精英家教网 > 试题搜索列表 >once anfarmer nearly spent all hia life on his farm in the courthysidr

once anfarmer nearly spent all hia life on his farm in the courthysidr答案解析

科目:czyy 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省泰兴市九年级上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Everyone should work hard more and succeed but it is not wise to get success at the cost of family and health.

There was once a hard-working father. He tried his best to support his wife and three children. He spent all his evenings attending classes, hoping to improve himself so that he could one day find a better-paid job. He hardly ate a meal together with his family. He worked and studied very hard because he wanted to      his family      the best things that money could buy.

   Whenever the family complained, he said that he was doing all this for them. But he often wished to spend more time with his family.

   ②The day came when the father was offered a good job. It paid quite well.

   However, the family still did not get to see the father for most of the week. He went on working hard, hoping to get the position(职位) of manager.

   The father’s hard work paid off and he was promoted(提升). Excitedly, he decided to hire a maid(女仆) so his wife did not have to do the housework any more. He also felt that their three-room house was no longer big enough. It would be nice for his family to be able to enjoy the comfort of a large house. The father decided to further his studies.

   As expected, the father’s hard work paid off again and he bought a beautiful house. He told his family that he had decided not to work so hard. From then on he was going to devote more time to his family.

   The next day, the father did not wake up. 

1.在①处填写适当的词,使句子完整.___________ ______________


3.回答问题Except what did the father do everything he had aimed to do?


4.在文章中找出He was rewarded and got high position. 的同义句





科目:czyy 来源:2013届辽宁省大石桥市水源二中九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

There was once a man called Mr. Flowers, and flowers were his only joy in life. He spent all his spare time in one of his four glass-houses and grew flowers of every color, with long and difficult names, for competitions, he tried to grow a rose of a new color to win the silver cup(银杯) for the Rose of the Year.
Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses were very close to a middle school. Boys of around thirteen years of age were often tempted to throw a stone(石头) or two at one of Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses. So Mr. Flower did his best to be in or close by his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school day.
But it was not always possible to be on watch at those times. Mr. Flowers had tried in many ways to protect his glass, but nothing had been useful. He had been to report to the headmaster, but this bad not done any good. He had tried to drive away the boys when they threw stones. He had even picked up all the stones around his garden, so that the boys would have nothing to throw, but they soon found others.
At last Mr. Flowers had a good idea. He put up a large notice. It was made of good, strong wood. It was some meters away from the glass-houses. On it he had written the words: DO NOT THROW STONES AT THIS NOTICE. After that, Mr Flowers had no further trouble: The boys were much more attempted to throw stoned at the notice than at the glass-houses.
【小题1】It was Mr. Flowers’ hope to ____

A.build glass-houses in his spare time
B.grow the rose in a glass-house
C.win a silver cup for growing a rose of a new color
D.grow a rose with the longest name
【小题2】Boys were often tempted to ____
A.throw stones at Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses
B.throw stones at Mr. Flowers from their school
C.be in or close by Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses
D.play with Mr. Flowers near his glass-houses
【小题3】Mr Flowers stayed in or close by his glass-houses ____
A.at times when school-boys were walking near them
B.all the school day when there were no boys around
C.where he could not be seen by the boya passing
D.in his spare time at the beginning and end of the school day
【小题4】Mr. Flowers had tried to ____ to protect his glass.
A.be on watch in his spare time
B.ask the headmaster for help
C.pick up all the stones around his garden
D.do all the above
【小题5】Mr. Flowers’ good idea was to ____
A.write some words on the glass
B.put up a larger notice to cover his glasshouses
C.give the boys something else to throw stones at
D.send for policemen


科目:czyy 来源:2015届广东深圳福田区新洲中学八年级第一学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mr Smith gave his wife money every Friday evening. His wife always spent it all the next Wednesday, so that for the next three days she had no money to spend at all. One day Mr Smith asked her," But how did you spend all that money?" She answered, "I don't know . "So one Friday evening, Mr Smith gave her money together with an exercise book and a pencil. He said to his wife ,"Please write down how you spend the money . "Next Tuesday, his wife had no money again. Mr Smith took the exercise book to see how she had spent it. "I have done what you told me ,"she said gladly. She had written "Friday, I got 18 pounds from Mr Smith. "on the first page, and on the second page, she wrote ,"Tuesday, I have spent it all. "

1.Mrs Smith always spent all the money ____.

