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Ⅹ. 根据短文情景,用恰当的短语或句子填空,使之意思完整。(每空2 分,共6分)

   Hello, everyone, welcome to Singapore, a small island in Southeast Asia. It’s a wonderful place to take a vacation. More than three quarters of the population (96)         . So you can speak putonghua most of the time. It’s an English-speaking country. Here you can practice your English.

In Singapore you’ll find lots of food (97)         like rice, noodles or dumplings; you can also find Indian food, western food or Japanese food.

The temperature here is almost the same (98)            and you can choose to come in spring, summer, autumn or winter.


95. 你想知道你的朋友想要去哪里度假,你会这么问:

   Where                              ?


94. 你知道李雷有一辆蓝色的自行车,当你看到学校车棚里仅剩下一辆红色的自行车,你会这么说:

The red bike                         Li Lei.


93. 请说说你喜欢什么样的歌手。

   I like singers                              .


92. 你的笔友来厦门住了一段时间,你想知道他对住在厦门的感觉,你会这么问:

                             in Xiamen?


Ⅷ. 根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词, 每空一词.(每词1分,共6分)

Sigmund: Hello, Sue what can I help you with?

   Sue: Hello, Mr Sigmund. I’ve got two problems.

Sigmund: Oh dear, (86)___________ the first problem?

Sue: Well, I’m not very good at sport. The other students often laugh at me.

Sigmund: I’m sorry to hear that, Sue. My (87)_________ is to try your best in PE lessons and enjoy the exercise. Now your second problem?

   Sue: I don’t have many friends. Sometimes, some students call me “Bookworm”.

Sigmund: Oh dear, that’s a pity. Are you friendly with other students, Sue?

   Sue: Yes, I’ve got one best friend, Betty.

Sigmund: That’s good. Talk to your best friend when you’re (88)_________ sad and share your problems with her. Pay (89)__________ attention to those students (90)_________ laugh at you. Be proud of your school work. I hope that will help. 

   Sue: Thank you, Mr Sigmund. I feel much (91)        now.

Sigmund: You’re welcome.



40. It’s very generous      him to donate so much money to needy children.

A. to                 B. of                 C. for   


39. ---Could you help me put up the signs on the wall?  


A. That’s a good idea           B. I hope so                C. No problem   

