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第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


The history of the bicycle

What has two wheels and two pedals (踏板)? A bicycle, of course! Riding a bike is a good way to get around on your own.

   16    They are easier to ride now and much lighter in weight. The first bike was built in 1817 and was called a “swift-walker”. There were no pedals on this bike. Instead, riders used their feet to start and stop the bike. Because it had no brakes, this bike wasn’t very safe.

   17    The wooden wheels made the bike ride a very bumpy (颠簸的) one. The frames (构架) of the first bikes were also made of wood. The roads were not very smooth at all. Riders felt very bumpy in the road. So some people called the bikes “boneshakers”. It wasn’t until the 1870s that metal bikes showed up on the streets. These metal bikes were very heavy!   18  

There are many different kinds of bikes today. Touring bikes and mountain bikes are just two kinds.   19    They weigh only about 25 pounds, have narrow tires, and can go very fast. Mountain bikes are for riding on hills or over rough grounds.    20    Their tires are wide and have deep grooves (凹槽) in them.

A. The first bikes had wooden wheels because rubber had not been invented yet.

B. Touring bikes are used for riding on flat roads.

C. But they were also dangerous and not very comfortable to ride.

D. Today’s bikes are very different than they were long ago.

E. They are heavier than touring bikes.

F. The earliest version of the bicycle was developed in the late 1700s.

G. And steel is still used in bikes today, but it is mixed with lighter metals.



Sitting in her yard in Hartford, Connecticut, nine-year-old Alice Cogswell watched the children playing games. From their faces she could tell that they were laughing. But she couldn’t hear their voices. Alice had been deaf, living in a quiet world since a serious illness took away her hearing when she was 2.

The year was 1814, and few opportunities (机会) were given to children like Alice. Unable to hear or talk, she didn’t attend school. There were no teachers to teach deaf children across America. In those days, most people believed that deaf children couldn’t learn at all.

One day, her neighbor, Thomas Gallaudet, noticed that Alice wasn’t playing with other kids. When he tried to speak to her, he realized that she couldn’t hear. But he couldn’t miss her bright and curious eyes. Placing his hat on the ground, he spelt the letters h-a-t. Alice understood, and soon Gallaudet became her teacher.

Gallaudet had learnt about schools for the deaf in Europe. He thought, “Why shouldn’t Alice and other deaf children in the United States have such a school?” Encouraged by Alice’s progress, Gallaudet decided to go to Europe to learn their ways. After 15 months there, Gallaudet returned to Connecticut, together with Laurent Clerc, a teacher from a famous school for the deaf in Paris, France.

Gallaudet and Clerc opened the country’s first deaf school in 1817. There were 33 teachers and students at the very beginning, including Alice. They created the American Sign Language, which was based partly on the French sign language and partly on signs the students invented. Deaf students could now learn subjects like reading, history and math, as well as skills like shoemaking and cabinetmaking (家具制造) for boys and housekeeping for girls.

12. Which of the following about deaf children in the US before 1814 is TRUE?

   A. They were treated as normal kids in schools.

   B. They communicated with others with the help of a sign language.

   C. It was almost impossible for them to receive an education.

   D. They weren’t allowed to play games with normal kids.

13. Gallaudet taught Alice to learn the first word by   .

   A. using a sign language        B. combining a thing with a word

   C. playing games together with her 

   D. telling her how to write the letters on her own

14. What can be learned from the passage?

   A. Alice made some progress in her studies.

   B. Alice was deaf when she was born.

   C. Laurent Clerc created the American Sign Language.

   D. Only boys were allowed to learn the skill in making shoes in America.

15. The passage is mainly about   .

   A. American people’s concern about deaf kids

   B. the life of an American girl Alice Cogswell

   C. the development of the American Sign Language

   D. the founding of the first school for deaf children in America



Who are your favorite teachers? My classmates and I were asked this question on the first day at the university many years ago. It was a great way to begin my career in teaching—thinking about people in the profession who had the most positive (积极的) influence on me. We were asked to write down our answers. I thought of Sister Mary Margaret and Sister Mary Anne, who taught me in the kindergarten. I thought of Mrs. Padgett and Mrs. Kofford, English teachers, and Mr. Kutras, a history teacher, in high school. Then I thought of Dr. Lincoln and Dr. Campbell, history professors, and Dr. Kirk, an English professor, who taught me in college. Then came this question, “What do they all have in common?” My hand went up first and I said, “They all loved what they were doing. They had great enthusiasm (积极性) for teaching.” All of my fellow graduate students nodded their heads.

