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32.Next Sunday ,____ I will spend going fishing ,I’m sure ,will be another exciting day.

A.by then     B. what       C. when     D. which


31.-Could you please tell me more about the city ?

   -Sorry , I’m also a newcomer . I know nothing else___ you know now.

   A. except for    B. but that      C. except what  D traveling


30.-Why didn’t you tell me what had happened to you ?

   -___, but I was afaid that you would worry .

    A.I hoped so    B. I would      C. I’d like to  D. I’d like to have


29.-Will you please repeat your idea?

   -Certainly . But I think it certain you ___ your attention.

   A. didn’t pay    B. weren’t paying   C. hadn’t paid  D. wouldn’t pay


28.-Is your school life ___ of other teens?

   -In many ways , yes.

   A. this       B. the same       C. one    D. that


27.-He ought to have heen warned of the danger.

   -_______, but he wouldn’t listen to me .

   A. So ought he   B.So he was      C.So was he  D.So he had


26.-You’re late again.

   -Yes. I couldn’t find my key to the car when ____ home .

   A . leaving     B. to leave      C. left    D.having left


25. I have got an appointment ,but there’s only a quarter left, I’ll never ___ it.Could you give me a lift?

    A. miss      B. promise      C.meet    D. do  


24.The guy who ___ that door first will be an April fool ,for there is a broom on it .

 A. will open    B.has opened    C. opens   D. should open


23.-Tom, you ‘re caught late again!

  -Oh,____ .

  A. not at all             B. just my luck 

  C. never mind            D. that’s all right

