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--- How do you like the program the Voice of China?

--- ______ amazing program it is! Many people like to watch it.

A. What B. How an

C. How D. What an



试题分析:句意:——你认为《中国好声音》这个节目怎么样?——它是多么令人惊讶的节目!许多人喜欢观看它。感叹句的结构为:What a/an+形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语!How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!根据amazing program,可知此处修饰单数名词,故用What,故选D。



科目:初中英语 来源:2016届黑龙江五常市七年级下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


A: Ouch!

B: What is the _1.___?

A: I missed the chair and _2.____down.

B: Did you hurt__3.___ ?

A: No, I am OK.

A: Oh ,look__4.___your hands! Go and wash them at _5.____.

A: OK.___ 6.__is the washroom?

B: This _7.____, please.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年重庆第七十一中学校九年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Who is running on the sports field?

---It be David, He is ill at home.

A. can't B. mustn't

C. must D. shouldn't


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江杭州地区九年级上期中质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


如今,中学生的学习时间长,压力大。上周我校学生对如何减压放松进行了讨论。大家提出了许多种减压放松的方法。请以How to Get Relaxed为题,根据下列信息写一篇短文。

注意: (1)短文必须包括以下要点,并谈谈自己的看法;(2)词数90左右,文章题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。

How to Get Relaxed

Last week we had a discussion about the ways to get relaxed.








科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江杭州地区九年级上期中质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



One cold, rainy evening last October, I was in the hospital collecting medical records. A 43-year-old , whom I will call Ms A, was lying in bed. There were no relatives or friends with her. the bed beside her was empty.

After I finished my work, I was about to leave when Ms A spoke in her voice . “I haven’t seen you here before, doctor. Are you ?” Not really. It’s just that I don’t come here every day,” I replied. I was someone in her condition would want to talk.

Ms A started talking about . She told me that she had three children in primary school, who were a neighbor. “ My husband a year ago and I’m the only breadwinner of my family. We are not rich and my as a cleaner is exactly enough for me and my kids.”

I just sat quietly while she talked. She her difficulties and sufferings, and her struggles to earn money. She also expressed her fear about what would her children if something bad happened to her.

Finally, Ms A stopped talking with “I’m very sorry for keeping you here listening to my problems, but I feel now. I had no one to pour out my to.” A single tear fell down the corner of her eye.

A few days later, when I returned to the ward(病房), I discovered that Ms A had left as her had improved.

Ms A taught me one of the most important lessons a doctor can learn. Sometimes patients don’t need expensive medicine or state-of-the-art technology. They just need someone with the and willingness to lent an ear and spare a little of their time. For me, that is one of the best things a doctor can do for a patient.

1.A. doctor B. nurse C. patient D. manager

2.A. Even B. But C. So D. Then

3.A. calm B. serious C. eager D. weak

4.A. hungry B. certain C. free D. new

5.A. delighted B. bored C. surprised D. content

6.A. everything B. others C. anything D. herself

7.A. looking after B. staying with C. waiting for D. cheering up

8.A. died B. graduated C. joined D. appeared

9.A. energy B. skill C. pay D. experience

10.A. divided B. shared C. absorbed D. refused

11.A. result in B. depend on C. become of D. care for

12.A. hopeless B. good C. worse D. bored

13.A. problems B. beliefs C. excuses D. adventures

14.A. future B. income C. condition D. performance

15.A. patience B. courage C. freedom D. talent


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江杭州地区九年级上期中质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Many Japanese lost their lives in the earthquake. Here “lives” is pronounced as ______.

A . /laivz/ B. /livz/ C./livs/ D./laivs/


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东章丘市九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It’s not easy to be an astronaut’s son. Everybody expects you to be special or perfect. I often wonder how my father ever had a son like me. I mean he’s so special and so good at everything he does. Even in middle school he was class monitor and captain of the football team.

Well, to be honest, I often dream about being some kind of hero or doing something special—like saving a child from a burning building or discovering a new star. I was daydreaming at school one morning when my teacher said there would be a Father’s Day writing competition for the whole school. “I hope we have a winner right here in my class.”

When I got home, I started to think about what to write. My father is an astronaut. No, I wouldn’t start like that. That was the way others saw him. How did I see my father? Hmm…

I saw him sitting with me in the dark when I had a terrible dream. I remembered how he hugged(拥抱) me for hours when my dog Spotty was killed by a car. Yes, these were the things I was going to write. To me, he wasn’t just a world-famous astronaut. He was my dad.

My parents and l went to school Thursday night. There were so many people in the big hall! My dad looked at me, and I shrugged(耸肩).

The third prize was announced and it was not me. I was relieved and disappointed at the same time. The second prize was announced. It was me.

I went up to the stage and read what I had written, “My father’s son”. When I finished, the people stood up and cheered. I saw my father blowing his nose. Tears(眼泪) were running down my mother’s face. Dad cleared his throat and put his hand on my shoulder. “Son, this is the proudest moment of my life.’’

It was the proudest moment of my life, too. Maybe I’ll never be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but it was enough just to be my father’s son.

1.The writer’s dream is __________.

A. to become an astronaut’s son

B. to have a class monitor

C. to meet the captain of the football team

D. to do something special

2. The teacher hoped to ____________

A. save the child from a burning building

B. buy his father a gift for Father’s Day

C. have the competition winner in his class

D. take part in the speech competition

3.What did the writer probably write about?

A. It was very interesting to be an astronaut’s son.

B. His father was special and could do everything well.

C. His father’s experiences as a very famous astronaut.

D. The unforgettable time he spent with his father.

4.Why did the writer’s parents go to school Thursday night?

A. Because the result of the competition would be announced.

B. Because they were asked to give a speech to the students.

C. Because there was an important football match at school.

D. Because the writer did something wrong at school.

5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The writer was very disappointed at the result.

B. The writer’s achievement made his father feel proud.

C. The writer’s mother cried because he didn’t win first prize.

D. The writer’s father had a sore throat because he talked too much.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东章丘市九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

They have a _____ daughter and the girl is very good at her school work. They all take pride ______ her.

A. 15 years old; with B. 15-year-old; with

C. 15 years old; in D. 15-year-old; in


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东日照莒县北五校九年级上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Sorry, your car ______in front of the hotel.

A.can put B.be not put

C.can’t be put D.can be not put

