精英家教网> 试卷> 山东省威海经济技术开发区2016-2017学年八年级英语上学期期中试题 > 题目详情


一、      阅读理解(5篇30分.)


1-5. BCBAA   6-10.BCBCB   11-15. ABCCA      16-20.FFTTT


21. (In) Korea.    22. No,( it isn’t.)

23. No (we can't).    24. Three/3.  25. You should give/send pink roses to say thank you.

二、    单词拼写(8分)

26. argued    27. completely   28. against    29. shining 

30. threw     31. silence      32. shocked    33. typical


34. improving    35. listening   36. to learn    37. speaking 

38. Smiling  39. to remember   41. to remember   42. counting

四、    完成句子(6个12分)

42.Could you please not refuse to help me?

43. He didn’t come back to Wendeng until I wrote to him.

44. Why not get on well with your friends?

45. While my mother was sweeping the floor, I was listening to English this morning.

46. Kate realized (that) she left her homework at home.

47. She will/can hang out with friends as soon as she finishes her homework.

五、    选词填空(10分)

48. G  49.F  50. C   51. J   52.B  53.A  54. I   55.D  56. H   57.E

六、    作文(12分)