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科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

7、The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read beneath an old willow tree. Not   1__ with life, I was down. A young boy out of breath   2  me, all tired from play. He stood right before me with his head tilted(傾斜的) down,   3   with great excitement, “Look what I found!”

In his hand was a flower, and what a   4   sight, with its petals(花瓣) all worn-not enough rain, or too little light.   5   him to take his dead flower and go off to play, I   6   a small smile and then it   7  away. But instead of   8   he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his nose and declared with   9 , “It sure smells pretty and it’s beautiful, too. That’s why I   10   it; here, it’s for you.”

The weed before me was dying or dead. But I knew I  11  take it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower, and   12  , “Just what I need.” But instead of placing the flower in my hand, he   13  it mid-air without reason. It was then that I   14   for the very first time the boy was   15 .

I heard my voice tremble  16  I thanked him for picking the very best one. He smiled, and then ran off to play,   17   of the effect he’d had on my day. I held the wilted (枯萎的) flower up to my nose and breathed in the   18   of a beautiful rose and smiled.

  19   the eyes of a blind child,   20   I could see, the problem was not with the world; the problem was me.

1.A.contented              B.inspired               C.excited                D.disappointed

2.A.inspected              B.overlooked           C.approached          D.recognized



3.A.telling                   B.saying                 C.admitting             D.lying

4.A.unique                  B.rough                  C.severe                 D.pitiful

5.A.Wanting                B.Demanding          C.Preferring            D.Teasing

6.A.presented              B.adjusted               C.forced                 D.delivered

7.A.passed                  B.faded                  C.fled                     D.flew

8.A.declining               B.betraying             C.panicking            D.quitting

9.A.surprise                B.embarrassment     C.sympathy            D.sorrow

10.A.took                    B.pulled                  C.attained               D.picked

11.A.should                 B.can                     C.may                    D.must

12.A.announced           B.replied                 C.declared              D.whispered

13.A.grasped               B.held                    C.caught                D.seized

14.A.observed             B.noticed                C.figured                D.determined

15.A.dull                     B.deaf                    C.blind                   D.crazy

16.A.once                   B.after                    C.as                       D.since

17.A.unaware              B.unbelievable         C.regretful              D.regardless

18.A.smell                   B.affection              C.fragrance            D.award

19.A.In                       B.From                  C.Before                 D.Through

20.A.eventually            B.personally            C.fortunately           D.shortly







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科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

6、Chair Miller and his crew picked up a new B-24 at California’s March Field on Christmas Eve, 1943, and prepared to fly to England. But they decided to have “one more hamburger” before going out for the distant land of fish and chips.

As the airmen sat in a local restaurant, a beautiful young waitress approached. “I understand you’re going to England,” she said to Miller. Then she told him that her fiancé, an aviation gunner like Miller, was stationed there.

The woman said she was waiting for him to provide an address so she could send him a picture of herself. “You might run into him,” she told Miller hopefully. “Would you take it?”

Miller knew it was unlikely he’d ever see her fiancé. But he didn’t want to disappoint the woman. He took the picture and placed it in his wallet. Later he realized he hadn’t even asked the man’s name. Then he was on to Europe and the war.

On August 9, 1944, Miller’s plane was shot down, and he was forced to parachute to an island off the coast of Holland. Captured by the Nazis, he spent the next nine months as a prisoner of war.

It was on Christmas Eve that someone told him a 19-year-old American prisoner down the hall was badly depressed and possibly suicidal(有自杀倾向). Miller decided to pay the man a visit.

To break the ice, he mentioned the POW band he’s started, with the help of the Red Gross. The young man, he learned, played the saxophone. The two began to exchange details about their families. Was he married, the kid asked. “Yeah, since 1938,” responded Miller.

“Have you got her picture?” the soldier asked. So Miller reached for his wallet, and pulled out a photograph of his wife.

“She’s beautiful!” the young man responded. Then he noticed that a second picture had fallen out, and an expression of wonder crossed his face. “Where did you get that?” Miller told the story of the waitress at the California hamburger stand.

“That’s my fiancée,” the surprised man said. Miller kept his promise to the beautiful girl back home and turned the picture over to its rightful owner.

1.The reasonable connection between Miller and the young man is that ________.

       A.they were in love with the same waitress

       B.they played with the same POW band

       C.they were kept prisoner in the same camp

       D.they both served as gunners in a new B-24

2.The underlined words “To break the ice” would probably mean “______”.

