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科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

8、Soccer star, Rudy Kass, is likely to be allowed out of hospital today after having treats for mus-cle problems that stopped him from playing in an important European cup game in Frankfurt on Thursday.

    "The cause of the problem is still unclear. Something is eausing Rudy pain, but the doctors are not sure what, "said Rudy's doctor."I hope we will all know the answer tomorrow, so that treatment can begin."

Rudy, one of Germany' s highest paid centre - forwards, has been in hospital for two nights since suddenly leaving the field in the second half of a game that ended in his team' s defeat.

“I am Sure that result would have been different with him,” said the team’s manager, Klaus Koch. “But we were not willing to take any risks. The pain was unusual and we want to make sure that the problem is solved now once and for all.”

    Doetors say that it is hard to know if Rudy hurt himself while passing the ball, or whether the damage is the result of years of strain and stress. If so, it could mean the end of his career. Football fans wait nervously for the doctor's final assessment(评估诊断).

1. Which of these statements is true according to the passage?

     A. Rudy Kass is out of hospital.

     B. Rudy Kass plays for Frankrurt.

     C. Rudy Kass'team lost its last game.

     D. Rudy Kass' doctors can't agree with one another.

2. The second paragraph mainly tells us that ______.

     A .The cause of Rudy's pain is now unknown 

B. The treatment will begin soon

     C. Rudy's doctors are hard - working      

        D. Doctors are concerned about Rudy's pain

3.By saying “I am sure that the result would have been different with him”, Klaus Koch means that ______.

    A. he does not allow his team to take risks

    B. he is not happy with Kass' performance

    C. he thinks Kass should leave the team

    D. he believes the team would have won their last game with Kass

4. How do the fans feel?

    A. Frightened.   B. Happy.    C. Anxious.     D. Disappointed.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

7、Some years ago, three brothers left the farm to work in the city. They were all hired by the same company and on the same pay. Three years later, Jim was being paid $ 500 a month, Frank was receiving $ 1000, but George was making $ 1500.

Their father was confused and decided to visit the employer. After listening to the father, the employer said, "I will let the boys explain for themselves."

Jim was called to the office and was told, "Jim, I learn the Far East Importers has just brought in a large transport plane loaded with Japanese import goods. Will you please go over to the airport and get a cargo inventory( 运货清单) ?

Three minutes later, Jim returned to the office. "The cargo was one thousand bolts(卷) of Japanese silk," Jim reported. "I got the information over the telephone from a member of the crew."

When Jim left, Frank, the $ 1000 a month brother, was called in.

    An hour later, Frank was back in the office with a list showing that the plane carried 1000 bolts of Japanese silk, 500 transistor radios ( 晶体管收音机), and 1000 hand painted bamboo plates.

Gorge, the $ 1500 a month brother, was given the same instructions. Working hours were over when he finally returned. "The transport plane carried one thousand bolts of Japanese silk," he be- gan. "It was on sale at sixty dollars a bolt, so I took a choice to buy them all. I have telegrammed a designer in New York offering the silk at seventy - five dollars a bolt. I expect to have the order tomorrow. I also found five hundred transistor radios, which I sold over the telephone at a profit of $ 2.30 each. There were a thousand bamboo plates, but they were of poor quality, so I didn't try. to do anything with them."

When George left the office, the employer smiled. "You see," he said, "the future is full of promise for one who shows initiative."

1. The best title of this passage is _______.

     A. The story of three brothers               B. The importance of doing market research

     C. A business deal                                      D. A clever employer

2. According to George, how much money did he expect to get for his company?

    A. $1,150.         B. $61,150.             C. $16,150.        D. $76,150.

3. What can we infer from the passage?

    A. Jim and Frank would be fired soon.

    B. Telegram played a very important part in George's business.

    C. The employer was aware of the three brothers' personalities and working attitude.

    D. The company would do nothing with the bamboo plates because of the bad quality.

4. According to the passage, which of the following best explains the meaning of the underlined word "initiative"?

   A. Doing a lot of extra work without complaining.

   B. Having patience in difficult situations without giving in.

   C. Having the sense of marketing and economics.

   D. Making decisions and taking action actively without being told to.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

6、As the United States continues to argue over the future of illegal immigrants traveling across its borders, I went on a journey to discover what hardships people crossing the border from Tijuana must face.

