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12._____his age, he did it quite well, so don’t ______ him any more.

A Given; blame  B. Considered; say  C. To regard; scold  D. Considering; speak


11.-----Who on earth could it be?

 ------It was _______ other than Clint Eastwood.

A. none  B. nothing  C. not  D. nobody


10.-----_______was it ______ you discovered the secret of his?

  ------Totally by chance.

A. How; when  B. What; that  C. What; when  D. How; that


9.   China has produced ______ this year as it did in 2002.

A. as twice much steel  B. twice steel as much

C. twice as much steel  D. as much steel twice


8.   ----______I move the picture over here?

----I suppose it’ll look better.

A. How if  B. What about  C. How about  D. What if


7.   -----So can I ask you a few fairly straightforward questions about yourself?

-----No problem. I like ________ when people are open and direct.

A. that  B. this  C. it   D. them


6.   -----George is a wise person.

-----But in my opinion, he is ______ than wise.

A. cleverer  B. braver   C. more brave  D. less brave


5.   _______more than 3,000 languages in the world.

A. There are thought to be  B. There is thought to be

C. They are thought to be   D. It is thought to be


4.   -----How come you are late for class again?


A. Because I missed the bus  B. By bus and then on foot

C. Please excuse me     D. It’s quite wrong


3.   We are only _____ glad to do anything we can _______ her.

A.  too; to help  B. very; help  C too; help  D. very; helping

