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科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

5、    Issue:Five years ago,when I was examined to be HIV positive,I didn’t know what to do.I felt I was alone in this world.I did not disclose my status to my family.I kept everything to myself until I was introduced to a group.The group was very welcoming.I found people in a situation like me,and I am not alone.I committed my services and support to that group.

    Eventually,I felt something is missing.There was a feeling of emptiness.My family does not know where I work and where I stay.They cannot visit me,but on the contrary I have to visit them regularly in the province.A five long hours of journey from Manila going South.Tiring!

    Many of my fellows are gone.Most are not accepted by their families.Some did not even disclose their HIV status.Many are ill in bed without a family member on their side to care for them.A painful death,the way I see it.Other’s experiences urged me to think about disclosing my status to my family.I started in subtle(微妙的)ways like bringing home a panel of AIDS Memorial Quilt where I can do patchwork(缝制)for a lost friend.The AIDS Memorial Quilt started the conversation until eventually l was able to disclose my HIV status to my family. Nothing has changed with our relationship within the family, They have accepted me and treated the same way as if I do not have HIV.I am more comfortable and happy now.

    Conclusion:(1)Family is still the best support system for people like me.(2)An enabling,non—discriminating environment is a big factor in order to live long and healthy for positive people.

1.The underlined word“disclose”in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to     

  A.combine           B.expose          C.seek        D.hide

2.The writer didn’t disclose his status to the family directly because       

  A.he didn’t want his family to share his sufferings

  B.he found no one willing to listen to him

  C.he was afraid that his family would be infected with AIDS

  D.he was afraid that his family would change their attitude to him

3.What led the author into changing his mind and telling his family his situation?

  A.The group’s advice.             B.His family’s urgement.

  C.Other people’s experience.      D.The society’s discrimination.

4.Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage?

  A.The writer’s family don’t care for him.

  B.Many people living with HIV died painfully alone.

  C.Family support is more important than peer support.

  D.HIV positive people tend to be looked down upon.

5.What’s the purpose of the writer telling his own experience?

  A.To encourage HIV positive people to tell their condition to their families

  B.To discuss why HIV positive people are willing to keep their status secret

  C.To tell people about the sufferings of HIV positive people in a society

  D.To tell people the importance of protecting themselves from HIV


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

4、    WASHINGTON(AP)——Human beings may have had a brush with extinction 70,000 years ago,all extensive genetic(基因的)study suggests.

    The human population at that time was reduced to small separate groups in Africa,apparently because of dry climate,according to an analysis.A study by researchers at Stanford University pointed out that the number of early humans may have decreased as low as 2.000 before numbers began to expand again in the early Stone Age.

    “This study shows the extraordinary power of genetics to expose some of the key events in our history。”Spencer Wells,National Geographic Society explorer。said in a statement.“Tiny groups of early humans,forced apart by severe environmental conditions,came back to reunite and populate the world,which was written in our DNA.”

    Previous studies using mitochondrial DNA—which is passed down through mothers—have found the origins of modern humans related to a single“mitochondrial Eve,”who lived in Africa about 200,000 years ago.It seems that humans began to move out of Africa to populate the rest of the world about 60,000 years ago.

    The researchers concluded that humans separated into small populations before the Stone Age,when they came back together and began to increase in numbers and spread to other areas.Eastern Africa experienced a series of severe dry weather between l35,000 and 90,000 years ago and the researchers said this climatological shift may have contributed to the population changes,dividing into small,separate groups which developed independently.As recently as 70,000 years ago,extremes of climate had reduced our population to such small numbers that we were on the very edge of extinction.

1.Scientists found that humans were likely to be extinct by studying    

    A.climate changes  B.people’s DNA  C.human’s history        D.old environment

2.The scientists did the research in Africa because          

  A.humans began to come and live in the rest of the world 70.000 years ago

  B.DNA in the people of Africa can be passed down through mothers

  C.only humans in Africa faced severe environmental conditions

  D.human beings are considered to have originated from Africa

3.The period when humans kept in small populations probably last        

  A.60.000 years    B.10,000 years    C.20,000 years   D.45,000 years

4.What can we learn from the last pagraph?

