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24.The nurse treated the naughty boy very kindly,but her patience    at last.

A.went down   B.used up     C.got away     D.gave out


23.-I hear Warren    in a middle school.

-What?I can’t imagine him    as a teacher.

A.teach;to woke  B.teaches;working  C.teaches;to work  D.teach;working


22.­­­-John,you’ve never been to the Great Wall since you came to China,I’m afraid.

-    .

A.No,I’ve just been there with Mary   B.Yes,never.How about you?

C.No,but how I with to!        D.Yes,but I’d like to as soon as possible


21.I didn’t like aunt Lucy,who    without warning and bringing us presents.

A.always turned up         B.has always turned up

C.had always turned up        D.was always turning up


20.The situation has become extremely tense.A war     break out any time between the two sides.

       B.will       C.could      D.must


19.He changed his mind for the second time ,after   I refused ever to go out with him again.      

A.what       B.that       C.all       D.which


18.I   it will rain at weekend, but I    it won’t.The air’s too damp.

A.hear;wish         B.expect;hope       C.suppose;want      D.guess;belive


17.-It isn’t very nice. –Oh ,dear. I     you    it.

    A.think;like         B.thought;would like  C.have thought;liked    D.think;will like


16.-Which share is meant for me? –You can take    half.They’re exactly the same.

  A.this              B.any              C.each            D.either


15. I tried to get them to _____ the price of the TV set, but they refused to. So I didn’t buy it.

  A. go down     B. go up       C. bring down    D. bring up

