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35. I think you should complain, _____, of course, you are happy with the way things are.

  A. until        B. although       C. when        D. unless      


34. Rescuers had to _____ the search because of worsening weather conditions.

  A. call off       B. take off       C. come off      D. cut off  


33. -Are you sure Mike will help us if we are in trouble?

  - _____. He is a reliable friend.

A. It doesn’t matter            B. Don’t take it to heart 

C. You can count on it           D. No problem   


32. Nowhere else _____ be able to find a larger display of sea animals, including one of the largest collections of sharks in the world.

  A. you will      B. can you     C. could you      D. will you 

