精英家教网> 试卷> 西宁城区2016年高中招生考试 > 题目详情



一、     听力理解(每小题1分,共20分)

1 — 5   C  A  C  B  C                  6 — 10  B  C  A  C  B

11—15  A  B  B  C  A               16—20  C  B  A  C  B


21—25  B  C  A  D  A               26—30  C  B  A  D  A   

31—35  B  C  D  A  B


36—40  C  A  B  D  A                   41—45  B  C  A  D  B

四、阅读理解(46—55题, 每小题2分;56—60题, 每小题1分,共25分)

46—50  B  C  D  B  A               51—55  D  A  C  B  A 

56—60  C  A  D  B  D


61—65  B  G  F  E  D

66. making        67. interested       68. over / finished / up       

69. customers         70. wait


71. quickly         72. youngest    73. nothing         74. covered      

75. disagreed       76. tree’s         77. beauty


78. book; words

79. 但(是)(甚至)更重要的一点是书可以给你现代媒体不能给予的东西。

80. Three (reasons). / 3 (reasons). / It mentions three / 3 (reasons).

81. It’s of little use.

82. Reading can bring us pleasure.



83. supposed; person                84. put; off

85. safety; avoid                   86. taken; place


One possible version:

The Most Important Thing in My Life

In my opinion, the most important thing in life is time. However long one may live, his life has only a certain number of years. And once the time goes by, nobody can get it back. Even though he is the richest person in the world, he cannot afford to waste time, because it means that he is wasting his own life.

The only thing we can do is to make full use of our time. If we can finish more work with less time, we will have more time than other people.