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4.(  ) ----- May I speak to Betty, please?  ------ __________

A. One moment, please.  B. Sorry, I’m her mother speaking.

C. Who are you? She’s out.  D. Call back late, please.


3.(  ) _______ he was tired, ______ he didn’t stop working.

A. Although; but  B. Though; /  C. But; /   D. Though; but


2.(  ) ---- _______ do the students go swimming a week?

  ---- Once or twice.

A. How often  B. How many  C. How long  D.How soon


1.(  ) ----- Which would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice?

  ----- ________. Please give me a cup of tea.

A. Neither  B. Both  C. All  D. None



Name:Bill Allan Black

First Name:Bill

Last Name:Black

Age :12

Address:Next to the bank,Fifth Avenue ,New York ,the United States


 Favorite Subject :Math

Favorite Sport:Swimming 

  Favorite Movie :Rush Hour

Family:Dad (Mike),mom(Emma),sister(Kate)









A:You’re new here .Am I right?

B:Yes, you’re right .

A: 46              you  from  the USA ?

B:No.I come from Australia.  47              ?

A:I’m from China.

B:Do you speak English?

A:Yes,but only  48              .

C:I’m from Japan. 49              .I can also speak English.

B:Oh,really ?Iwant to learn Japanese .Could you teach me?

C:Certainly.We can teach each other. I teach you Japanese,

50                 , and he teaches us Chinese.

A:That's a  good  idea.