A. the next day B. in four days C. in a week D. on next Wednesday

2.Mr Smith gave his wife an exercise book and a pencil and asked her____

A. to do homework

B. to have a look

C. to write down how she spent the money

D. to draw a picture on it

3.Mrs Smith was ____ to do what Mr Smith asked her to .

A. happy   B. sad  C. sorry   D. excited

4.Mr Smith gave his wife money ____ a week.

A. once  B. twice C. three times  D. four times

5.The story tells us that Mrs Smith was not very ____.

A .glad B. tall C. careful D. Good



科目:czyy 来源:2013届度江西省赣州市八年级上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Smith gave his wife money every Friday evening. His wife always spent it all the next Wednesday, so that for the next three days she had no money to spend at all. One day Mr. Smith asked her, “But how did you spend all that money?” She answered, “I don’t know.” So one Friday evening, Mr. Smith gave her money together with an exercise book and a pencil. He said to his wife, “Please write down how you spend the money.” Next Tuesday, his wife had no money again. Mr. Smith took the exercise book to see how she had spent it. “I have done what you told me,” she said gladly. She had written “Friday, I got 18 pounds from Mr. Smith.” on the first page, and on the second page, she wrote, “Tuesday, I have spent it all.”

1. Mrs. Smith always spent all the money       .

A.the next day

B.in four days

C.in a week

D.on next Wednesday

2. Mr. Smith gave his wife an exercise book and a pencil and asked her       

A.to do homework

B.to have a look

C.to write down how she spent the money

D.to draw a picture on it

3.Mrs. Smith was        to do what Mr. Smith asked her to.





4. Mr. Smith gave his wife money        a week.



C.three times

D.four times

5. The story tells us that Mrs. Smith was not very       .







科目:czyy 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省大石桥市九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There was once a man called Mr. Flowers, and flowers were his only joy in life. He spent all his spare time in one of his four glass-houses and grew flowers of every color, with long and difficult names, for competitions, he tried to grow a rose of a new color to win the silver cup(银杯) for the Rose of the Year.

Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses were very close to a middle school. Boys of around thirteen years of age were often tempted to throw a stone(石头) or two at one of Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses. So Mr. Flower did his best to be in or close by his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school day.

But it was not always possible to be on watch at those times. Mr. Flowers had tried in many ways to protect his glass, but nothing had been useful. He had been to report to the headmaster, but this bad not done any good. He had tried to drive away the boys when they threw stones. He had even picked up all the stones around his garden, so that the boys would have nothing to throw, but they soon found others.

At last Mr. Flowers had a good idea. He put up a large notice. It was made of good, strong wood. It was some meters away from the glass-houses. On it he had written the words: DO NOT THROW STONES AT THIS NOTICE. After that, Mr Flowers had no further trouble: The boys were much more attempted to throw stoned at the notice than at the glass-houses.

1.It was Mr. Flowers’ hope to ____

A.build glass-houses in his spare time

B.grow the rose in a glass-house

C.win a silver cup for growing a rose of a new color

D.grow a rose with the longest name

2.Boys were often tempted to ____

A.throw stones at Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses

B.throw stones at Mr. Flowers from their school

C.be in or close by Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses

D.play with Mr. Flowers near his glass-houses

3.Mr Flowers stayed in or close by his glass-houses ____

A.at times when school-boys were walking near them

B.all the school day when there were no boys around

C.where he could not be seen by the boya passing

D.in his spare time at the beginning and end of the school day

4.Mr. Flowers had tried to ____ to protect his glass.

