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  Mr. and Mrs. Brown have two children, Mike and Liz. The whole family are all busy, so they often leave notes (便条)for each other. Read these four notes of today and answer the following questions.


①3:30 p. m. To Mike,

Mr.   Tyler   rang.   No football practice   today.  I'm going to Donna's house to   play and be back at 5:00 p. m.


(2)4:00 p. m. To Liz,

It's your turn to walk the dog. I have to do my homework after school.   Remember to play with Teddy when you get home !


(3)6:45 p. m.

Has anyone   seen my tennis shoes? I'm in my bedroom doing my homework.


@ 9:00 p. m.

I saw your   shoes this morning.  They smelt   terrible so I put them outside the back door. Good night, dears !


(       )6. When will Liz be back home?

A. At 3:30 p.m.            B. At 4:00 p.m.

C. At 5:00 p.m.         D. At 9: 00 p. m.
(       )7. Who should walk the dog today?

A. Mike.    B. Mrs. Brown.

C.Liz.       D. Mr. Brown.
(       )8. What is Mike doing at 6: 50 p. m. ?

A. Practicing football.     B. Going to Donna's house.

C. Playing tennis.           D. Doing his homework.
(       )9. Where can Mike find his tennis shoes?

A. In his bedroom.                                             B. Outside the back door.

C. In the living room.                                            D. At Donna's house.

(       )10. According to the notes, Teddy is_______ .

A. Mike's mother                                                     B. Mike's brother

C. Mike's football coach                                  D. the dog in the family


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The aim (目的) of students who came to school is to study,but to study needs a right way,or we would w 1       the time and the money. The following are ways for studying.

The best time for r 2       is morning,because in the morning,the air is fresh and our minds are c 3       For that reason,we can get good r 4       . In studying we must be patient (耐心的) .We must put our h 5       into the book. We cannot read absentmindedly (心不在焉地) ,or we shall get n 6       from the book.

We must a 7       ask "whys". If we have anything not understood,write it down and ask our teachers,p 8      ,brothers or friends in any possible way. We must know the knowledge completely,and then we can u9      it well. Though there are many ways for studying,the above mentioned (提及的) will be quite enough if we can k 10       them in mind and do so.

1. w        2. r          3. c         4. r        5. h         

6. n       7. a          8. p          9. u          10. k      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Astronauts inAmericawho fly into space,need special training. First they go to Houston,Texas. That is the home of the Johnson Space Center. There they are tested to see how strong and smart they are.

  The first test is for the heart. The people walk or run,then the space doctors see how fast their hearts beat.

  Another important test is performed. In this test,the person must curl (蜷曲) his body up in a ball. When he is in that position,he is put into a round cloth bag. The doctors give him no idea how long he will have to stay in the bag. If a spaceship broke down in space,the astronauts would get into bags like this. Then they would have to wait and curl up in darkness until help could arrive. You can see that an astronaut must not be afraid of tight space or darkness.

  After the tests,only the best people are chosen to start astronaut training in a training center. The astronauts in training learn many other things. They learn how to jump out of a moving airplane. They learn to blow up a lifeboat and get into it while they are in the ocean. The astronauts also have to learn how to get lifted out of the ocean by helicopter (直升机) .That seems fun,but it can be dangerous.

  After they finish training,the astronauts continue to work. They stay in good shape by running and doing exercise. They read about their special jobs. In this way,they can learn new facts about space travel.

  Then the big day comes. The astronauts are told to go to work on a flight into space.  The crew members get to know each other first. Then they can learn what job each will do.

(   ) 1. What do the doctors test first in the Johnson Space Center?

   A. Space knowledge. B. Fears of tight space. C. The eyesight. D. The heart.

(   ) 2. The astronauts DON'T know how long they will stay in the bag in the test because         .

   A. the doctors need to know how strong they are

   B. the astronauts need to show how smart they are

   C. good astronauts mustn't be afraid of darkness or tight space

   D. nobody knows when help will come if the spaceship breaks down ::

(   ) 3. The astronauts don't learn how to        in the training center.

