精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
I was six when I joined my father's fields in Okla. By the time I was eight, I was helping Dad   36  old furniture. He gave me a cent for every nail I   37  out of old boards. I got my first real job, at JM's Restaurant when I was 12. My main responsibilities were   38  tables. At that age, it was   39  going to work and glimpsed at my friends run off to swim or play. I didn't necessarily like work, but I loved what working   40  me to have. Because of my job, I was always the first one to buy something delicious. This made me   41  .
Word that I was trustworthy and hard-working   42  around town. A local clothing store offered me credit despite my young age. I immediately bought an expensive coat and shoes on credit. I was   43  only 65 cents an hour, and I already owed the store keeper $90!
So I learned   44  the danger of easy credit. I paid it off as soon as I could. My first job taught me   45  and brought me a level of personal satisfaction few of my friends had   46 . As my father, who worked three jobs, once told me, “If you understand sacrifice and   47  , there are not many things in life you can't have.” How right he was.


小题1:D上下文联系根据之前的a cent for every nail I      out of old boards. 得知,是每从旧木板上拔出一个钉子给一分钱,因此,是修理家具。
小题2:A 动词和宾语的搭配。根据这个动词和nail以及木板的关系,得知应该是拔出。pull sth. out of:把某物从……拔/拉出来。
小题3:C 常识考查:在餐馆工作,不能扫 sweep 餐桌,不能包装 pack餐桌,不能腾空empty餐桌。empty表示腾空的时候,是指腾空,移走里面的内容。只能用清理,clear餐桌
小题4:C上下文联系。At that age, it was     going to work and glimpsed at my friends run off to swim or play. 在那个年龄(8岁),看到我的朋友出去游泳或者去玩,而我要去工作(对我来说)很难。
小题5:A 动词辨析。但是我喜欢工作所让我可以拥有的东西。根据下文的Because of my job, I was always the first one to buy something delicious.由于我的工作,我总是第一个买好吃的的人可知,是工作给我带来的好处。(收获)allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事。B. prefer 宁愿;更喜欢;C和D通常不用于这个结构。
小题6:A 形容词辨析。承接上文,我因此感到自豪。grateful, 感激的    rich, 富裕的,丰富的,hopeful,有希望的,有前途的
小题7:B短语辨析。我勤勉和值得信赖的消息在镇上传开。get around ="get" round (消息)传开;四处走走;有办法应付;show around:带领…参观;fly around:绕圈飞;飞来飞去;carry around:随身携带。
小题8:D 动词辨析。我每个小时只能赚六毛五分,可是我已经欠了店老板9毛钱。(说明花费远超自己的收入)make money, 赚钱
小题9: A 副词辨析。句意:因此我学到了放松信贷的危险。greatly副词:很,极大的;非常;在这里修饰learned,说明此事对他的影响。
小题10:B 动词辨析。我的第一份工作教会了我(控制收支的)自控能力和自我满足感。self-development:自我发展;self-criticism:自我批评;self-confidence:自信。
小题11:D 这种从第一份工作中所学到的自控能力和自我满足感,没几个学生经历过的。lost:失去;丢失;improve:改善;提高;变得更好;develop:发展;开发;进步。
小题12:A 名词辨析If you understand sacrifice and      , there are not many things in life you can't have.
如果你明白了牺牲和责任的话,生活中就没有什么你无法得到的东西。and连接两个名词,这两个名词应该是指同一方面的,sacrifice, 牺牲;奉献;四个词中只有responsibility 跟它匹配。promise: 答应;承诺 independence:独立;自主 ambition:野心;雄心;志向;抱负。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Today I am known for my voice. Perhaps the greatest honor came when I was asked to read The New Testament(《新约全书》)on tape .
But it  21  a long time to believe such good things could happen to me. When I was a child, I stuttered(结巴)so badly that I was completely  22  to speak in public.
 23  when I was 14, Professor Donald Crouch came to my school. He was a retired college professor. English was his favorite subject and  24  was his deepest love. He held a book of poems as if it were a crystal,  25  pages as if uncovering treasures. When he heard that our school was teaching Shakespeare and other classics, he felt  26  for not being a part of our school sooner.
When he  27  that I not only loved poetry but was  28  it, we became closer. There was, however, one  29 -- Professor Crouch could not stand the  30  that I refused to read my poems to the class.
“Jim, poetry is  31  to be read aloud,” he said. “You should be able to speak those beautiful words.” I shook my head and  32 .
One day he   33  me .
After handing in a poem, I waited for his  34 . It didn’t come. Instead one day as the students had gathered together, he  35  me , “Jim, I don’t think you wrote this poem.”
I stared at him in disbelief. “Why,” I started,  36  flooding me. “of course I did !” “Well, then,” he said, “you’ve got to prove it by getting up and reciting it from  37 .”
By then the other students had settled at their desks. With knees shaking, I walked up to the front. For a moment I stood there  38  Then I began, and kept going. I recited my poem all the way   39 !
Afterwards, Professor Crouch encouraged me to read other writers’ poetry before the public. I discovered I did have a(n)  40  and found my classmates actually looked forward to hearing me recite.
A.turned awayB.sat downC.talked backD.gave in
A.helpB.ideaC.reward D.comment