A.be on watch in his spare time

B.ask the headmaster for help

C.pick up all the stones around his garden

D.do all the above

5.Mr. Flowers’ good idea was to ____

A.write some words on the glass

B.put up a larger notice to cover his glasshouses

C.give the boys something else to throw stones at

D.send for policemen



科目:czyy 来源:江苏中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     When we compare ourselves with great people, we may feel very ordinary (平凡的) and unimportant.
However, we must remember that those great people were extraordinary (卓越的). The world has more
than 6 billion people, so it is difficult for all of us to be extraordinary. What can we do? We can try to be
the best people that we can possibly be.
     ①I think this means that we need to be honest and hard-working. We also need to be open-minded and
kind to other people. Most importantly, we need to be ambitious (有雄心的). We need to always set goals
for ourselves and work hard to achieve these goals.
     Madam Curie and Thomas Edison were hard-working, kind and ambitious, and they worked hard to
achieve their goals. Curie gave her life to"ease(减轻) human suffering". Edison spent his life as an inventor.
He invented a camera that showed movement. Later people used cameras to make modem films.
     A famous writer from Ireland once wrote,"We are all in the gutter (社会底层) but some of us are looking
at the stars." ②I often come up with this when I am unable to achieve something. It reminds me that we
are all at a lower level and that we all have a higher goal to work towards. It makes me try to be the best
person that I can possibly be.
1. Is it difficult for all of us to be extraordinary according to the passage?
2. What did people use cameras to do later?
3. 翻译文章中①处。
4. 翻译文章中②处。
5. What is the best tide of this passage? (within ten English words) 


科目:czyy 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     One day, Mrs. King asked Lucy to go shopping for her.
     "Here is a shopping list, so you won't forget anything," she said.
     "OK, Mum" said Lucy. When she got to the shop, she picked up all the things on the list.
     "I haven't forgotten anything," she said to herself. But then it was time to pay for them.
     "Oh, sorry!" she said to the shopkeeper. "I've forgotten my money! Well, I'll keep the things on this
shelf for you," said the shopkeeper.
     Lucy ran home at once. Her mother saw her when she arrived.
     "That was quick!" she said. "Have you finished yet?"
     "No, Mum,"said Lucy. "I forgot the money!"
     "Well, you should take the shopping basket with you, too!" said Mother.
     In the shop, Lucy got all the things on her shopping list, and took them home. When she reached
home, her mother asked:
     "Have you got everything?"
     "Yes, Mom," said Lucy.
     "I haven't forgotten anything." She quickly put the basket on the table. She was taking things out of
the basket when she dropped a bag of sweets. The bag fell on the floor and broke open. The sweets went
everywhere! "Oh, my dear!" she said.
     "Bad luck!" said Mother.
     "It doesn't matter!" They both started to pick them up.
     "How much did you pay for all these things?" asked her mother.
     "Not too much," said Lucy. "I didn't spent all the money. I brought some back." 
     "Where is it?" asked the mother.
     "Here it is, Mum! That's one thing I haven't forgotten today!"
1. What did Mrs. King give Lucy before she went shopping?
2. Why did the girl have to run home? 
3. What her mother tell her to take? 
4. Did Lucy get everything at last? 
5. What happened when she was taking the things out of the basket? 


科目:czyy 来源:素质教育新同步  初中英语第一册(下) 题型:054


  Mike had been delivering(送) newspapers for a week, but he was still not quite sure 1 he was going to like his first job. Today he was to 2 the month's money from his customers(顾客). At the first house, Mike walked 3 the Pierce's barking dog, 4 was tied up in the front yard. When he 5 the door, he got up enough 6 to ring the bell. He told the man what he 7 . Mr Pierce didn't smile or say anything, 8 he handed Mike a bill. Mike 9 counted out the man's change.

   10 the time got to the 11 house, Mike felt a little 12 at ease. Mr Simon was repairing his 13 .He, too, gave Mike a 14 , but he smiled and talked 15 Mike gave him his 16 .

