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5. A.for      B.since     C.because   D.because of


4. A.the next day   B.tomorrow   week  day


3. A.in      B.on      C.at      D.to


2. A.blow     B.go      C.hit     D.leave


1.A.reason    B.excuse    C.day     D.decision


15.(  ) A surprise       B. surprised     C. happy      D. angry   


Don’t you want to go to school?You could tell your parents you’re ill.But last Monday,the students from Shang hai and Zhejiang had an even better   1  :typhoon(台风)!

  Typhoon Khanun(卡努)   2  East China   3  September11.In Shanghai,all the schools were closed  4  ,Monday.It was the first time that Shanghai had to close schools  5 the bad weather.But some students  6  came to school that day.“I didn’t get the notice that the school was closing,”said Shen Sheng,a junior 2 student from Shang hai Aiguo School.“ But it was nice that we could play in school rather than 7  .”The school kept Shen and other 20 students safe inside and 8  them play sports like table tennis.But the storm wasn’t all fun games.Typhoon Kahnun killed 14 people.In Zhejiang,it damaged about 8,000 houses.More than one million people  9   to safer places.

  Every year,typhoons hit different places around the world.Most  10   in July,August and September.This year 15 typhoons hit China.Among them Khanun was  11  .Typhoons 12  strong winds and rains.The winds can   13  houses and cars.The rains are bad for farmers’ fields.Typhoons also kill people. 14  this month,Typhoon Talim(泰利)hit East and Central China.It killed  15   124 people.


14.(  ) A took        B. to take      C. take       D. to be 


13.(  ) A someone else     B. else someone   C. anyone else    D. else anyone      


12.(  ) A at         B. by        C. with       D. in    


11.(  ) A in         B. at        C. for        D. to      

