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32. My cousin was admitted to Beijing University last autumn. It is 2014 ______ she graduates.

A. before        B. since           C. that      D. when


31. In order to pass the examination, ______.

A. Mary stopped playing computer gaines     B. Mary's father bought her a lot of books

C. a lot of books were bought by Mary' father    

D. Mary' teacher helped her with her lessons


30. Last week our subject was illegal fishing. Now we report on two cases ______ fish are both the victims and the offenders.

A. how          B. that          C. when       D. where


29. -- How do you find air conditioners made by Haier Group Corporation?

-- Of high quality. We ______ their products all these years.

A. sell          B. have sold        C. have been sold D. have been selling


28. There are dozens of Chinese restaurants in Chicago, but only a few ______ from the others.

A. stand out           B. try out          C. work out     D. break out


27. The spokeswoman said at the news conference that they were considering having the term the Russian group strongly objected to ______.

A. changing      B. changed        C. change           D. being changed


26. Alice, your parents were really anxious about you. You ______ home without a word.

A. mustn't leave         B. needn't leave  C. couldn't have left    D. shouldn't have left


25. Those overseas students volunteer 10 hours each week in Paris ______ free food and accommodation.

A. in search of          B. in contact with     C. in case of     D. in exchange for


24. My poor pet dog is seriously ill. I' m afraid it is ______ to die before long.

A. certain        B. likely          C. obvious       D. probable


23. With the development of the Internet, people in China can enjoy more ______ of speech. They can now make comments on the government according to the law.

A. freedom      B. equality        C. right       D. science

