 0  5620  5628  5634  5638  5644  5646  5650  5656  5658  5664  5670  5674  5676  5680  5686  5688  5694  5698  5700  5704  5706  5710  5712  5714  5715  5716  5718  5719  5720  5722  5724  5728  5730  5734  5736  5740  5746  5748  5754  5758  5760  5764  5770  5776  5778  5784  5788  5790  5796  5800  5806  5814  97155 

科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

27、汶川5.12大地震牵动着每一个中国人的心。假如你是王浩, 想申请参加当地教育部门组织的“爱心使者”活动,利用假期赴灾区儿童补习功课。请根据下面申请表中的内容写一封信介绍你自己。

Application Form


Wang Hao




Junior 2


No. 2 Middle School



Favorite subjects              

math, science


listening to music, reading books

要求:1. 必须包括表格中的所有内容,可适当发挥;

      2. 70词左右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数)。

Dear Sir or Madam,


If you give me the chance, I will  try my best to help the children who need help.


                                                             Wang Hao




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

26、Mr. Smith can run very fast. And __1___ is very proud of this.

One day a __2___ breaks into(破门而入) his ___3___ and steals something. Just as the thief is going to run away, Mr. Smith finds him, and quickly ___4___ after him.

“Hey! Stop! Don’t you know you can’t run __5___ than me?” Mr. Smith shouts.

But the thief just doesn’t ___6__. Mr Smith gets very __7____. He tries his best to run faster. Soon he catches up ___8___ the thief and runs ahead of (在。。。的前面) him.

“Why are you in such a hurry?” a __9__ asks.

“I’m trying to catch the thief.” says Mr. Smith.

“But __10___ is the thief?”

At that time, Mr. Smith finds he can’t see the thief any more.







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:



This questionnaire is about your hobby. We want to know the relationship between your hobby and your job. You needn’t tell us your real name, but please answer the following questions honestly. Thanks a lot for your cooperation(合作).

Are you a man or a woman?

man    woman

What is your job?

teacher  worker  student

lawyer   others

How old are you?

under 10   11-20  21-30

31-40      above 40

How much do you make a month?

under 1,000 yuan   1,000-3,000 yuan

3,000-5,000 yuan    above 5,000 yuan

What do you usually do on holidays?

Watch TV       go shopping

climb mountain   ride bikes

play ball games   see movies   others

How much do you spend for your hobby every month?

none        under 200

200-500      above 500

1. The paper is about one’s ________.

  A. hobby                 B. family                  C. job               D.school

2. Who answers the questionnaire?

  A. a teacher           B. a student                  C. a worker       D. a lawyer

3. How much money does the woman make every month?

  A. under 1,000 yuan           B. 1,000 to 3,000 yuan

  C, 3,000 to 5,000 yuan        D. more than 5,000 yuan

4. What does the woman usually do on holidays?

  A. climb mountains    B. go shopping            C. see movies      D. play ball games

5. Which of the following is true?

  A. The woman spends less than 200 yuan on her hobby every month.

  B. The woman is 21-30 years old.

  C. The woman likes watching TV.

  D. The woman spends more than 500 yuan on her hobby every month.


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


1.Sometimes I copy my classmates’ homework. But I never tell the truth to my teachers.

2. My friends always get angry with me because I can’t keep secrets.

3. I pay little attention to others’ ideas and opinions. I always think I’m right.

4.I always feel lonely. No one can understand me even my parents, so I seldom talk to others.

5. Internet is useful, but mum tells me that some websites are harmful to teenagers.

A. Don’t look down on (看不起) new ideas. Everyone’s ideas are important. You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone.

B. Say “No” when someone tries to take money from you.

C. Do your homework by yourself. You can discuss(讨论)with your classmates if you have problems with it.

D. Try to spend more time with others. You can ask your classmates or teachers to help you if you have problems with your study or in your daily life.

E. Try to keep secrets of your friends. No one wants others to know his/her secrets except he/she trusts you.

F. Be friendly to the people you are with. Try to think of others, not only yourself.

G. Try to work and play with your friends. You may become more popular among them.

H. Only go to helpful websites. You can use the internet for fun or your homework.


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

22、假如你叫Xiao Fei,你是三口之家的成员之一。请你向同学介绍一下你自己的家庭成员情况。内容包括:姓名,年龄,喜欢与不喜欢(包括颜色、体育运动、食物等)。






科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

21、1、Li Ping的鞋子多少钱?

How                              Li Ping's             ?


English                very difficult,                   it is very useful.


Mr. Gao              an egg               morning.


Let's                                   ball.No,                                      


Gao ping usually                                                  







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

20、Mrs. Green is an English woman.She teaches English well.Her English classes are very interesting.

Mrs. Green has two children-Tom and Mary.Tom is seven and his sister Mary is four.Tom goes to school but Mary doesn't.Tom has two volleyballs, five baseballs, a tennis ball, a tennis racket and a baseball bat.But Mary has only one volleyball, a baseball and a tennis ball.She doesn't have a racket.Tom plays sports with his friends every day.Mary doesn't do sports.She only plays with the ball.

1.Mrs. Green is             

A.an English teacher        B.an English worker       C.a Chinese teacher

2.How many sons does Mrs. Green have?                 

A.three                     B.two                     C.one

3.Mary doesn't go to school because                  

A.She is interesting           B.She is seven            C.She is only four

4.Tom has              balls.

A.eight                      B.seven                    C.five

5.Mary has          balls.

A.two                       B.three                     C.only one







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

19、Hello! I'm Tommy I'm from American boy.Now I live in China with my parents and my sister.We like China and Chinese food.Chinese food is good for our health.We usually have eggs and noodles(面条)for breakfast.For lunch we have rice, vegetables, chicken and a bowl of soup.Sometimes we have some dumplings(饺子)for dinner.We don't like fast food like hamburgers and French fries.They are unhealthy food.

1.Where is Tommy from?

A.America               B.China                   C.Canada

2.What do Tommy’s families have for breakfast?

A.Eggs and noodles            B.Eggs and vegetables    C.Chicken and vegetables

3.They like Chinese food because               

A.it is good for their health

B.it is very delicious(可口的)

C.it is beautiful

4.Do they like fast food?

A.Yes, they do.           B.No, they don't             C.It's not mentioned.(提起)


A.healthy                    B.interesting               C.boring