  As Mike walked to the third house, he 17 a bit uneasy. Mr Swenson was just 18 home from the store, and he stopped 19 he saw Mike. Mr Swenson 20 Mike the exact amount in change. They stood 21 in front of the house 22 , This wasn't 23 to be such a difficult job 24 , thought Mike as he continued on his 25 .


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[  ]

A. to


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



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[  ]

A. bit


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

B.to talk


[  ]

A. in no time
B.at once
C.for a while
D.by and by


[  ]



[  ]

A. by far
B.any longer
C.at once
D.after all


[  ]



科目:czyy 来源:中考阅读理解实战演练之人物事件篇-牛津英语 题型:050


  There was once a man called Mr.Flowers, and flowers were his only joy in life.He spent all his free time in one of his four glass-houses and grew flowers of every color, with long and difficult names, for competitions(比赛).He tried to grow a rose of a new color to win the silver cup(银杯)for the Rose of the Year.

  Mr.Flowers’ glass-houses were very near to a middle school.Boys of around thirteen of age were often tempted(引诱)to throw a stone or two at one of Mr.Flowers’ glass-houses.So Mr.Flowers did his best to be in or near his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school day.

  But it was not always possible to be on watch at those times.Mr.Flowers had tried in many ways to protect his glass, but nothing that he had done had been useful.He had been to school to report to the headmaster; but this had not done any good.He had tried to drive away the boys that threw stones into his garden; but the boys could run faster than he could, and they laughed at him from far away.He had even picked up all the stones that he could find around his garden, so that the boys would have nothing to throw; but they soon found others.

  At last Mr.Flowers had a good idea.He put up a large notice(布告)made of good, strong wood, some meters away from the glass-houses.On it he had written the words:DO NOT THROW STONES AT THIS NOTICE.After this, Mr.Flowers had no further trouble; the boys were much more tempted to throw stones at the notice than at the glass-houses.


It was Mr.Flowers’ hope to ________.

[  ]


build glass-houses in his free time


grow the Rose of the Year in a silver cup


win a silver cup for growing a rose of a new color


grow a rose with the longest name


Boys were often tempted to ________.

[  ]


throw stones at Mr.Flowers’ glass-house


throw stones at Mr.Flowers from their school


be in or near by Mr.Flowers’ glass-houses


play with Mr.Flowers near his glass-houses


Mr.Flowers stayed in or near by his glass-houses ________.

[  ]


at times when school-boys were walking near them


all the school day when there were no boys about


where he could not be seen by the boys passing


in his free time at the beginning and end of the school day


Mr.Flowers had tried to ________ to protect his glass.

[  ]


be on watch in his free time


ask the headmaster for help


pick up all the stones around his garden


do all the above


Mr.Flowers’ good idea was to ________.

[  ]


write some words on the glass


put up a large notice to cover his glass-houses


give the boys something else to throw stones at


send for policemen


科目:czyy 来源:浙江省期末题 题型:填空题

     Once Li Mingming had a happy family. His parents loved him very much. But three years ago, his father  _  1__ (突然) fell ill. The family spent all their money on the illness and became very poor. But the illness was so serious that last year his father __2__  (死). His mother  _  3  _(几乎) went mad. Li Mingming had to drop out of school and work to make money. But luckily for him,  a _ 4__  (陌生人) heard of this and would like to help the family. He __5__(寄) money and things to the family. With the help of him, Li Mingming could go to school again. During the holidays, he worked in a zoo. His duty was to    6  _ (喂养) the animals. Every day there are lots of _ 7 _(游客) visiting the zoo. And Mingming’s    8  _ (梦想) was to make lots of money and help others. So don’t  _ 9   (忘记)that life is _  10  _(充满的)of sunshine. When someone is in trouble, we should give him a hand. If so, others will help you. We should help each other.


