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33. The foreign research expert usually locks himself inthe laboratory as a means of protection, however, what he needs is to be fitted with a highly organized system quite different from _______ at home.

A. it          B. that     C. one         D. what


32. -- Have you completed the project?

  -- i'm sorry to tell you that we ________ it when we found how much it ________.

A. have abandoned, costs           B. abandoned ,cost

C. had abandoned, cost            D. abandoned, would cost


31. Sixty-nine miners were trapped when the local mine was flooded in Henan Province, but luckily, 400 kilogrames of milk ________ to them during the rescue.

A. got through        B. brought down C. gave away        D. gave out


30. It was _________ creative thinking that I took the course, not to get high marks in examinations.

A.developing       B.to develop     C.develop       D.to have developed


29. The moment ________ Leo will never forget is ________ Mr. Green gave him a lot of valuable   advice on how to improve his writing.

A. that ;when        B. that; that     C. when; that       D. when; where


28. Have your children answered questions beginning with "What would you do if and ________ with phrase like "you lost your key"or "someone you don't know comes to the door"?

A.ended         B.end       C.ending      D.to end


27. Despite what I'd been told about the local people's attitude to strangers, at no time _________ any   rudeness.

A. I had met         B. I met       C. have I met       D. did I meet


26. I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers ________ it   was too late to tell them.

A. as          B. that        C. until          D. when


25. There is not much time left, but ________ we must get there in time.

A.somehow        B. somewhat   C. however     D. anyway


24. -- Jack, what do you think of the event which not only promoted ________ of world hunger, but     raised a lot of money to help these poor children?

  -- That's great.

A. contribution       B. direction     C. awareness       D. loneliness

