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35. - Do you have the time?

  - Sorry,I have no watch.

  - ____

   A. What a shame. B. Thanks anyway.  C. It doesn't matter.  D. Why not buy one?


34. - You couldn't have chosen any gift better for me.

   - _____  

   A. Oh,don't you like it?   B. That's all right.I'll give you a better one next time.

C. I'm glad you like it so much.    D. You have a gift for music,don't you?


33. - What's the matter,Jim?You look sad.

  - Oh,nothing much.Actually,I _____ of my friends.

   A. am considering             B. have just dreamed

C. was just thinking            D. had just talked


32. --- Do you think all the exercises in the book are good?

 --- ____ of them are very good. But some could have been better.

   A. None             B. Few             C. Most         D. Rest


31. __ How much shall I pay for the phone call?

__ You ____. This is free of charge.

A.  shouldn't       B. can't          C. don't have to    D. mustn't