That was the right answer Dr. McSweeney expected. He said, “I ask these questions every year, and I always get the same answers.” He went on to explain that he opened with these questions because they were proved to make things have a good start, and they would make future teachers think about what separates the great teachers from the not-so-great. He said, “We all remember our favorite teachers—the ones who had passion (激情) and enthusiasm, the ones who loved and enjoyed what they were doing. I want each of you to become that kind of teacher. Always remember those special teachers.” It was a statement I never forgot during my thirty-five years in the classroom.

8. According to the passage, an excellent teacher should have   .

   A. much experience in teaching      B. a wide range of knowledge  

   C. passion and enthusiasm for teaching 

   D. abilities to ask questions

9. The author thinks that teachers who are liked best by students   .

    A. live a positive life             B. are mostly women teachers

    C. teach very well             

   D. have positive influence on students

10. By starting with those questions Dr. McSweeney wished his students to   .

   A. become great teachers        B. enjoy his lesson

   C. remember him forever            D. tell great teachers from common ones

11. What can we learn about the author from the passge?

   A. He works in a university.      

   B. He is actually a teacher.

   C. He likes Dr. McSweeney best.   

   D. He was always the best student in school.



“The British and Americans are two peoples separated by a common language.” — Oscar Wilde

Though American English has become much different from British English, more and more British words and phrases are becoming common in American English. Here are some examples.


If there is anything Americans like, it’s a good word to express their great anger. For example, “It’s bloody cold out there! What a bloody and costly failure!” Bloody is now well accepted by most Americans. It’s a way of swearing (咒骂) in America.

Chat up

The British expression “chat up” for flirting (搭讪) is much gentler than the American expression “hit on”. That may be why more Americans are using “chat up” especially when talking about their own actions.


Before the first Harry Potter book came out, Americans only used the word ginger when referring to the spice (调味品). Ginger has almost always been a color as well as a spice for the British. Now more and more Americans are talking about “ginger cats” and “ginger hair”.

Sell-by date

More and more American members of the media are using this British term in place of the American term “expiration date” on which something, such as a license, is no longer in effect. American products are also using this term, which is a bit more descriptive than “expiration date”.

Spot on

In the 1970s, the American expression “right on” was popular, which had the same meaning as “exactly right”, but it has become out of date. Now, the British expression “spot on” has taken the place of “right on”.

4. The British will complain about the cold weather by saying “  ”.

   A. it’s bloody cold today          B. the weather chats up

   C. the weather has too much blood       D. what a bloody day

5. According to the passage, “a ginger cat” refers to a cat that   .

   A. enjoys eating ginger              B. has yellow fur

   C. smells like ginger            D. likes the color yellow

6. What does the “sell-by date” of the products mean?

   A. The price of the products.

   B. The rights that the producers should have.

   C. The date when the products are produced.

   D. The date after which the products should not be sold.

7. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

   A. English—a common language

   B. How does American English develop?

   C. British English is entering American English

   D. Differences between American English and British English



At noon I was stopped at the traffic light and saw a homeless man walking up and down in the street. It was a hot day.

“This will make him smile,” I thought. I turned my car towards a frozen yogurt (酸奶酪) shop. I took a cup and filled it and came to the counter to weigh it. I wanted to add some toppings, something delicious put on the top, but my change was not enough for that, so I asked the lady if she would take a $100 bill. She said she wasn’t allowed to accept a bill that large. So I just paid for the yogurt.

As I was about to leave, she said, “Madam, don’t disappoint (使失望) your child. Please add their favorite toppings.” I turned to her and said, “Thanks, but this is not for my child. It’s for the homeless man in the street.” She smiled with surprise and said, “Oh! That’s really sweet of you. God bless you.”  She thought for a moment, and then she said, “I think we can do better than that.”

She took a bigger cup, filled it nicely and covered it with colorful toppings. Then she handed it to me and said, “This is from me. Please give it to the homeless man. Let’s treat him nicely.” Now it was my turn to be surprised. I said, “Thanks a lot.” Then I left with a big smile on my face. On the way I said to myself, “Angels are real, aren’t they? I believe them because I saw one today!”

1. The author turned her car towards the shop in order to   .

   A. buy herself a cup of frozen yogurt

   B. cool herself in the frozen yogurt shop

   C. ask someone there to change a $100 bill

   D. make the homeless man in the street happy

2 The lady in the shop at first thought that the author   .

   A. bought something for her child 

   B. was going to do a good deed

   C. didn’t need to add some toppings  

   D. would be disappointed without toppings in her yogurt 

3. We can learn from the passage that   .  

   A. the author got a lot of colorful toppings for free

   B. the author realized that the lady was very kind in the beginning

   C. the homeless man would probably receive two cups of yogurt

    D. the lady was so moved that she didn’t take the author’s money


第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)


1. 新英语老师的外貌及爱好;

2. 你对英语老师的看法:如上课生动有趣、工作认真负责、热心帮助学生等。