       A.to keep warm in icy surroundings

       B.to start a conversation after a silence

       C.to get rid of the ice around the house

       D.to escape from the freezing place

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

       A.Miller did not ask about the young man’s name on purpose

       B.the young man killed himself on account of missing his fiancée

       C.Miller joined in the war against the Nazis and was captured

       D.the young man got the photo of his fiancée by accident


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

5、What do Eleanor Roosevelt, Big Bangs and Chrysan the moms have in common?Find out in this tale of 2 soul sisters on the last search!



       Recent reviews of Chris Anthem by Mona Telor state, “It’s hard to describe a book like this one, it is an inspiring and encouraging story of survival, struggle, change, friendship, love and, basically, life. The relationship between Mona and Chris is one that I think most people can relate to on some level, and I think everyone has someone in their life who inspires them to be who they are. The development of the characters and the journey they take together through some of life’s hardest lessons are so beautifully written that you find yourself wrapped up in their world, and searching for them to overcome hardships and not lose sight of who they are. I highly recommend this book to anyone,especially if you need a little lift, and need to feel a bit better about the world!”

       “I swallow Mona’s tale in a short time and didn’t want the story to end — a continuation someday perhaps?”

       “Chris-Antem is a delightful story which offers much inspiration. Telor writes beautifully—I love the back grounding of each scene. I can just smell the coffee, taste the wine and see the moms every time they are mentioned. It’s a descriptive,word-picture type of writing that reminds me of Agarba Christie without the British accent!The story deals with the very sensitive subject of bad habits in family but does it in a way that shows love, pity and hope. In the world we live in today,this kind of writing is refreshingly welcome and uplifting.”

To Order This Book:visit www. kaseysbooks. com. Book will be inscribed (签名) by the author and include a free gift.

1.What is the writer’s main purpose of writing this passage?

       A.To help people find some similarities of 3 famous persons.

       B.To tell people a story full of love,pity and hope.

      C.To recommend and persuade people to buy Chris-Antem.

      D.To make his personal comments on Chris-Antem.

2.Which of the following can replace the underline word uplifting?

       A.Exciting.          B.Popular.           C.Fashionable.        D.Encouraging.

3.According to the passage,we can feel that the story is written in a(n)________ tone.

    A.vivid and persuasive                          B.simple but realistic

    C.gentle and friendly                            D.critical but reasonable

4.The main reason why this book is highly thought of is that__________.

    A.it contains inspiration, love and instruction of survival

    B.it helps people form a positive attitude towards the world

    C.it tells people how to overcome hardships in their future life

       D.it tells people that some of life’s hardest lessons are actually beautiful


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

4、You can’t buy happiness but it looks like you can at least inherit(遗传)it, British and Australian researchers said on Thursday.

A study of nearly 1000 pairs of identical and non-identical twins found genes control half the personality traits(特性)that make people happy while factors such as relationships, health and careers are responsible for the rest of our well-being.

“We found that around half the differences in happiness were genetic,” said Tim Bates, a researcher at the University of Edinburgh who led the study. “It is really quite surprising.”

The researchers asked the volunteers – ranging in age from 25 to 75 – a series of questions about their personality, how much they worried and how satisfied they were with their lives.

Because identical twins share the same genes and fraternal twins (异卵双胞胎) do not, the researchers could identify common genes that result in certain personality traits and predispose people to happiness.

People who are sociable, active, stable, hardworking and conscientious tend to be happier, the researchers reported in the journal Psychological Science.

“What this study showed was that the identical twins in a family were very similar in personality and in well-being, and by contrast, the fraternal twins were only around half as similar,” Bates said. “That strongly implicates genes.”

The findings are an important piece of the puzzle for researchers trying to better understand depression and what makes different people happy or unhappy, Bates said.

People with positive inherited personality traits may, in effect, also have a reserve of happiness to draw on in stressful times, he said.

“An important implication is that personality traits of being outgoing, calm and reliable provide a resource, we called it ‘affective reserve,’ that drives future happiness” Bates said.

1.Which of the following is NOT true according to the study?

       A.Identical twins tend to be happier than fraternal twins.

       B.About half the differences in happiness can be inherited.

       C.Relationships, health and careers can affect one’s happiness.

       D.Genes control half the personality traits affecting one’s happiness.

2.The underlined word “predispose” in paragraph 5 probably means         .

       A.lead                    B.switch                 C.force                  D.fix

3.The purpose of paragraph 7 is to inform us that         .

       A.the fraternal twins’ happiness has nothing to do with genes

       B.the identical twins’ happiness has nothing to do with genes

       C.the difference between the identical twins and the fraternal twins

       D.genes play an important part in one’s personality and happiness

4.Bates thinks that         .

