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16. Jim is an honest man; I say it, _____ I disagree with him.

A. as if   B. so that   C. even though  D. while


15.The young mother saw her baby fall to the ground,   brought her heart to her mouth.

    A.it     B. which          C. that      D.this


14. I am ____ for not being able to get myself ____ to the students so I will not blame the misunderstanding upon them.

  A. to blame; across   B. to be blamed; cross 

 C. blamed; cross     D. being blamed; across


13. All things    into consideration, the planned trip will have to be called off.

A. taken  B. taking  C. to take   D. being taken


12.- We need to buy _____ to equip the lab. Shall we go to the store on foot?

-  No, we’d better go there by bus _____.

A. a great many equipments, instead on foot

B. a number of equipments, instead of feet

C. several pieces of equipment, instead walking

D. a lot of equipment, instead of on foot


11.--- What a pity! The tickets for the football match have been sold out.

--- Don’t worry. You can watch ________ on TV.

A. the game alive     B. the living game  C. the live game D. the game living


10. Jackie Chan, an international superstar, has received many _______ for his wonderful movies.

A. returns    B. presents    C. offers       D. awards


9.Can you tell me ______ that he came to life?

A. it was when      B. when it was      C. when was it      D. was it when


8.______his carelessness, sometimes, he is a good student. A. Besides           B. Except          C. Except for     D. But


7._______ is known to all, he is admitted to a key university.

A. It            B. What          C. Which       D. As

