0  171456  171464  171470  171474  171480  171482  171486  171492  171494  171500  171506  171510  171512  171516  171522  171524  171530  171534  171536  171540  171542  171546  171548  171550  171551  171552  171554  171555  171556  171558  171560  171564  171566  171570  171572  171576  171582  171584  171590  171594  171596  171600  171606  171612  171614  171620  171624  171626  171632  171636  171642  171650  447090 

32.Jenny works hard as usual and it has___.She got the first in the final exam again.

    A.showed off      B.paid off        C.paid back       D.turned up


31.No.50 High School is as new as No.48 High School.____, it is more beautiful.

    A.If anything      B.If something     C.If necessary     D.If so


30.We students got lost in the forest and decided to remain ____we were and waited for the guide

    A.where         B.what          C.how           D.who


29.-Oh my god! You__ wear slippers to attend the conference.

    -I'm sorry I forgot there is a conference.

    A.must          B.can           C.should         D.shall


28.In this experiment, the famous professor showed three different____ to the study of physics.

    A.means         B.methods        C.ways          D.approaches


27._______the match is lost? We can fight again!

    A.Even though     B.What though     C.If though       D.As though


26.These achievements_______ without the contribution of Qian Xuesen, a key leader of the New China's nuclear, missile and so on.

    A.would have been unthinkable         B.would not be unthinkable

    C.would be unthinkable              D.would not have been unthinkable


25.I made a fire ____up the room as soon as my father came in.

    A.warm          B.warmed        C.to warm        D.warming


24.The scientists predict that if present trends____, women in 400 years will be 2cm shorter and have healthier hearts.

    A.will continue     B.continue        C.are continued    D.will be continued


23.-How about going out for a picnic on Sunday morning?

    -Hmm.___.The weather is very good these days.

    A.Yes, why not    B.Well, no way     C.Oh, never mind   D.Sure, no matter

