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15.(1)Shall we have her _______ there?

 (2)Shall we get her ________ there?

 A. to go B. go C. went D. gone


14.(1)Zhang Ming is taller than ______ in his class.

 A. any students B. anyone C. any other student D. others

 (2)He studies English harder than _______ in his class.

 A. any students B. any boys C. anyone D. any girls


13.(1)-“_______ can the work be done?” -In five hours.

 (2)-______ have you studied English? -For six years.

 A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far


12.(1)________ knows the truth will tell you about it, I think.

 A. Who B. That C. No matter who D. Whoever

 (2)Don’t trust him, ______ he says.

 A. what B. no matter what C. whatever D. B and C


11.(1)Mr. Johnson must have come back yesterday, _______?

 (2)He must have waited here for a long time, _______?

 A. hasn’t he B. haven’t he C. mustn’t he D. didn’t he


10.(1)There are many trees on _______ side of the street.

 (2)There are many students watching the volleyball match on _______ side of the playground.

 A. all B. both C. every D. each


9.(1)Let’s start at once, _______?

 (2)Let us go, _________?

 A. will you B. shall we C. do you D. do we


8.(1)It is 10 years sine we _______ school.

 A. left B. have left C. had left D. leave

 (2)This is the first time I _______ here.

 A. was B. am going C. have been D. came


7.(1)-I watched TV last night. -_________. -________.

 A. So I did B. So did I C. So I was D. So was I

 (2)Mr. Chen is a teacher and works very hard, _______ his wife.

 A. So does B. So is C. So it is with D. It is same with


6.(1)He said that Mary had done it, ________?

 A. hadn’t she B. hadn’t Mary C. didn’t he D. did he

 (2)It’s my son’s birthday next week, and I have to do my best for that, ________?

 A. isn’t it B. is it C. haven’t I D. don’t I

