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28. Only when you stay with ____ local people for a period of time will you have ____ better understanding of life there.

A. a; a    B. the; a    C. the; the   D. a; the      


27. The death toll of the quake in New Zealand is _____ 150, but officials say the figure won’t stand because they are still getting information in.

A. exactly   B. appropriately   C. definitely   D. approximately   


26.He is a strict but kind-hearted father, ______ the children respect but are afraid of.

 A. /    B.that     C.for whom    D.one whom     


25.--Mum, where is my toy car? You promised.

--_____, my dear, but you know mum is pretty busy today. Tomorrow, OK?

A. So it is    B. So is it   C. So did I    D. So I did 


24.The 114 colorful clay Warriors ____ at No. 1 pit, ______ in height from 1.8m to 2m, have black hair, green, white or pink faces, and black or brown eyes.

A. unearthed; ranging    B. unearthing; ranging 

C. unearthed; ranged     D. are unearthed; are ranging         


23. What a pity! When we got to the cinema, the movie Let the Bullets Fly _________, so we saw only the end of it.

A. was finishing    B. would be finishing   C. just finished   D. had just finished  


22. Professor Li always allows his students to voice their opinions in class, ______ sometimes their opinions are not sound.

A. so that     B. in case       C. even if     D. as though    


第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. --Shall I have another look at the flat and tell you more about it?

--__________. I’ll telephone the salesgirl for details myself later.

A. Go ahead   B. Good chance    C. Don’t bother   D. It depends   