I worked at a soup kitchen, where I came into contact with many poor citizens who had recently arrived in Tijuana. One of the people I served was a Guatemalan (危地马拉人) named Juan, who washed cars for low pay in the US. After we spoke for 10 minutes, Juan introduced me to his girl- friend, a local stripper (脱衣舞女) who offered to give me a free lap dance (热舞) if I ever de-cided to visit the club across the street. I certainly didn't need to respond to this.

I also visited a shelter for the recently deported (驱逐) and those who have recently arrived in Tijuana from other Mexican states. Tijuana is home to more than 1.5 million people and is populat-ed by many migrants(移居者) who arrive and leave mostly for reasons of employment.

Having dinner at the shelter, I talked with those who planned to stay the night. Seated at my table was a man in his 40s. He had recently been deported from Los Angeles for not having the proper legal documentation (证明文件).The only belongings he carried with him were a few clothes and an album filled with pictures of his wife and three daughters in Los Angeles. I was surprised by how open he was in sharing his story. I feel bad for not learning his name before I left.

Returning to my country on the final day of my trip awakened a strange feeling inside me. I went on this trip with an open mind and heart and was given the chance to communicate with so many different people that I wouldn't have met in my everyday life. I felt guilty for taking so many things for granted, while people a few hundred miles away are already satisfied with the simpler things that they have.

1. From the passage above, we know that Tijuana is ________.

   A. a city in Mexico                               B. a country near US

   C. a place in the US                                      D. a city where Juan came from

2. People came to Tijuana and left because ________.

   A. they were ordered to leave by government     B. they could not find jobs

   C. they were not satisfied with their daily life     D. they had nowhere to live in but shelters

3. By "strange feeling" in the last paragraph, we can imply that the writer ______.

     A. feels guilty for the people living there

     B. may love and value what he has now

     C. does not realize the simple life other people have

     D. thinks the people there are satisfied with their life

4. What is probably the best title for the passage above?

     A. A Real Lesson.                    B. A Pleasant Journey.

     C. The Simpler, the Better.             D. What a Life.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

5、Follow the following tips to reduce your stress to manageable levels!

    Avoid "Must" think. Let go of the idea that you must do something in a certain way—for ex-ample, "I must get a great score on a test, or else." This thought pattern only adds to the stress you'll feel. Evaluate your situation coldly and logically, and not as a "life or death" situation.

Watch the Mess. Don't study in a messy or cramped area. Clear yourself a nice, open space that's free of distractions.

Set Manageable Goals. Break large projects into smaller and doable parts and you' 11 feel a positive sense of accomplishment as you finish each part.

Ocean Dumping. Imagine yourself walking on a beautiful beach, carrying a sand bucket. Stop at a good spot and put your worries into the pail. Drop the bucket and watch as it drifts away into the ocean.

Think Good Thoughts. Create a set of positive but brief affirmations and mentally repeat them to yourself just before you fall asleep at night, and you will feel a lot more positive in the morning.

Imagine Yourself Succeeding. Close your eyes and remember a real life situation in which you did well. Imagine facing your stressful situation with the same feelings of confidence.

Use Your Bed for Sleeping, Not Studying. Your mind may start to associate your bed with work, which will make it harder for you to fall asleep.

Comforting Sounds. If you want to play music, keep it low in the background. Classical mu-sic especially can aid the learning process.

Take a Hike, Pal. Need a study break? Take a short, brisk walk. Clear your mind.

1 .Suppose you meet a great difficulty, how can you reduce your stress?

    A. To imagine that you are successful.

    B. To draw back from it.

    C. To turn to others for help.

D. To divide it into small parts and finish them one by one.

2. "Ocean Dumping" really means _______.

     A. forgetting one's worries                     B. swimming in the ocean

     C. throwing things into the ocean                      D. sailing across the ocean

3. According to the passage, which kind of people are easy to come under pressure'?

     A. Self confident people.                        B. People with tidy habits.

     C. Open minded people.                       D. Work addicts.

4. From the passage we can learn _______.

     A. rock music can help the learning process

     B. you can think clearly while you are in bed

     C. thinking of your real - life success will do you good while facing difficulty

     D. you must treat everything as a "life - or- death" situation and consider it carefully


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


Jack: It's good to see you again.You are an engineer, aren't you?  1__

Michael: No, I worked in Canada for two years. It's a good place.

