A. make B. bring C. work D. show 查看更多



Difficult times often bring out the best in people. Many well-known people come to help those who are in trouble. And this was the case for basketball player Yao Ming. He hosted a television show in Shanghai and raised US $ 300,000 to help researchers (研究员) find a medical cure. Fund-raising, or charity, is an act of goodwill(好意) towards others.
Charities in the West have more ways. Look at a typical day for Ruth, a rich woman in the UK, for example. Ruth wakes up in the morning and collects her post. There’s a letter addressed to her with a picture of a half-dead, beaten(筋疲力尽的) horse. It’s from a charity asking Ruth to donate money to save the animals. She turns on the television, and sees a picture of a wide–eyed child dying of hunger in Africa with a request (请求) for money to help the child. The tickets for the charity shows often cost her a lot of money, but she doesn’t mind because most of the money is going to a charity that fights AIDS. She feels good about going because she’s helping the sick.
Edna, a little old lady, looks after a second-hand shop—a charity shop. Any profit (收益) it has made goes to a cancer(癌症) charity. Now that she doesn’t have to work, she has lots of time to offer her services for free.
For people like Yao Ming, Ruth and Edna, charity is a virtue (美德) that holds the same importance in life as faith and hope. “As you look back on your life, the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others,” said Scottish writer Henry Drummond.
【小题1】Yao Ming hosted a television show to _____.
A.make more moneyB.raise money for his basket team
C.make himself more famousD.raise money for researchers to find a cure for SARS
【小题2】We can infer (推断)from the passage that _____.
A.Edna may not be a rich lady but she is willing to do something for others
B.Ruth is angry because she has been asked to donate too much money
C.Ruth leads a busy life and she feels very tired
D.Yao Ming wants to be a television host
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Only Yao Ming, Ruth and Edna try their best to do things for charity.
B.Ruth has given a lot of support to charity although she is not very rich.
C.The writer hopes that more people can do things for charity.
D.Edna is very rich because she has her own shop.
【小题4】One morning, Ruth received a letter with a picture of a horse in it because _____.
A.she lost her horse
B.a charity wanted her to donate some money
C.she loved horse very much
D.she wanted to keep a horse as a pet
【小题5】The underlined(划线) part in the last paragraph probably means that _____.
A.what impresses people deeply is what they have done for others
B.when you want to do something for others, you need stand out
C.the moment you stand out, you can do something for others
D.when you look back sometimes, you need stand out


Difficult times often bring out the best in people. Many well-known people come to help those who are in trouble. And this was the case for basketball player Yao Ming. He hosted a television show in Shanghai and raised US $ 300,000 to help researchers (研究员) find a medical cure. Fund-raising, or charity, is an act of goodwill(好意) towards others.
Charities in the West have more ways. Look at a typical day for Ruth, a rich woman in the UK, for example. Ruth wakes up in the morning and collects her post. There’s a letter addressed to her with a picture of a half-dead, beaten(筋疲力尽的) horse. It’s from a charity asking Ruth to donate money to save the animals. She turns on the television, and sees a picture of a wide–eyed child dying of hunger in Africa with a request (请求) for money to help the child. The tickets for the charity shows often cost her a lot of money, but she doesn’t mind because most of the money is going to a charity that fights AIDS. She feels good about going because she’s helping the sick.
Edna, a little old lady, looks after a second-hand shop—a charity shop. Any profit (收益) it has made goes to a cancer(癌症) charity. Now that she doesn’t have to work, she has lots of time to offer her services for free.
For people like Yao Ming, Ruth and Edna, charity is a virtue (美德) that holds the same importance in life as faith and hope. “As you look back on your life, the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others,” said Scottish writer Henry Drummond.
【小题1】Yao Ming hosted a television show to _____.

A.make more moneyB.raise money for his basket team
C.make himself more famousD.raise money for researchers to find a cure for SARS
【小题2】We can infer (推断)from the passage that _____.
A.Edna may not be a rich lady but she is willing to do something for others
B.Ruth is angry because she has been asked to donate too much money
C.Ruth leads a busy life and she feels very tired
D.Yao Ming wants to be a television host
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Only Yao Ming, Ruth and Edna try their best to do things for charity.
B.Ruth has given a lot of support to charity although she is not very rich.
C.The writer hopes that more people can do things for charity.
D.Edna is very rich because she has her own shop.
【小题4】One morning, Ruth received a letter with a picture of a horse in it because _____.
A.she lost her horse
B.a charity wanted her to donate some money
C.she loved horse very much
D.she wanted to keep a horse as a pet
【小题5】The underlined(划线) part in the last paragraph probably means that _____.
A.what impresses people deeply is what they have done for others
B.when you want to do something for others, you need stand out
C.the moment you stand out, you can do something for others
D.when you look back sometimes, you need stand out


Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sadness, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to deal with various situations.
Love plays a main role in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could become cruel. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who show us with love and care. They teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we don’t always care about it. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands others’ feelings.
Happiness can bring people a peaceful mind. No mind is happy without peace. Sadness is the cause of the death of a loved one or the failure. But all of these things will pass away.
Failure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, pride and self-respect.
Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day.
Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is out of our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dark. So the only choice is to work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.
【小题1】We usually have to accept _______ if we want to be successful.

