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2.  A. nothing    B. everything    C. anything    D. something


1.  A. call     B. calls       C. named     D. naming


15. A. for       B. up into     C. over      D. through


  It is the year 2374. It’s not a happy world because a great computer __1__ Q12 rules (统治) the earth . Few surviving (幸存) human beings have to do __2__ Q12 tells them to . __3__ , the earth was a beautiful blue planet __4___ people lived happily among trees and animals . Now the world is dark and dirty with __5_ for happiness and fun .But there is __6__ hope . Children at school are still allowed to dream about __7__ future . The leader of the humans has decided to do something to stop Q12 , __8__ the machines and people back together , and __9__ the world beautiful again . A group of experts ___10___ solve the problem , __11__ they failed . The leader has asked a group of students to do what they can __12__ the earth . The students have decided to ___13___ a peace ( 和平的) way that they teach Q12 about love and friendship  because Q12 cannot be beaten by force (武力). If they __14__ , they believe that humans and machines can live together __15__ friends in the future .


14. A. his hope    B. his hope    C. her idea     D. her wish 


13. A. find      B. say      C. know     D. mind  


12. A. cost      B. took      C. spent      D. paid


11. A. not      B. nor       C. neither     D. never


10. A. in the morning  B. at noon     C. at night     D. in the night


9.  A. searching   B. to search    C. searched    D searches


8.  A. to talk about  B. talking to    C. talking with   D. talk about

