).  

80. (I think)They work hard. /They have pretty faces. /I love/like them (very much). /They are hard-working. / I think we should learn from them.



81. born        82. ancient      83. grammar   84. peace    85. pioneers


86. decision   87. sadness   88. personal   89. carelessness   90. connecting


 91. attention   92. called   93. help   94. cold    95. present

96.lying      97. home    98. idea   99. one    100. happiness


I am glad that Li Wei has made great progress. In the past, he was often late for school. He used to quarrel with his classmates. He made a lot of noise in class. He seldom cared about the environment. He threw rubbish everywhere. He was so lazy that he didn’t do his homework. Sometimes he played computer games too much. His parents and teachers were all worried about him.

Now, he has changed a lot. He comes to school on time. He is friendly to his classmates. He listens to the teachers carefully in class. He often helps collect the rubbish with other students. He is hard-working and often does extra work for us. He can finish his homework on time. All the teachers and classmates like him very much.

I hope our class will organize more activities. Our classmates will take part in them actively. We will certainly be friendlier, more helpful and more skillful.