A.love B.failure
C.sadness D.hope
【小题2】In which section can readers probably read the passage?
A.Business. B.Travel.
C.Lifestyles. D.Education.
【小题3】What does the word “despair” mean in Chinese?
A.颓废 B.遗憾 C.悲伤 D.绝望
【小题4】What’s the meaning of the last sentence of the whole passage?
A.When choosing between “today ”and “tomorrow”, you’d better enjoy tomorrow.
B.If you hard work today, you will have a better life in the future.
C.What you can only choose is to work hard today rather than tomorrow.
D.The only choice you make is that you should enjoy a better tomorrow.
【小题5】What’s the puppose of the passage?
A.To encourage people to love each other.
B.To tell people how to deal with happiness and sadness.
C.To give readers some information about life.
D.To remind people to keep having a beautiful dream.


Difficult times often bring out the best in people. Many well-known people come to help those who are in trouble. And this was the case for basketball player Yao Ming. He hosted a television show in Shanghai and raised US $ 300,000 to help researchers (研究员) find a medical cure. Fund-raising, or charity, is an act of goodwill(好意) towards others.
Charities in the West have more ways. Look at a typical day for Ruth, a rich woman in the UK, for example. Ruth wakes up in the morning and collects her post. There’s a letter addressed to her with a picture of a half-dead, beaten(筋疲力尽的) horse. It’s from a charity asking Ruth to donate money to save the animals. She turns on the television, and sees a picture of a wide–eyed child dying of hunger in Africa with a request (请求) for money to help the child. The tickets for the charity shows often cost her a lot of money, but she doesn’t mind because most of the money is going to a charity that fights AIDS. She feels good about going because she’s helping the sick.
Edna, a little old lady, looks after a second-hand shop—a charity shop. Any profit (收益) it has made goes to a cancer(癌症) charity. Now that she doesn’t have to work, she has lots of time to offer her services for free.
For people like Yao Ming, Ruth and Edna, charity is a virtue (美德) that holds the same importance in life as faith and hope. “As you look back on your life, the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others,” said Scottish writer Henry Drummond.
小题1:Yao Ming hosted a television show to _____.
A.make more moneyB.raise money for his basket team
C.make himself more famousD.raise money for researchers to find a cure for SARS
小题2:We can infer (推断)from the passage that _____.
A.Edna may not be a rich lady but she is willing to do something for others
B.Ruth is angry because she has been asked to donate too much money
C.Ruth leads a busy life and she feels very tired
D.Yao Ming wants to be a television host
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Only Yao Ming, Ruth and Edna try their best to do things for charity.
B.Ruth has given a lot of support to charity although she is not very rich.
C.The writer hopes that more people can do things for charity.
D.Edna is very rich because she has her own shop.
小题4:One morning, Ruth received a letter with a picture of a horse in it because _____.
A.she lost her horse
B.a charity wanted her to donate some money
C.she loved horse very much
D.she wanted to keep a horse as a pet
小题5:The underlined(划线) part in the last paragraph probably means that _____.
A.what impresses people deeply is what they have done for others
B.when you want to do something for others, you need stand out
C.the moment you stand out, you can do something for others
D.when you look back sometimes, you need stand out


Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sadness, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to deal with various situations.
Love plays a main role in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could become cruel. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who show us with love and care. They teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we don’t always care about it. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands others’ feelings.
Happiness can bring people a peaceful mind. No mind is happy without peace. Sadness is the cause of the death of a loved one or the failure. But all of these things will pass away.
Failure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, pride and self-respect.
Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day.
Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is out of our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dark. So the only choice is to work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.
小题1:We usually have to accept _______ if we want to be successful.
小题2:In which section can readers probably read the passage?
小题3:What does the word “despair” mean in Chinese?
小题4:What’s the meaning of the last sentence of the whole passage?
A.When choosing between “today” and “tomorrow”, you’d better enjoy tomorrow.
B.If you work hard today, you’ll have a better life in the future.
C.What you can only choose is to work hard today rather than tomorrow.
D.The only choice you make is that you should enjoy a better tomorrow.
小题5:What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To encourage people to love each other.
B.To tell people how to deal with happiness and sadness.
C.To give readers some information about life.
D.To remind people to keep having a beautiful dream.