      A.peoples’ happiness is only dependent on some related genes

       B.happiness reserve consists of positive personality traits

       C.people ought to reserve more positive personality traits

       D.people should have their character trained hard


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

3、In the future your automobile will run on water instead of gas! You will be able to buy a supercomputer that fits in your pocket! You might even drive a flying car!

For each prediction that has come true today, several others have missed by a mile. Many of these predictions didn’t consider how people would want to use the technology. Or if people really needed it in their lives or not. Let’s look at some predictions from the not-too-distant past.

Robot Helpers

Where’s the robot in my kitchen? Nowhere, of course. And he’s probably not coming anytime soon. Robots do exist today, but mostly in factories and other Manufacturing environments.

Back in the 1950s, however, people said that by now personal robots would be in most people’s home.

So why hasn’t happened? Probably because robots are still too expensive and clumsy. And maybe the idea of robots cooking our dinners and washing our clothes is just too weird. At home we seem to be doing fine without them.

Telephones of tomorrow?

In 1964 an American company introduced the video telephone. They said by the year 2000 most people would have a video phone in their homes. But of course the idea hasn’t caught on yet.

Why? The technology worked fine, but it overlooked something obvious: people’s desire for privacy. Would you want to have a video phone conversation with someone after you just stepped out of the shower? Probably not — it could be embarrassing! Just because a technology available doesn’t always mean people will want to use it.

And finally, how about that crazy prediction of the flying car? It’s not so crazy anymore! But a flying car remains one of the most fascinating technology ideas to capture our imagination. Keep watching the news—or perhaps the sky outside your window — to see what the future will bring.

1.The whole passage is mainly about ________.

       A.predictions that have come true                  B.predictions that haven’t come true

       C.why predictions don’t come true easily     D.what technology will bring about

2.Which of the following is probably not the author’s belief?

       A.Predictions needn’t consider people’s practical use of technology.

       B.The future isn’t always easy to guess.

       C.Not all past predictions have come true.

     D.Many of the high-tech things our parents thought we’d be using by now simply never appeared.

3.The underlined word “weird” probably means ________.

       A.wonderful           B.stupid                  C.practical                 D.strange

4.What does the author think of the flying car?

       A.It is too difficult to imagine.                  B.It is too crazy an idea.

       C.It is likely to be made.                          D.It is often reported in the news.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


       Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.

       ___1___ Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger.

       For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones (荷尔蒙). They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc. ___2___.

       Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.

       ___3___ They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “___4___ Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”

       Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. ___5___

       A.In general the person feels excited and ready to act.

       B.They said that laughter is much healthier than anger.

       C.Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing it.

       D.Anger may cause you a cancer.

       E.Do not express your anger while angry.

       F.Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time.

       G.Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


1.    每晚观看新闻,关注灾区救援工作的进展;

2.    捐出全部零花钱,并在周末走上街头义卖报纸;

3.    向报纸及网络投稿寄托哀思;

4.    五月十九日下午全校师生为遇难者默哀三分钟。

提示: 灾区 the stricken area   遇难者 victims   默哀 observe silence

Dear editor,






                                                                                                                       Li Hua


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


注意: 1.词数120左右(文章开头已经给出,但不计入总词数);



Recently a survey entitled “Should museums be free to the public?” has been conducted to find out people’s attitudes towards this question________                                    











科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:



Need to lower your cholesterol(胆固醇)?We strongly recommend CholestrolblockTM. This really works, and now is the best time to buy,because of a special offer for the first 250 customers only for a limited time.

    * Takes cholesterol out of food,no matter what you eat.

    * Clinically demonstrated effective in university and hospital testing.

    * Lowers cholesterol absorption up to 42% or more.

* “NO SIDE EFFECTS unlike Liptor?, Zocor?,Crests?&other commonly prescribed(处方的) medications-safe and effective.

    * “Outsells all other brands on Internet every month.

LIMITED TIME ONLY一Try Cholesterol Watchers free with purchase.

1.If you happen to be the 200th customer to buy Cholesterolblock, you will          .

       A.be able to buy it at a low price               B.be the luckiest one online

       C.try it free of charge                              D.change your diet

2.Liptor?, Zocor?, Crestor? are         .

       A.diseases              B.side effects          C.medicines            D.cholesterol

3.CholestrolblockTM  has the following advantages EXCEPT that _____________________.

       A.it helps take cholesterol out of whatever food you eat.

       B.it has been proved useful in hospital testing.

       C.it helps people absorb at least 42% cholesterol.

       D.it sells best on Internet every month.

4.Where can you most probably read this passage?

    A.In a travel guide book.                          B.On a university bulletin board.

       C.In a health magazine.                            D.In a doctor's prescription.







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