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20.    , he often shows sympathy     the poor.

   A. A wealthy man as he is:to         B. Wealthy man as he is;for

C. A wealthy man although he is;to      D. Wealthy man although he is;for


19. As a Chinese, I was proud of     Zhang Yimou had done in the Opening Ceremony of the

  Beijing Olympic Games.

   A. what    B. where   C. that     D. which


18. --Can you come on Friday or Saturday?

  --I’m afraid     day is possible. I will go to the hospital to look after my friend.

   A. either   B. none    C. any     D. neither


17. --I’d like to book a flight to Shanghai, please.


A. No, of course not                 B. Do you mind if I said no?

C. Yes, sir, single or return?              D. You can’t. We are busy  


16. --May I smoke here?

  --If you     , choose a seat in the smoking section.

   A. should     B. could    C . must    D. may


15. Thank you for helping me. I     the final exam without your timely help.

   A. have failed   B. will fail   C. would have failed   D. must have failed


14. --Has Tom finished his report so far?

--I have no idea. He     it this morning.

   A. did     B. has done     C. was doing    D. had done


13. He is a little bit mysterious these days. Nobody in our company knows exactly     .  

   A. what he is working on    B. what is he working on

   C. what did he work on     D. what was he working on


12. --I don’t feel like going out. Why don’t we just stay home and watch TV instead?

--    You promised to take me out for dinner and to the theatre on my birthday.

   A. Great!   B. Why me?   C. Come on!   D. Not at all.


11. --Is it my appearance     the professor minds?

  --I guess not. He will consider     necessary to have an experienced assistant.

   A. which;it   B. that;it    C. which;that   D. that;that