   A. walk or run in space

   B. jump out of a moving plane ,

   C. blow up a lifeboat

   D. get lifted out of water by helicopter

(   ) 4. Which is the correct order according to the passage?

   a. Doctors do tests on the astronauts.

   b. The astronauts go to the Johnson Space Center.

   c. The astronauts learn new facts about space travel.

   d. The best people are chosen for training.

   e. The astronauts go to work on a flight into space.

   A. a,b,c,d,e Rd,a,e,b,c   C. b,a,d,c,e   D. c,d,e,b,a

(   ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. After the tests,only the best people are chosen to start astronaut training in a training center.

   B. The crew members get to know each other after the tests.

   C. One of the first tests is for the heart.

   D. An astronaut must not be afraid of tight space or darkness. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

At school many things happen to us. We may feel excited when we have success in a school play. We may feel sorry if we lose an important game. We want to keep the memory for the rest of our lives.

How to keep the memory? Our English teacher, Miss Wang, has taught us a good way of remembering things. It is to make our own yearbook. What is a yearbook? A yearbook is a kind of book which is used to keep the memory of exciting moments. It's usually made at the end of the year.

Last December, we began to make our yearbook. First we chose the persons who had done something special. Then some students interviewed(采访)them. Some wrote down their stories. Others took photos of them. Everyone in our class had something to do. Finally our teacher helped us to put the things together. We had our first yearbook.

All of us put a lot of love into making the yearbook. It is so wonderful that not only the
students but also our parents and teachers will remember the special time for ever.
(       )1. When we have success in a school play , we may feel_____

A. sorry               B. angry               C. excited       D. interested

(       )2. Miss Wang's good way of remembering things is to________ .

A. buy a new book                                               B. write down stories

C. take a lot of photos                                         D. make a yearbook

(       )3. A yearbook is made to______ .

A. take notes                                                         B. keep the memory

C. do our homework                                            D. remember English words

(       )4. Usually a yearbook is made in______ .

A. January                                                             B. February

C. May                                                                   D. December

(       )5. We made our first yearbook       .

A.     without any help

B.     without putting our love into it

C.     with the help of our teacher

D.     with the help of our parents


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Stress(压力)is everywhere in our everyday life. Not only men have it, but also women and young people.

The most important reasons of stress are death , diseases , exams , making money , getting married, moving houses, changing jobs, ending friendships and so on.

How do you know whether you have stress? Could you give your answers to the following questions?





Do you easily get angry?



Do you often sleep badly?



Do you get headaches a lot?



Do you take sleeping pills?



Do you find it difficult to relax?



Do you usually hide your feelings?



Do you smoke and drink a lot to keep quiet?



Do you find it difficult to put your heart into something?






If you answer "Yes" to more than two of these questions, you are one of those people with stress. So what can you do about it?

Doing relaxing exercises, talking with friends and listening to light music are all usual ways of relieving(减轻)stress. However, doctors now say that there are easier ways―people should laugh and smile more often. When you laugh and smile, your body relaxes. They also say that people , especially men , should  more often , because crying is the natural way of relieving stress.

(       )6. Which of the followings is NOT the reason of stress?

A. Taking exams.                                          B. Changing jobs.

C. Taking sleeping pills.                                D. Making money.

(       )7. According to the passage, which of the folio wings is true?

A.     Women and young people never have stress.

B.     Stress is everywhere in our everyday life.

C.     People who answer "No" to all of the questions have great stress.

D.     People who answer "Yes" to more than two of the questions have no stress. 

(       )8. What's the easier way to relax your body?

           A.     Talking with friends.

B.     Listening to light music.

C.     Doing relaxing exercises.

D.     Laughing, smiling and crying.

(       )9. "_____ ” in the passage should be the "word" .

A. smile                       B. laugh                      C. cry         D. smoke

(       )10. The main idea of the passage is       

A.     about stress and how to relieve your stress

B.     that there are many reasons for having stress

C.     that laughing and smiling more can help relieve your stress

D.     that doing the Stress Test is a good way to help you live a better life


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

My granddaughter,10. was very happy the day before yesterday because her mother and the mother of one of her classmates took them to a park and a Pizza Hut (比萨饼屋) to celebrate Children's Day. For a whole day,the two girls played heartily―no homework,no extracurricular (课外) skills training. The happy life lasted only for one day. Yesterday,everything returned to normal : doing homework till late at night and going over lessons learned at last weekend's English and "Olympic mathematics"(数学奥赛) courses.