科目:czyy 来源: 题型:054

完形填空阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项. Mr. Black worked in an office. He had neither a wife __1__ children. And he lived in an old house alone. He liked nothing but __2__. He nearly __3__ all his money on drinks. Sometimes he was hungry, so he had to borrow some __4__ from his workmates to buy a little food. One evening he met a friend of his in the street. The man asked him to have dinner in a restaurant. He was happy and __5__ a lot. When they left there at midnight, he could hardly __6__. The man had to stop a taxi and asked the __7__ to carry him home. Soon they arrived at the door of his house. With the help of the driver, he __8__. "Thank you, sir," said Mr. black. "Now I can open the door myself. " The taxi went away, but he couldn't put the key into the keyhole. He was trying to __9__ it when a policeman came. "Can I help yon put the key into the keyhole for you, sir " asked the policeman. "Thank you, sir," said Mr. Black. "The house is circling(转) now. If you can stop it __10__, I can open the door myself!"


A. or B. and C. for D. nor

[  ]


A. playing B. wearing C. drinking D. eating

[  ]


A. spent B. cost C. took D. had

[  ]


A. drink B. money C. things D. food

[  ]


A. brought B. talked C. drank D. ate

[  ]


A. stand B. work C. speak D. sleep

[  ]


A. friend B. driver C. Mr Black D. policeman

[  ]


A. got up B. got in C. got on D. got off

[  ]


A. do B. put C. push D. pull

[  ]


A. coming B. leaving C. moving D. going

[  ]


科目:czyy 来源:吉林省2011年初中毕业生学业考试英语试卷 题型:053


1The world use 1 million plastic bags every minuteThey can now be found in all parts of the worldEach plastic bag takes more than 1,000 years to disintegrate(粉碎)and never completely disappears

2When I was young, I thought space was wonderfulI spent all day imagining that I had my own spaceshipI would invite my cousins and my friends to join the trip and spend the whole day exploring other planetsThat was my earliest dream

3In Brazil, people wear white clothes on New Year's Eve(31 December)because it brings good luckAt midnight people go to the sea and jump over the waves seven timesThen they throw flowers into the sea and make wishes for the New Year

4Over hundreds of years the Earth gets hotter and then it gets colder againBut scientists are sure that what’ s happening now is differentThe world is getting warmerFor example, the way we use energy from coal and oil is making the planet hotterThis is one cause of climate(气候)changeit’s man-made

5Sometimes, good things happen because of mistakesOnce I got on the wrong trainThat was a big mistakeBut I saw a good friend on that trainI was glad I made that mistake! When a good thing comes out of a mistake, that’s a happy accident


科目:czyy 来源: 题型:054


  Mike had been delivering(送) newspapers for a week, but he was still not quite sure 1 he was going to like his first job. Today he was to 2 the month's money from his customers(顾客). At the first house, Mike walked 3 the Pierce's barking dog, 4 was tied up in the front yard. When he 5 the door, he got up enough 6 to ring the bell. He told the man what he 7 . Mr Pierce didn't smile or say anything, 8 he handed Mike a bill. Mike 9 counted out the man's change.

   10 the time got to the 11 house, Mike felt a little 12 at ease. Mr Simon was repairing his 13 .He, too, gave Mike a 14 , but he smiled and talked 15 Mike gave him his 16 .

  As Mike walked to the third house, he 17 a bit uneasy. Mr Swenson was just 18 home from the store, and he stopped 19 he saw Mike. Mr Swenson 20 Mike the exact amount in change. They stood 21 in front of the house 22 , This wasn't 23 to be such a difficult job 24 , thought Mike as he continued on his 25 .


