0  436258  436266  436272  436276  436282  436284  436288  436294  436296  436302  436308  436312  436314  436318  436324  436326  436332  436336  436338  436342  436344  436348  436350  436352  436353  436354  436356  436357  436358  436360  436362  436366  436368  436372  436374  436378  436384  436386  436392  436396  436398  436402  436408  436414  436416  436422  436426  436428  436434  436438  436444  436452  447090 

18. A. tried         B. refused      C. completed      D. separated


17. A. foot          B. hair          C. hand           D. head


16. A. in            B. at              C. from            D. on


14. The room is very large and only little room_______ by the new piano.

A. are taken up   B. takes up    C. is taken up    D. is taking up


13. How dirty the windows are! They really require _______.

A. to clean  B. being cleaned   C. to have cleaned   D. cleaning


12. The professor________ the perfect return of Shenzhou 7 in 2008______ “the most exciting thing in history” in his speech.

   A. referred to; for       B. referred; as 

C. referred to; as       D. referred; for


11. Don’t________ that all those who get good grades in the entrance examination will prove to                    be most successful.

   A. take as granted        B. take this for granted    

   C. take that for granted      D. take it for granted


10. The mayor will personally present the gold medals _______ the winning athletes at the sports meet.

    A. by    B. with   C. to   D. for


9. You must apply yourself_______ the study you have to take up.

 A. on   B. for   C. to   D. of