Every time I went to my daughter's house in the evening,I saw my granddaughter sitting by the small desk in her room doing math exercises or writing a compositions given by her teacher. On the white wall behind the desk are some words she wrote. One sentence reads : u Why is the exercise endless?"

Poor girl !

Although teachers have stopped giving afterschool homework to primary school children,parents have been forcing their kids to take part in different kinds of extracurricular training courses―learning English,painting,music instrument (乐器) ,weiqg , "Olympic mathematics" and so on,every Saturday and Sunday.

Are these extracurricular courses really necessary in children's education? The answer is certainly "No". Take the socalled "Olympic mathematics" for example. These courses are very difficult for children to understand. Often,they are difficult even for adults (成年人) .

(   ) 1. The writer's granddaughter celebrated her Children's Day by         .

   A. playing all day   B. doing nothing

   C. having a party   D. going over lessons

(   ) 2. Usually at weekends the girl will      

   A. stay at home

   B. play with their classmates

   C. do whatever she likes

   D. go to different kinds of training courses

(   ) 3. The writer thinks that her granddaughter         .

   A. lives a happy life

   B. goes to bed early at weekend

   C. has too much homework

    D. likes to do more exercises

(   ) 4. Which is true according to (根据) the passage?

   A. The " Olympic Mathematics" is too difficult for kids.

   B. The grandfather thinks playing is more important than learning.

   C. Teachers often give students useless homework.

   D. The parents don't want their kids to do lots of homework.

(   ) 5. From the last paragraph (段落) we know that the writer thinks         .

   A. only school courses are useful to kids

   B. some extracurricular courses kids learn after school are not necessary

   C. some extracurricular courses are even more difficult for adults

   D. kids shouldn't learn difficult courses


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

How hard we have all prayed (祈祷) to grow up quickly,and looked forward to the happy days of being a grownup and enjoying the many interests that a youth should have.

At last,you have grown up. At least you are no longer a child. They call you "young lady". You then enjoy the pleasure of being a young lady. You are proud of being a grown?up teenager. People welcome you―this young lady―heartily. You are glad that your prayer has been answered.

But there is always something that troubles you a lot. You say, "Papa and Mama,give me some money please. My pocket money is all gone already."

"No”, they say, " Your age is a dangerous age. If you have too much money to spend,it won't do you any good. ” Then you have to stay at home because you dare not go out with an empty pocket.

Another time you tell your grandma, "Grandma,see,I am a grownup now." "Good,now you can sit here and knit (编织) this for me while I go and have a rest. " To show that you are no more a child,you have to sit there the whole afternoon doing the work,which only a grownup can do. After an hour,you find it hard to do,and give the knitting basket back to your grandma. Your grandma criticizes your work. You hear what she says, "Such a big girl can't do such easy work. " You wish then you were a child again.

But the fact is,you are growing up,and you can't help it. That's the way it goes!

(   ) 11. The passage is told about        problems.

   A. a grownup boy's   B. a teenage girl's   C. an old woman's   D. an old man's

(   ) 12. It is clear that the writer,as a teenager,          .

   A. is pleased with the present life

   B. is bored about growing up

   C. doesn't think her present life happy enough

   D. is sad about being a kid

(   ) 13. How does she know her prayer has been answered?

   A. People treat her as a young lady.

   B. She doesn't need to play with kids now.

   C. People begin to call her teenager.

   D. She can join women in all kinds of activities.

(   ) 14. From what her parents say,we know         .

   A. the girl always has much money in her pocket

   B. it's dangerous for a girl to spend money

   C. they love her more than before

   D. they still regard her as a child

(   ) 15. Why does she promise to help her grandma do some knitting?

   A. Because she likes doing knitting.

   B. Because she wants to show that she has grown up.

   C. Because she has much more free time.

   D. Because her grandma is very tired.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

When Celia was cleaning her bookcase, a book fell off from the top. Then Celia remembered that she borrowed the book from Linda two months ago.