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A. to


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



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[  ]



[  ]

A. bit


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



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[  ]



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[  ]



[  ]

B.to talk


[  ]

A. in no time
B.at once
C.for a while
D.by and by


[  ]



[  ]

A. by far
B.any longer
C.at once
D.after all


[  ]



科目:czyy 来源:2008年江苏省宿迁市初中毕业升学统一考试、英语试卷 题型:051


  When we compare ourselves with great people, we may feel very ordinary(平凡的)and unimportantHowever, we must remember that those great people were extraordinary(卓越的)The world has more than 6 billion people, so it is difficult for all of us to be extraordinaryWhat can we do?We can try to be the best people that we can possibly be

  ①think this means that we need to be honest and hard-workingWe also need to be open-minded and kind to other peopleMost importantly, we need to be ambitious(有雄心的)We need to always set goals for ourselves and work hard to achieve these goals

  Madam Curie and Thomas Edison were hard-working, kind and ambitious, and they worked hard to achieve their goalsCurie gave her life toease(减轻)human suffering”.Edison spent his life as an inventorHe invented a camera that showed movementLater people used cameras to make modem films

  A famous writer from Ireland once wrote,We are all in the gutter(社会底层)but some of us are looking at the stars”②I often come up with this when I am unable to achieve somethingIt reminds me that we are all at a lower level and that we all have a higher goal to work towardsIt makes me try to be the best person that I can possibly be

1Is it difficult for all of us to be extraordinary according to the passage?

2What did people use cameras to do later?

3What is the best tide of this passage?(within ten English words)


科目:czyy 来源:101网校同步练习 初三英语 人教社(新课标2002/3年通过) 人教版 题型:050

  There was once a man called Mr.Flowers, and flowers were his only joy in life.He spent all his spare time in one of his four glass-houses and grew flowers of every colour, with long and difficult names, for competitions(比赛).He tried to grow a rose of a new colour to win the silver cup(银杯)for the Rose of the Year.

  Mr.Flowers’ glass-houses were very close to a middle school.Boys of around thirteen years of age were often tempted to throw a stone or two at one of Mr.Flowers’ glass-house.So Mr.Flowers did his best to be in or close by his glass houses at the beginning and end of the school day.

  But it was not always possible to be on watch at those times.Mr.Flowers had tried in many ways to protect his glass, but nothing that he had done had been useful.He had been to school to report to the headmaster; but this had not done any good.He had tried to drive away the boys that threw stones into his garden; but the boys could run faster than he could, and they laughed at him from far away.He had even picked up all the stones that he could find around his garden, so that the boys would have nothing to throw; but they soon found others.

  At last Mr.Flowers had a good idea.He put up a large notice made of good, strong wood, some metres away from the glass-houses.On it he had written the words, DO NOT THROW STONE AT THIS NOTICE.After this, Mr.Flowers had no further trouble:the boys were much more tempted(引诱)to throw stones at the notice than at the glass-houses.


It was Mr.Flowers’ hope to ________.

[  ]


build glass-houses in his spare time


grow the rose of the Year in a silver cup


win a silver cup for growing a rose of a new colour


grow a rose with the longest name


Boys were often tempted to ________.

[  ]


throw stones at Mr.Flowers’ glass-houses


throw stones at Mr.Flowers from their school


be in or close by Mr.Flowers’ glass-houses


play with Mr.Flowers near his glass-houses


Mr.Flowers stayed in or close by his glass-houses ________.

[  ]


at times when school-boys were walking near then


all the school day when there were no boys about


where he could not be seen by the boys passing


in his spare time at the beginning and end of the school day


Mr.Flowers had tried to ________ to protect his glass.

[  ]


be on watch in his spare time


ask the headmaster for help


pick up all the stones around his garden


do all the above


Mr.Flowers’ good idea was to ________.

[  ]


write some words on the glass


put up a large notice to cover his glass-houses


give the boys something else to throw stones at


send for policemen


科目:czyy 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You might be crazy about Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" at an English learner, but what do you think British teenagers studying Chinese crazy about? Well, it's Cao Xueqin's classic, "The Dream of the Red Chamber".

  On December 18,2006, nine British students arrived in Beijing for a seven-day trip after winning a 2006 Chinese Speaking Competition in Britain.

