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39. One of the men held the view ____ the book said was right.

A. what that      B. that what       C. that           D. what


38. She is the only one among the ____ writers who ____ stories for children.

A. woman, writes    B. women, write     C. women, writes    D. woman, write


37. ----I felt it very difficult to carry on the work all by myself.

----I could have helped you, but you ____ me to.

A. hadn’t asked                     B. didn’t ask

C. haven’t asked   D. don’t ask


36. When he came back to life, the young man found himself _______ in a small hounse and everything he _________.

A. lay; had been stolen               B. lay; was stolen

C. lying; had stolen               D. lying; had been stolen


35. ________ this is only a small town, it’s crowded with tourists who come here all year round.

A. Since           B. Unless          C. Once           D. While


34. How disappointing! They have finished _______ 5% of the work.

A. no more than    B. no less than      C. more than      D. not less than


33. What a wonderful ________ that they are working hard!

A. scene          B. sight           C. view           D. seeing


32. Tom reached home at last, _________.

A. tired and hunger                 B. tired and hungrily

C. tired and hungry                 D. felt tired and hungrily


31. After graduating from high school, you will reach a point in your life ______ you need to decide what to do.

A. that         B. what         C. which        D. where