  A.It seldom rained for a long time,which decreased our population.

  B.People lived together to fight against the climate changes.

  C.People were divided into small groups to hunt more animals.

  D.People returned in the Stone Age and the number increased.

5.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

  A.Humans may have extinction 70,000 years ago

  B.Stone Age:A period when our population increased

  C.Getting out of our homeland-Africa

  D.Severe droughts will cause extinction of humans


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

3、  Two hours from the tall buildings of Manhattan and Philadelphia live some of.the world’s largest black bears.They are in northern Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains,a home they share with an abundance of other wildlife.

  The streams, lakes,mountains and forests that make the Poconos an ideal place for black bears have also attracted more people to the area.Open spaces are threatened by plans for housing and important wild animals are endangered by highway construction.To protect the Poconos’natural beauty from irresponsible development.the Nature Conservancy(保护协会)named the area one of America’s“Last Great Places”.

    Operating out of a century—old schoolhouse in the village of Long Pond,Pennsylvania,the conservancy’s partner Cook is working with local people and business leaders to balance economic growth with environmental protection.By forming partnerships with people like Francis Altemose,the Conservancy has been able to protect more than14,000 acres of environmentally important land in the area.

    Altemose’s family has farmed in the Poeono area for generations.Two years ago Francis worked with the Conservancy to include his farm in a county farmland protection program.As a result,his family’s land can be protected from development and the Altemoses will be better able to provide a secure financial future for their 7-year-old grandson.

    Cook owes the Conservancy’s SUCCESS in the Poconos to having a local presence and a commitment to working with local residents.

    “The key to protecting these remarkable lands is connecting with the local community.”Cook said.“The people who live there respect the land.They value quiet forests,clear streams and abundant wildlife.They are eager to help with conservation effort.”

    For more information on how you can help The Nature Conservancy protect the Poeonos and the world’s other“Last Great Places.”please call l一888—5646864 or visit us on the World Wide Web at WWW.tnc.org.

1.More people are attracted to Pocono Mountains because         

    A.there live the world’s largest black bears

    B.transportation is convenient in the area

    C.many houses are being built there

    D.natural conditions are wonderful there

2.The purpose in naming the Poconos as one of America’s“Last Great Places”is to     

    A.gain support from the local community

    B.protect it from irresponsible development

    C.make it a better home for black bears

    D.provide financial security for future generations

3.We can learn from the passage that       

    A.Francis is voluntary to cooperate with the Conservancy

    B.wildlife in the Pocono area is dying out rapidly

    C.the security of the Pocono residents is being threatened

    D.farmlands in the Pocono area are shrinking fast

4.What is important in protecting the Poconos according to Cook?

    A.The setting up of an environmental protection website.  

    B.Support from organizations like The Nature Conservancy.

    C.Cooperation with the local residents and business leaders.

    D.Inclusion of farmlands in the 81"ca protection program.

5.The passage most probably is         

    A.an official document                  B.a news story

    C.an advertisement                   D.a research report


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

2、    Do you remember the first movie you ever saw? Most people do.We know from experience how influential movies can be on young minds.Each film is a Pandora’s Box,offering a new glimpse of the world—sometimes offering too much—and we’re suddenly fighting to preserve the beautiful innocence which makes our children…well,children.

    “Cinema Paradiso”(1988)is the story of an unlikely friendship set in the heart of the sleepy Italian village,Giancaldo.The“heart”means the one thing Giancaldo possesses which makes its people come together-old and young,men and women-to the local cinema.Alfredo(played by Philippe Noiret)is the town projectionist.Having devoted his life to the upkeeping of the theater,he has never taken the time to make a family.To add to his responsibilities,he dutifully reports to the town priest(牧师,神父)whenever a new print comes.

    Of the town’s greatest movie fans,none is more devoted than the young Toto(played by Salvatore Cascio).He spends his milk money orr tickets.He makes it his duty to persuade Alfredo into teaching him the secret8 behind the magic of film—for nothing interests him more than the movies.At first cold and removed,Alfredo does whatever he Can to rid himself of this kid.But upon learning unfortunate details of the boy’s home life,he begins to let the young man in on the secrets of his trade.

