精英家教网> 试卷> 福建省龙岩市大池中学2015届九年级英语上学期第三次阶段考试试题 > 题目详情



1. M: Where have you been during the summer holiday, Rita?

  W: I’ve been to Mount Huang with my parents. I know Jane has been to Cuba. What about you, Kangkang?

M: I’ve been to an English training school.

2. M: Maria, have you ever worked for the disabled children?

  W: Yes, I have cleaned their rooms. My friend Rita has told stories to them. How about you, Kangkang?

  M: I have fed the disabled children.

3. M: Which country has the largest population, do you know?

  W: China does. And India is second with 1.1 billion.

  M: What’s the population of the U.S. A.?

  W: 296 million.

4. M: Sally, where do you want to live, in a small town or a big city?

  W: In a big city. I can go shopping easily, and the transportation is excellent. What about you, Li Ming?

  M: I prefer to live in the small town . The air is clean and fresh.

5. W: What are you doing, Steve?

  M: Oh, I’m reading a story book. It’s very interesting. I began at 8:00.

  W: Oh, it’s a long time. You see, it’s 10:00 now.

6. W: Breathing polluted air is harmful to human’s health.

M: I agree with you.

7. M: I’ve written a book on the environment.

W: That’s great. We should spread the message about protecting the environment.

8. M: What kind of bags do you use for shopping?

W: Recycled plastic.

9. W: I don’t feel very well. I’m always in a bad mood.

M: I’m afraid there’s too much traffic here. It makes you uncomfortable.

10. M: The government has done something useful to reduce or control the pollution.

W: Great. I hope everything stays fine.

B). 听下面两段对话和一段独白,听完第一段对话后回答第11 – 13 小题;听完第二段对话后回答第14 – 16小题;听完独白后回答第17 – 20 小题。听每段对话或独白前你都有40秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分)

Conversation 1

W: Hi! Jack. Nice to see you here.

M: Nice to see you, too.

W: How long have you been in London?

M: Oh, only a few days. We came four days ago, and I’m sorry to say we have to return in three days.

W: Is this your first visit?

M: It’s my wife’s first visit, but I’ve been here five times before. I have to come over once a year on business.

W: And what do you think of London?

M: Oh, I think it’s a wonderful place. I feel quite at home in London.

Conversation 2

M: Hi, Lora. What day is it tomorrow?

W: It’s Tree Planting Day, Mike.

M: What are you going to do on Tree Planting Day?

W: Our class want to plant trees on the West Hill.

M: Good. It’s good to plant trees because trees can make air fresh. But how to get to the West Hill?

W: By bus.

M: Can I go with you?

W: Of course. It’s our duty to plant more trees. You can join us at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Let’s meet outside our school gate.

M: All right. I’ll be there on time. See you tomorrow!

W: See you!


There are about 59 million people in the United Kingdom. This is a big population for such a small country. But the large parts of the country have few people. Most of the population is crowded in the big cities and developed areas. About 53.1 million people live in cities and towns. Only about 5.9 million people live in the countryside. Today very few people-about 1.18 million are farmers and farm workers.

England has much more people. About 46 million people live in England. Of course, about 14 million people live in London and the southeast. London is now a city of about 7 million people. Most of Scotland’s 6 million people live in the center.

C) 听下面一段短文,然后根据短文内容完成表格。听短文前你有50秒钟的时间阅读表格内容。短文读两遍。(每小题1分)

China has developed so fast in recent years. I can feel it myself. I remember something about ten years ago. When I was in my childhood, my family didn’t have many kinds of food to eat. We could only eat a few fruits and vegetables. We didn’t get a chance to wear new clothes or eat meat except during the Spring Festival. People did nothing except playing cards in their spare time. But now our life has got much better. Not only do we have all kinds of food to eat, but also we can eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables. If we want to, we can wear new clothes every day. What’s more, our life of spirit becomes richer. In our spare time, we can do many things to relax ourselves, such as go traveling and do some sports.


1-5 CABCC   6-10 CBBCC  11-15 ABABC  16-20 BBACB

21.vegetables   22.kinds   23. Festival   24. cards   25. traveling


26-30 DBDCC  31-35 ACDAC  36-40 DBBAC


41-45 BCBCC 46-50 BAACC 51-55 DABBD

56. died   57.has been   58.hard   59.make   60.need 

61. like   62.to help   63.study   64.pay     65.decided


66-70  DCBBD  71-75 ADADC  76-80 DABDB

81. No, they can’t.

82. The students of Beijing 101 Middle School.

83. They are too expensive.

84. The quality of the shopping bag and how much it can hold.

85. They want their bags to be nice and to look cool.


The Population Problem

The population problem is one of the most serious problems in the world today. China has the largest population in the world.

If population grows too fast, it will bring lots of serious troubles. Overpopulation makes the traffic crowded. It makes the environment terrible. So we must try our best to control the population.