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28. The radio says the temperature will rise to 7°C this weekend, ______ is, 7t above freezing point.

A. it        B. which      C. that     D. what


27. ______ in classroom all day, the students have no ______ to get close to nature, so how can we expect them to develop creativity?

A. Seated; interest            B. Sitting; hope

C. Seated; choice                D. Sitting; opportunity


26. -The task should _____ without delay.

-I am ______, sir.

A. be done; to blame          B. be done; to be blamed

C. have been done; to blame       D. have done; to be blamed


25. Of all the subjects, I like ______ geography best mainly because it gives us ______ useful knowledge of the world we live in.          

A. the; a      B. /; a       C. a; the      D. the; an


24. I don't think George is the right person to ______ the plan.

A. carry out     B. set out      C. put out     D. bring out


23. -How do you like the advertisement for weight loss products, darling?

A. It's too boring and doesn't make sense!    B. Oh, I found some fat and stupid people.

C. I'm going to lose some weight.       D. I'm afraid you' d better go on a diet.


22. Li Hua is determined to get a good result in English contest ______ she has to stay up nearly one week.

A. as if       B. even if      C. unless      D. now that




21. - You are wanted on the phone, Mrs. Wang. -______ no one knows I' m here.

A. And       B. For       C. So       D. But

