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吉林省长春市2018届九年级英语上学期期末基础教育质量监测试题(扫描版,含听力) 人教新目标版

吉林省长春市2018届九年级英语上学期期末基础教育质量监测试题(扫描版,含听力) 人教新目标版参考答案




1. What do you think of this book?

2. I’m going to spend my vacation in Hawaii.

3. Excuse me, where’s the school library?

4. Would you like to play basketball with us?

5. How nice your new sweater is!


6. M: My watch doesn’t work. I want to buy a new one. Could you please go with me?

W: Certainly. Let’s go now.

Q: Where will they go?

7. M: What bad weather! I don’t like the rain.

W: The rain won’t last long. The radio says it will be fine later on.

Q: What will the weather be like soon?

8. M: Does your uncle usually go to work by bike?

W: No. He usually goes to work by motorbike, but today he went to work on foot.

Q: How did the woman’s uncle go to work today?

9.W: Good morning, this is Jinjiang Hotel.

M: Good morning. I want to book a single room from June 1st to June 3rd.

W: OK, a single room for three days.

Q: How long will the man stay in the hotel?

10.W: Are you going to watch the football match tonight?

M: No. My parents are not at home, so I’ll have to look after my little brother.

Q: What will the boy probably do tonight?


11. Most kids like Father Christmas and they expect to get presents from him on Christmas Day.

12. It’s hard to run away from tall buildings when a sudden accident happens.

13. President Xi gave the Trumps a warm welcome during their visit in China last month.

14. Paper cutting is a traditional Chinese culture that even many western people like a lot.

15. If you like outdoor sports in winter, welcome to Jilin. We have the most beautiful snow here. IV.听较长对话,选择最佳答案。


W: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. I bought this CD player here and there’s something wrong with it.

W: I see. When did you buy it?

M: I only bought it three days ago, on Monday. I felt quite angry, you know.

W: Sorry, sir. Well, I can give you the money back or change the CD player for a new one.

M: I think I’d like my money back.

W: Certainly. Could you write your name on this form, please?

M: Of course.

听第二段对话, 作答第18-20小题。

W: Good morning, Steven! Have you brought my guitar here?

M: Oh, no! Karen!

W: What do you mean by saying “Oh, no!”?

M: I think ….I left it at home!

W: But I’ve got a music lesson this afternoon!

M: I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, Karen!

W: Well, it doesn’t matter. Maybe I can share with Judy.

M: I’m afraid you can’t. Judy is ill in hospital.

W: I’m sorry to hear that. But what should I do with my music lesson?

M: Don’t worry, Karen. I’ll go back home for the guitar at lunchtime.

W: Great! I’ll wait for you.


Victor had two sons. One morning Victor took his two boys and his pet dog to the town in his car to buy some food. He left his two boys and the dog in his car while shopping. A few minutes later, he was told his car was stolen.

Victor called the police at once and they began to discuss how to save the boys. While they were worried at the police station, the dog was so mad at the thief who was driving the car. It sat at the front seat and kept shouting at him. And the two boys shouted at the thief, “Stop! Stop! It’s not your car!”

The two boys and the dog made the thief so scared that he asked them for their address. Then he stopped the car in front of Victor’s house and ran away, covering his face with his shirt. Victor’s wife called him to tell that the car, the boys and the dog were back home safely.



I. 1-5 ABCAC

II. 6-10 CACCB

III. 11-15 CFEAB

IV. 16-20 ABCAB

V. 21-25 ABACB

二、词汇与语法 (共15分)

VI. 根据句意及首字母提示,填入一个最恰当的单词,使句意完整,语法正确。(共5分,每小题1分)

26. until     27. off   28. regret     29. on      30. health

VII. 短文改错。(共10分,每小题1分)

31. take --- took           32. will ∧ needed --- be

33.  in                     34. join --- joining

35. closed --- close            36. tree --- trees

37. them --- it             38. happy --- happily

39. who --- which/ that     40. a --- an

三、交际运用 (共15分)

VIII.从方框内所给的句子中选择恰当的选项完成下面对话, 其中有一项是多余的。(共5分,每小题1分)

41-45  DBGEF

IX. 在对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整。(共10分,每小题2分)

46. What are you doing (now)

47. What’s that/ it/ “Mei Tuan Wai Mai”(about)/ What can we use it to do/ What is it used for

48. order/ get/ buy/ search for/ find/try

49. Anything else/ Would you like something / Do you want anything to drink/ any drinks

50. pay for

四、阅读 (共45分)



51-55 BDACB    56-60  ACCDB     61-65   DACAB

XI. 阅读理解。(30分)

Passage 1  66-70 ADBCD       Passage 2    71-75 CDACB     Passage 3  76-80 TFTFT

Passage 4  81. farther                 82. difficult

83. strong men             84. like               85. dress up

Passage 5 

86. He found it in the fridge. /In the fridge./ In the kitchen.

87. Because they (both) wanted to eat/get the pudding. / To eat the pudding./ They wanted

the pudding.

88. They felt amazed and disappointed./ Amazed and disappointed.

89. After watching Ollie finish the whole pudding by itself.

90. They learned that they shouldn’t be greedy./ They shouldn’t be greedy. / They should share things with others. / They learned to share. / They learned not to be greedy.

五、书面表达 (共20分)

Dear schoolmates,

How time flies! I'm graduating from our school. At the moment, I would like to share my experience of school life with you.

In my opinion, learning how to arrange our time wisely is the most important.   When I am in class, I always follow the teachers and think carefully. When I have problems, I ask my teachers for help even at the break time. When I go home on the bus, I am used to planning the work in the evening.

Besides, I make my weekends meaningful and colorful. I usually spend an hour playing ping-pong. I believe that playing ping-pong can help me concentrate on things for a longer time. And sometimes I go to the movies to relax myself. Then I feel more energetic and work harder for the coming new week.

Remember that every minute counts.Try not to waste time, because we can’t call yesterday back.

I hope these tips can be helpful to you. Wish you success.

Yours truly,

Li Hua