    Filmmaker Giuseppe Tornatore does a masterful job of laying out a friendship that lasts for a lifetime.When Toto becomes a young man,he falls for the beautiful and unapproachable Elena.Alfredo,sensing the young man’s heartache,coaches him as Toto’s innocence slowly disappears.And it is Alfredo who recognizes Toto’s deep intelligence and decides,before anyone else,that Toto has outgrown Giancaldo.

    It’s anyone’s guess whether Tornatore wrote“Cinema Paradiso”from the memory of his own childhood, but the ends of this movie certainly make that suggestion.“Cinema Paradiso”is a must see for anyone who has loved the bright flicker in the eye of a child—the light which tells us they are possessed of the innocence of angels.

1.What made Alfredo change his attitude towards Toto?

    A.Toto is crazy about movie.       B.Toto spends his milk money on tickets.

    C.Toto has unfortunate home life.          D.Toto is intelligent and innocent.

2.In the film“Cinema Paradiso.”(1988),Alfredo        

    A.is a man whose job is to show films     B.has a big family to support

    C.often goes to the priest to pray             D.is warm and kind to Toto at the beginning

3.The reason why Tornatore wrote the film“Cinema Paradiso”may be that   

    A.he wanted to show how friendship is very important

    B.he experienced the same feeling as Toto in his boyhood

    C.he found it a good story and wanted to tell it to people

    D.he still remember the first film he ever saw

4.The only place that attracts everybody in Giancaldo is        

    A.the middle of the village              B.the town

    C.Pandora’s Box                             D.the cinema

5.What may make us moved after seeing the film“Cinema Paradiso”?

    A.The film may remind us of our innocent childhood which we miss a lot.

    B.We can learn much from the film.such as friendship and good heart.

    C.Alfredo is such a warm—hearted man that we may be moved by him.

    D.We also once loved movies so much,just as Toto does in the film.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:



科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

38、Alfred Korzybski believes that all human beings lead a kind of double life. First, people live in an internal (内在的) world of ideas, feelings, etc. The happenings in this world are patterns of events in the human nervous system . Secondly , people live in a world outside their skins, the external(外在的)world of “reality”. The happenings in this world are patterns of events best known to science.

The first world, the patterns of events inside our skins, Korzybski called the INTEN- SIONAL areA.The second, the patterns of events outside our skins, he called the EXTEN- SIONAL area . Think for a moment about the two worlds in which you live. Look , for example, at the following diagram:


“cat”                             An object we call “cat”.

The word "cat ".                        A pattern of physical and

The image of this cat.                    chemical events best

Ideas about cats.                        known to science.

Feelings about cats.

Physical tensions aroused

by the cat: the urge to

pick it up, to kick it, etc.

Thinking along these lines , Alfred Korzybski began to see what was wrong with the great number of people: they confused intensional events with extensional “reality”. He believed that too many people mistake the events in their own nervous systems for events in the outside world . When they get lost in a strange city , more often than not they are angry at the map they use. In fact, it’s the maps of words in their heads that are to blame.

1.According to Alfred Korzybski, we human beings live in__________.

    A.the world of ideas

    B.the world of reality

    C.either the world of ideas or that of reality

    D.both the world of ideas and that of reality

2.The INTENSIONAL area in the passage refers to the patterns of events__________.

       A.outside our skins                                  B.best known to science

       C.in the human nervous system          D.in the external world of reality

3.Which of the following belongs to EXTENSIONAL pattern?

       A.A computer on the shelf.               B.A computer is useful.

C.I like the computer.                    D.I want to buy the computer.

4.According to what Alfred Korzybski states in the last paragraph, you get lost because of _  .   

    A.the map you bring with you             B.the maps of words in your head

       C.the reality world before you                  D.the strange city you visit




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

36、Be confident my boy, _____ you are born rich or poor.

A.if            B.that         C.which      D.whether


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

35、Some students often listen to music______ classes to refresh themselves.

A.between       B.among          C.over            D.during


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

34、Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by flood, from _____ effects the people are still suffering.

A.that           B.whose         C.those         D.what

