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27. Walking out of it with a _____ smile on his face, he turned _____ goodbye to his classmates in the classroom.

   A. forcing; to say     B. forced; to saying  C. forcing; to saying  D. forced; to say


26. The time is approaching ____ we will have to leave the lonely island.

      A. if            B. whether         C. that            D. when


25. –Do you mean ____ to us the phrase “to hang back from sth.”?

    --Yes. To hang back from sth means ______ unwillingness to do sth.

   A. to explain; to show                 B. to explain; showing            

   C. explaining; to show                 D. explaining; showing


24. ______ at school, Tom made an apology to his teacher for being late for that meeting.

   A. Having come      B. Returning back   C. Arrived         D. Back


23. –Who knocked at the door?

   --I’ve no idea. I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didn’t ask who ___ was.

   A. he              B. she            C. it              D. that


22. Can you tell me the name of ____ ship?

    A. the well-designed small red Chinese merchant

    B. the small well-designed red Chinese merchant

    C. the well-designed small merchant Chinese red

    D. the small red Chinese merchant well-designed


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. –You shan’t do what you wish.

  --Oh, I won’t, _______?

    A. shan’t you       B. shall I          C. won’t I          D. will I


58、选D。该题问句中的feel like doing sth. 表示“愿意,打算”,like为介词;答句中would rather后面接的宾语从句中谓语动词要用一般过去时。该句的含义是“你愿意步行去还是乘车?”“我想步行去,但既然没有多少时间了,我们就叫辆出租车吧。”

