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40.  All the clerks went home _______ Mr. Wang, for he had to finish his work.

    A. except      B. besides         C. without


39. 一I haven't been to the aquarium before. How about you, Tom?

一Me      .

    A. too       B. either          C. neither


38.  –Your tea, please. 

–There must be ____________ in the tea. It tastes good.

A. anything sweet    B. something sweet  C. sweet something  


37. Your father is sleeping. You’d better ___________.

A. not to wake him up  B. not wake him up   C. not wake up him 


36. 一May I have a look at your diary, Sam?

    一No, you      .

    A. may       B.mustn’t         C. couldn’t


35. 一Scott has already returned to our town.

    一Really? Where _____ you ______ him?

    A. do; see     B. have; seen        C. did; see


34. This sweater doesn't suit me. It's a bit small. Could you give me_______ one?

    A. a large     B. a larger         C. the largest


33.We have _______ rain this spring.The trees and grass don’t grow well.

    A.1ittle   B.a little    C.a few


32.What would you do if you       Liu Dehua in Jintang?

    A.meet    B.met    C.will meet


31. Jintang is famous       its  oranges.

    A.  as     B.  for     C.   with

