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15. If you work hard , you’ll     a good electronic engineer .

A. have     B. make    C. turn    D. learn


14. Wouldn’t it be     wonderful world if all nations lived in     peace with one another ?

A. a ; the    B. the ; the    C. a ; 不填   D. the ; 不填


13. Some countries are increasing their use of natural gas , and other forms of     .

A. source    B. energy    C. power    D. material


12. It was late at night     the Red Army arrived in that small mountain village ,     it was raining hard .

A. when ; that    B. when ; which  

C. that ; when    D. that ; which


11.     at the news that I didn’t know what to say to comfort her .

A. So sad she looked       B. So sad did she look

C. So sadly she looked     D. So sadly did she look


10. This couple have strange habits . He’d like to sleep with the lamp     at night and his wife with the window     .

A. burning ; wide open      B. burnt ; widely open   

C. burnt ; wide open       D. burning ; widely open


9. A knife and fork     needed for you to have western style food . “ You ” here     a logic subject .

A. is ; is     B. are ; are   C. is ; are   D. are ; is


8. I could see a car in the distance , but couldn’t     what colour it was .

A. see through    B. make out   C. look out     D. watch out


7. Throughout the trial , the lawyer kept any of his remarks     .

A. for the aim    B. in place   C. to the point    D. in turn


6. We have done things we ought not to have done and     undone things we ought to have done .

A. left       B. leave    C. will leave   D. leaving

