0  294929  294937  294943  294947  294953  294955  294959  294965  294967  294973  294979  294983  294985  294989  294995  294997  295003  295007  295009  295013  295015  295019  295021  295023  295024  295025  295027  295028  295029  295031  295033  295037  295039  295043  295045  295049  295055  295057  295063  295067  295069  295073  295079  295085  295087  295093  295097  295099  295105  295109  295115  295123  447090 

31. -I’m afraid I have to give it up.

-Don’t be discouraged. Remember __________ sticks to his work will succeed one day.

A. anyone      B. who     C. no matter who    D. whoever


30. -What are you reading, Mike?   -I’m not really reading, just _________ the pages.

A. turning off    B. turning around  

C. turning over   D. turning up


29. -I ran into the back of a truck yesterday and damaged my car badly.

-I suppose you ___________ too fast.

A. had driven     B. drove      C. were driving    D. have driven


28. The       of Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People’s Olympics will allow Beijing to become the focal point for tourists from across the globe.

A. theme      B. purpose     C. task      D. brand


27. -How could I thank you enough?  -Don’t mention it. Any other man __________ that.

A. must do    B. could do    C. would have done  D. should have done


26. -There were not many people in the concert yesterday.   -Pop music isn’t ________. 

A. to everyone’s taste  B. to everyone’s joy 

C. to someone’s measure  D. to anyone’s surprise


25. - Mike got “F” in his history test.   一     ? He has been working so hard on it.

A. How come     B. So what       C. What for      D. Why not


24. - _________ was it _________ they discovered the entrance to the underground palace?

- Totally by chance.

A. What; that     B. How; that     C. When; how     D. Where; that


23. Mr. Wang made up his mind to devote all he could _____ his oral English before going abroad.

A. improve     B. to improve     C. improving     D. to improving


22. Try the new cleaner. Just a few minutes every day-that’s all it takes-_________ you could have shining floors and furniture.

A. but        B. and       C. or       D. so