Jack: That sounds interesting, but I'm sure you are glad to be back.   2__

Michael: I' ve been seeing old friends, visiting my family, buying things for my new flat and just having a holiday._3__

Jack: Haven't you got another job?

Michael:Yes,  4  But what about you?

Jack: I've got a job in a company that sells office equipment----paper, typewriters----  you know the sort of thing.   5   , but I' m a sales- man and I've been traveling all over Europe for the last two years. I'm still traveling and still selling. I like working abroad.

 A. It may sound rather dull

 B. I enjoyed myself there very much

 C. How do you like your job'?

 D. What have you been doing since you came back?

 E. Did you stay in England after you left the university?

 F. I started working here a week ago.

 G. I have been really busy these days.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


1. Do you mind my ______ (邀请) Tom to skate with us?

2. It was        (显然的 ) that much of what they recorded was far from the truth.

3. I hope to buy a house with a built-in      (车库).

4. We had never       (经历) such a big party, so we became very nervous.

5. She looks ______ (熟悉) to me, but I don't remember her names.

6. Don't be frightened by the television camera. Just speak______ ( 自然地).

7. If you want to learn       (希腊语) ,you'd better go where it is spoken.

8. Tom, make your hair neat with a _______(梳子).

9. Southern provinces in China _____ (遭受) from the biggest snow ever in 50 years.

10. The exercise was ______ (超出) the abilities of most of the class.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

2、此题要求改正所给短文中的错误.对标有题号的每一行做出判断;如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(  )如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:





Over the past twenty years or so, great changes has taken place    1._______

in our life. Take my family as example. My parents contacted           2._______

others mainly by sending him letters in the past. But now we make a      3._______

phone call at home. But once my parents listened to the radio            4._______

for news and the other information. But now we get the news by        5._______

watching TV. Another big change is in our living conditions.                     6._______

When they got married about twenty years before, my parents lived        7._______

in a small room crowding with furniture. But now we have moved                8._______

into big new three - room apartment. In short, our life has               9._______

became comfortable and convenient.                                  10._______


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

















科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

38、Alfred Korzybski believes that all human beings lead a kind of double life. First, people live in an internal (内在的) world of ideas, feelings, etc. The happenings in this world are patterns of events in the human nervous system . Secondly , people live in a world outside their skins, the external(外在的)world of “reality”. The happenings in this world are patterns of events best known to science.

The first world, the patterns of events inside our skins, Korzybski called the INTEN- SIONAL areA.The second, the patterns of events outside our skins, he called the EXTEN- SIONAL area . Think for a moment about the two worlds in which you live. Look , for example, at the following diagram:


“cat”                             An object we call “cat”.

The word "cat ".                        A pattern of physical and

The image of this cat.                    chemical events best

Ideas about cats.                        known to science.

Feelings about cats.

Physical tensions aroused

by the cat: the urge to

pick it up, to kick it, etc.

Thinking along these lines , Alfred Korzybski began to see what was wrong with the great number of people: they confused intensional events with extensional “reality”. He believed that too many people mistake the events in their own nervous systems for events in the outside world . When they get lost in a strange city , more often than not they are angry at the map they use. In fact, it’s the maps of words in their heads that are to blame.

1.According to Alfred Korzybski, we human beings live in__________.

    A.the world of ideas

    B.the world of reality

    C.either the world of ideas or that of reality

    D.both the world of ideas and that of reality

2.The INTENSIONAL area in the passage refers to the patterns of events__________.

       A.outside our skins                                  B.best known to science

       C.in the human nervous system          D.in the external world of reality

3.Which of the following belongs to EXTENSIONAL pattern?

       A.A computer on the shelf.               B.A computer is useful.

C.I like the computer.                    D.I want to buy the computer.

4.According to what Alfred Korzybski states in the last paragraph, you get lost because of _  .   

    A.the map you bring with you             B.the maps of words in your head

       C.the reality world before you                  D.the strange city you visit



