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4.I prefer English/Maths(I prefer English to Maths)  5.The audience in the theatre clapped for the dancers.


Do you know Jay Chou? He is a very famous popular singer from Tainwan . When he was young , he was shy. He didn’t study well at school, and his mother often worried about his future. From then  on he was interested in music .He developed a love of musical instrument when he was three years old. In 2ooo he became a singer

Many fans like Jay and his special style of R&B. They love his music and his talents. He has released three ablums. YeHuimei is the new one. All the music in his ablum  is made by himself. Some of the lyrics are written by him ,too.

True Or False

1.(    )Jay was born in Hong Kong.

2.(    )His special style is R& B.

3.(    )He liked studying when he was young.

4.(    )His new album is YeHuimei.

5.(    )He can’t write lyrics.

Answer Sheet


I am  __1___Daqing No.1 Middle School Foreign Language School. I am _2_ Junior  One. I like __3___books and___4___computer games. But I can’t play all __5____.I’ve got a lot of subjects. English is my__6____.

English class is ___7_____.I love my English ___8____.She often let us___9__ ___10___ English songs from6:00 to 6:30p.m..Now we can __11___many beautiful English songs. We also  practise __12____ English in Oral Lesson. Our Oral __13___. She _14____ kind and beautiful. Our ___15__ life is colorful. We can _16____knowledge in class and play happily __17____class. All the __18____ in our school are kind. They teach _19___ well. We all love our __20___.

1_______ 2_______3________4_________5________6________7_______8______




--Welcome to our club. How old are you?


--Do you like music?


---Who is your favourite singer?



---I often listen to music on Sunday.

--Do you prefer Chinese music or American music?



10.--Do you mind my close the window?-It’s too cold here.


9.  Candy  didn’t leave nothing in the classroom.


8.  The plate falls of  the table.


7.  This cloth is for  clean the classroom.


6.  Where school do you study in?


5.  Please take me a   book about basketball.

