0  119561  119569  119575  119579  119585  119587  119591  119597  119599  119605  119611  119615  119617  119621  119627  119629  119635  119639  119641  119645  119647  119651  119653  119655  119656  119657  119659  119660  119661  119663  119665  119669  119671  119675  119677  119681  119687  119689  119695  119699  119701  119705  119711  119717  119719  119725  119729  119731  119737  119741  119747  119755  447090 

3. 一些学生说他们承受着父母的期望所带来的压力,还有自己给自己的压力。

Some students say they are under pressure from the expectations of their parents and themselves        .


2. 为了抗议降低工资,工人们决定在工厂里静坐示威。

The workmen decided to sit in at the factory to         the wage cuts. 



1. 专家们警告说发短信上瘾有可能成为最常见的上瘾形式,尤其在年轻人当中。

Experts warn that texting addiction             become the most common form of addiction, especially among the young.


10. Without electricity human life     quite different today.

A. is             

B. will be    

C. would have been    

D. would be 


9. It’s high time you     able to get yourself up, my boy! 

A. are        

B. were 

C. must be           

D. have been


8. This kind of work is hard and dangerous. But     you would become rich.

A. would you succeed   

B. could you succeed

C. might you succeed   

D. should you succeed


7. It is too cold outside, otherwise, I     with you.

A. would go         

B. will go

C. am going          

D. go 


6. I wouldn’t make friends with such a person even if he     the last person on earth.

A. was       

B. has been

C. had been              

D. were


5. How I wish every family     a large house with a beautiful garden!

A. has       

B. had

C. will have          

D. had had 


4. But for the fact that you     ill, I     you to help me with the farm work.

A. are; would ask      

B. were; would ask

C. are; would have asked 

D. had been; would have asked