     More than 170 students from 36 secondary schools took part in that competition last month. (A)It was organized by the British Council. Three of the students coming to Beijing won first prizes for Language Ability. The other six were first winners for a dramatic performance in Chinese entitled (剧名为)"A New Home for Lin Daiyu".       

"We chose to perform this drama because we all love the characters in the tragic (悲剧的) story. They're traditional and loveable," said Imogen Williams,13. who played the lead role, Lin Daiyu. (B)Williams said her group spent all their lunch breaks for nearly two months together, watching the drama, studying the characters, and practising.    "We were excited to win the grand prize--- the trip to Beijing. My mum even cried when she heard the news!" recalled Alice Clark-Edwards, who was "Wang Xifeng" in the drama.

     These students have fallen in love with Chinese literature and are crazy about Chinese music and movies.

     "I love Jay Chou, Wilber and the boy band Flowers. As for actresses, Zhang Ziyi is my favorite," said Nishat Ati,16.

1. Why were the British students able to come to Beijing for a seven-day trip?


2. What does Jmogen Williams think of the characters in the drama?


3. Which Chinese movie star does Nishat Ali like best.







科目:czyy 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Mr. Smith gave his wife money every Friday evening. His wife always spent it all on the clothes before
the next Wednesday, so that for the next three days she had no money to spend at all. One day Mr .
smith asked her, "but how did you spend all that money?"she answered, "I don't know."
     So one Friday evening, Mr. Smith gave her money together with an exercise book and a pencil. He
said to his wife, "please write down how you spend the money."
     Next Tuesday, his wife had no money again. Mr. Smith took the exercise book to see how she had
spent it, "I have done what you told me."she said gladly. She had written"Friday, I got 18 pounds from
Mr. smith."on the first page, and on the second page, she wrote, "Tuesday, I have spent it all."
1. Mrs smith always spent all the money             .
A.  the next day      
B. in four days  
C. in a week    
D. in the weekend
2. Mr smith gave his wife an exercise book And a pencil and asked her to             
A. do homework        
B. write down how she spent the money.
C. draw a picture on it    
D. keep it 
3.  Mr. smith gave his wife money               a week.
A. twice      
B. once      
C. three times      
D. four times
4. Mrs. smith was              to do what Mr. Smith asked her to do.
A. sorry      
B. exciting      
C. happy      
D. angry
5. The story tells us that Mrs. Smith was not very              .
A. glad      
B. careful        
C. good        
D. bad


科目:czyy 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There was once a man called Mr. Flowers, and flowers were his only joy in life. He spent all his spare time in one of his four glass-houses and grew flowers of every color, with long and difficult names, for competitions, he tried to grow a rose of a new color to win the silver cup(银杯) for the Rose of the Year.
Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses were very close to a middle school. Boys of around thirteen years of age were often tempted to throw a stone(石头) or two at one of Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses. So Mr. Flower did his best to be in or close by his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school day.
But it was not always possible to be on watch at those times. Mr. Flowers had tried in many ways to protect his glass, but nothing had been useful. He had been to report to the headmaster, but this bad not done any good. He had tried to drive away the boys when they threw stones. He had even picked up all the stones around his garden, so that the boys would have nothing to throw, but they soon found others.
At last Mr. Flowers had a good idea. He put up a large notice. It was made of good, strong wood. It was some meters away from the glass-houses. On it he had written the words: DO NOT THROW STONES AT THIS NOTICE. After that, Mr Flowers had no further trouble: The boys were much more attempted to throw stoned at the notice than at the glass-houses

  1. 1.

    It was Mr. Flowers’ hope to ______.

    1. A.
      build glass-houses in his spare time
    2. B.
      grow the rose in a glass-house
    3. C.
      win a silver cup for growing a rose of a new color
    4. D.
      grow a rose with the longest name
  2. 2.

    Boys were often tempted to ______.

    1. A.
      throw stones at Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses
    2. B.
      throw stones at Mr. Flowers from their school
    3. C.
      be in or close by Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses
    4. D.
      play with Mr. Flowers near his glass-houses
  3. 3.

