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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

21、Good morning! Here's the weather report.

1.This is a weather report of                    in the world.

A.neighborhoods                                      B.towns

C.countryside                                               D.cities

2.The weather in Toronto is                    

A.sunny                  B.cloudy                 C.rainy                      D.windy

3.The lowest temperature in the weather report is                  

A.3℃                     B.-6℃                 C.-7℃                      D.-13℃

4.The temperature is                 in Melbourne than that in Washington.

A.colder                  B.hotter                         C.higher                  D.lower

5.If you and your family are visiting Jilin, what kind of clothes should you wear?

A.Light clothes.                                        B.Warm clothes.

C.Cool clothes.                                           D.Large clothes.







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


Computers at home




Computer games are great! They’re better than TV.On TV you can watch a spaceship, but in a computer game you can fly a spaceship!


Computers are bad for our health.In the past, children ran around and    played sports.Now they just sit at home。


A lot of children spend too much time on computers.They start playing

and then they can't stop.They don’t talk to anyone.They just sit and look at the computers for hours and hours.


When children play with computers, they learn to use them.Computers will be very important in the future.So children should play with them and learn about them.


The internet is very useful.There is more information.On the Internet

than in  the world’s biggest library.


A lot of computer games are very bad.There is a lot of shooting and killing.These games are terrible.You see bad things on TV,but in computer games you do bad things.It can’t be good for us.


I don’t think children learn much from computers.They can't learn about life from a computer.And they can’t do their homework if they play computer games all the time.


I've got friends all over the world.I’ve never seen any of them, but I know them all well because we send e-mails to each other.My computer is the door to the world!

1.No.1 thinks people can                  on TV.

A.fly a spaceship

B.play sports

C.watch a spaceship

D.send e-mails

2.         thinks computer will be very important in the future.

A.No.4                                                    B.No.6

C.No.7                                                   D.No.3

3.No.7 thinks the children                if they play computer games all the time.

A.don't talk to anyone

    B.can't do their homework

C.learn more information

    D.study better

4.No.8 thinks people can know each other well by                 .

A.watching TV                                           B.sending e-mails 

C.writing letters                                          D.making telephone calls

5.                are against computers according to the form.

A.No.1.No.2,No.8 and.No.3

B.No.4.N0.6,No.3 and No.7

C.No.5,No.4,No.6 and N0.8

D.No.2,No.3,No.6 and No.7


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


A:Hi,Alice! A nice day,isn't it?

B:Yes.Spring is coming.   1  

A:Tomorrow? Tomorrow is not a good day for planting trees!

B:   2    .

A:I listened to the weather report.It says it's going to be rainy and windy.

B: 3  If it rains, we have to stay at home and do some reading.

A:Why not come to my home to play computer games? My father bought different parts of the computer and put them together. He made our own computer last week.

B:Great!  4  

A:My home is near our school.It's a white building.I live on the fourth floor.

B:OK!    5  

A:See you.







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

17、— How long has Mrs. Wood taught in this school? 


A.Ten years ago                            B.Since ten years ago

C.In ten years                                 D.Before ten years







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

16、When I got home yesterday afternoon,my mother                  supper in the kitchen.

A.was cooking                             B.is cooking

C.had cooked                            D.cooked


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

15、The boy         his homework at home,so he had to go home to              it.

A.forgot;take                             B.forgot;bring

C.1eft;get                                        D.1eft;brought 


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

14、After the class meeting,the students work                harder.

A.very             B.too                  C.so                  D.even


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

13、On holidays,there are                 people at the big square.

A.million of                                  B.two millions

C.millions of                                D.two millions of


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

12、Nancy spoke in such a low voice that                 students in our class could hear her.

A.all                B.many              C.few                  D.most