Celia felt really bad. Last month, her friend Linda moved away toItaly. What should she do now? Celia thought hard. Could she keep the book and never say anything because they would probably never see each other again? Or could she find a way to give the book back to Linda?

"It's Linda's book. I must return it to her," Celia thought. So she wrote Linda a letter and sent the book with it:


Dear Linda,


How are you? How isItaly? Do you   have any new friends there?


Fm very sorry that it   took me so long to return this book to you, because I forgot all

about it. I hope you will forgive(原谅)me.


I miss you very much.



Your friend,



Two weeks later, Celia   got a letter fromItaly.   It said:

Dear Celia,


Thank you for the letter   and the book. I'm sorry for not writing to you

since I came

here about a month ago. I,m very busy. Here are some books aboutItaly

I hope you

enjoy them. You don't have to return these books.


Miss you!



Your friend,



(       )6. Celia_____ when she found Linda's book.

A. was reading B. was sweeping the floor

C. was writing a letter   D. was cleaning the bookcase

(       )7. Celia felt bad because______ .

A.     the book was lost

B.     she could never see Linda again

C.     she forgot to return the book to Linda

D. her friend Linda moved away toItaly

(       )8. Linda didn't write to Celia_______ .

A.     after she moved toItaly

B.     after Celia returned the book

C.     before she moved toItaly

D.     after Celia borrowed a book from her 

(       )9. How long did Celia keep the book?

A. Around a month.                                      B. Around two months.

C. Around three months.                              D. Around two weeks.

(       )10. Which of the following is true?

A.     Celia didn't want to see Linda again.

B.     Finally, Celia decided not to return the book to Linda.

C.     Linda sent Celia a letter with some books aboutItaly.

D.     Linda was angry with Celia because she didn't return the book.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Many years ago,when I was fresh out of school and working in Denver,I was driving to my parents' home in Missouri for Christmas. I stopped at a gas station about 50 miles from Oklahoma City,where I was planning to stop and visit a friend. While I was standing in line at the cash register,I said hello to an older couple who were also paying for gas.

I took off,but had gone only a few miles when black smoke poured from the back of my car. I stopped and wondered what I should do. A car pulled up behind me. It was the couple I had spoken to at the gas station. They said they would take me to my friend's. We chatted on the way into the city,and when I got out of the car,the husband gave me his business card.

I wrote him and his wife a thankyou note for helping me. Soon afterward,I received a Christmas present from them. Their note that came with it said that helping me had made their holidays meaningful.

Years later,I drove to a meeting in a nearby town in the morning. In late afternoon I returned to my car and found that Fd left the lights on all day,and the battery was dead. Then I noticed that the Friendly Ford dealership―a shop selling cars―was right next door. I walked over and found two salesmen in the showroom.

"Just how friendly is Friendly Ford?" I asked and explained my trouble. They would accept no payment,so when I got home,I wrote them a note to say thanks. I received a letter back from one of the salesmen. No one had ever taken the time to write him and say " thank you" ,and it meant so much.

"Thank you"―two powerful words. They're easy to say and mean so much.

(   ) 11. The author planned to stop at Oklahoma City         .

   A. to visit a friend   B. to see his parents

   C. to pay at the cash register   D. to have more gas for his car

(   ) 12. The phrase "took off" underlined in Paragraph 2 means "                          ”.

   A. turned off   B. moved off

   C. put up   D. set up

(   ) 13. What happened when the author found smoke coming out of his car?

   A. He had it pulled back to the gas station.

   B. The couple sent him a business card.

   C. The couple offered to help him.

   D. He called his friend for help.

(   ) 14. The battery of the author's car was dead because       .

   A. something went wrong with the lights

   B. the meeting lasted a whole day

   C. he forgot to turn off the lights

   D. he drove too long a distance

(   ) 15. By telling his own experiences,the author tries to show       

   A. how to write a thankyou letter

   B. how to deal with car problems

   C. the kindheartedness of older people

   D. the importance of expressing thanks