    Mr Flowers stayed in or close by his glass-houses ______.

    1. A.
      at times when school-boys were walking near them
    2. B.
      all the school day when there were no boys around
    3. C.
      where he could not be seen by the boya passing
    4. D.
      in his spare time at the beginning and end of the school day
  4. 4.

    Mr. Flowers had tried to ____ to protect his glass.

    1. A.
      be on watch in his spare time
    2. B.
      ask the headmaster for help
    3. C.
      pick up all the stones around his garden
    4. D.
      do all the above
  5. 5.

    Mr. Flowers’ good idea was to ______.

    1. A.
      write some words on the glass
    2. B.
      put up a larger notice to cover his glasshouses
    3. C.
      give the boys something else to throw stones at
    4. D.
      send for policemen


科目:czyy 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

      May is a lovely girl with two big eyes. But she always hides them behind a pair of glasses.
      She is one of my best friends but once I nearly finished our friendship. One day, the teacher gave us
our result of English test. I did very badly so I didn't want to talk to anyone after class. Suddenly, May
said, "You look unhappy, Millie. What's wrong?" I looked up at her but said nothing. I knew she got a good
mark in the test. I thought she must make fun of me. She kept asking me, "Is it because of the test? Do you
want me to show you the right answers?" I still didn't talk to her. Then she went away with my test paper.
     In the afternoon, May gave me my test paper back. I looked at it and became surprised. May wrote the
right answers next to each of my mistakes. My face went red. How kind she was! I wanted to hug (拥抱)
her, but I only cried and said, "Thank you!" After school, May and I walked home together. I felt very happy
and thanked her again. We are still good friends now.
1. From the passage we know ______.
[     ]
A. May is my friend
B. May is lovely and kind
C. May has poor eyesight
D. All of the above
2. Millie felt sad after class because ______.
[     ]
A. she got good grades in the test
B. May did better than her in the test
C. she didn't do well in the test
D. the teacher was angry with here
3. May came up to Millie to ______ after class.
[     ]
A. go home with her
B. play with her
C. find out what happened to her
D. give the test paper to her
4. Millie felt very happy and thanked May because ______.
[     ]

A. May kept asking Millie questions
B. They are good friends
C. May wrote down the right answers for Millie
D. May helped Millie with her homework

5. Which of the following phrases has the same meaning as "make fun of"?
[     ]
A. Say hello to
B. Talk to
C. Look after
D. Laugh at


科目:czyy 来源:山东省期末题 题型:完形填空

     Once there was a boy in a small town. His   1   is to be a train-driver. But the boy was born   2   arms.
He didn't give up (放弃), and trained to use his   3   as "bands". He couldn't go to school, so he spent all
his time   4    trains coming and going because he lived near a station.
     One day he saw an empty   5  . He thought for some time and then climbed in. He started   6   with his
feet easily. The boy was short, so   7   noticed him in the train. The train arrived at a small station and then
the boy   8   it back with his feet. When he was near the   9  , its train driver caught up with the train and
stopped it. At first he was very angry, but when he saw the  10 , he was so surprised. He couldn't believe
it was true. "I have no arms, but I like train," said the boy quietly.
(     )1. A. dream   
(     )2. A. with   
(     )3. A. legs   
(     )4. A. planning  
(     )5. A. plane   
(     )6. A. her    
(     )7. A. anybody  
(     )8. A. drove   
(     )9. A. village  
(     )10. A. woman   
B. job     
B. about    
B. face     
B. watching   
B. bus     
B. him     
B. nobody    
B. pushed    
B. country      
B. man    
C. question   
C. without  
C. feet     
C. making    
C. car     
C. it      
C. somebody    
C. pulled    
C. city     
C. boy     
D. family         
D. for         
D. ears         
D. asking         
D. train      
D. them         
D. everybody                        
D. caught       
D. town           
D. girl    