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

On Friday morning, I was waiting in the corridor with my class for the physics exam. Glancing back from the front of the queue, I found my best friend Terry, who was treating me like I didn’t exist during the past two weeks,   36  all my calls and messages.
With all the students seated in the exam room, Mr. Reed, our physics teacher, talked to the class and announced the exam. I hated physics and felt it hard to   37  my paper. I was just looking up when a    38  caught my eye. I could hardly believe it! Terry had her phone on her left knee and she was reading from it. Is that how Terry always got good    39  ? I almost put my hand up to tell the teacher, but what would everyone else think of her? However, it wasn’t   40   ! So I nodded to Mr. Reed. He walked   41   down the row of tables. Terry was busy with her phone so that she didn’t even find Mr. Reed had   42   her. She looked up from her phone with a frightened expression. Before she had a chance to explain, Mr. Reed took her   43   and told her to leave the room. Terry started crying as she walked to the door, looking back over her shoulder at me, sad and ashamed.
After the exam, I received a text message from Terry, saying “I’m really   44  that I’ve been avoiding you lately but it’s been the hardest two weeks of my life. My dad has a heart attack and he’s been in hospital. He has a(n)    45   today and I am really worried. I know it is stupid, but I was trying to send a text message to my mum to see how it was going. Then Mr. Reed caught me and thought I was   46   . I wish I’d told you what’s been happening. I know I shouldn’t   47  who my friends are. Will you forgive me?” At these words, from my deep heart sprang up a burst of guilt along with the belief: Friendship is an honor and a gift, and worth the effort to treasure.
A.hand outB.give upC.throw awayD.concentrate on
A.sorryB.angryC.glad D.lucky


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In a land far away, once upon a time there was great poverty (贫困), and only the rich could manage without great  36  . Three of those rich men and their servants were   37  together on a road when they came to a very   38  village.
The first could not stand seeing the poverty,  39 he took all the gold and jewels from his wagons (四轮载重马车) and shared  40  out among the villagers. He wished them all the best of luck, and he left. 
The second rich man, seeing the  41 situation, stopped for a short time and gave  42 all his food and drink, since he  43  see that money would be of little  44  to them. He made sure that they each  45   their fair share and would have enough food to  46   for some time. Then, he left. 
The third rich man, on seeing such poverty,  47  and went straight through the  48 without stopping. The two other rich men saw this from a distance and commented with each other  49  the third rich man lacked sympathy. It was   50  that they themselves had been there to offer help.
However, three days later, they 51  the third rich man, who was coming in the opposite direction. He was  52   travelling quickly, but his wagons,  53 the gold and valuables they had been 54 , were now full of farming tools and bags of  55  . He was rushing back to help them out of poverty.
A.the villagersB.his servantsC.the othersD.the rest
A.turned backB.set outC.showed offD.speeded up
A.whether B.howC.whereD.when
A.except forB.instead ofC.apart fromD.along with


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Which is safer --- staying at home, traveling to work on public transport, or working at the office? Surprisingly, each of these carries the same risk, which is very low.However, what about flying compared to working in the chemical industry? Unfortunately, the former is 65 times riskier than the latter! In fact the accident rate of workers in the chemical industry is less than that of almost any of human activity, and almost as safe as staying at home.
The trouble with the chemical industry is that when things go wrong they often cause death to those living nearby.It is this that makes chemical accidents so newsworthy.Fortunately, they are extremely rare.The most famous ones happened at Texas City (1947), Flixborough (1974), Seveso (1976), Pemex (1984) and Bhopal (1984).
Some of these are always in the minds of the people even though the loss of life was small.No one died at Seveso, and only 28 workers at Flixborough.The worst accident of all was Bhopal, where up to 3,000 were killed.The Texas City explosion of fertilizer killed 552.The Pemex fire at a storage plant for natural gas in the suburbs of Mexico City took 542 lives, just a month before the unfortunate event at Bhopal.
Some experts have discussed these accidents and used each accident to illustrate a particular danger.Thus the Texas City was caused by tons of ammonium nitrate, which is safe unless stored in a great quantity.The Flixborough fireball was the fault of management, which took risks to keep production  going during essential repairs.The Seveso accident shows what happens if the local authorities lack knowledge of the danger on their doorstep.When the poisonous gas drifted over the town , local leaders were incapable of taking effective action.The Pemex fire was made worse by an overloaded site in an overcrowded suburb.The fire set off a chain reaction of exploding storage tanks.Yet, by a miracle, the two largest tanks did not explode.Had these caught fire, then 3,000 strong rescue team and fire fighters would all have died.
小题1:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Working at the office is safer than staying at home.
B.Travelling to work on public transport is safer than working at the office.
C.Staying at home is safer than working in the chemical industry.
D.Working in the chemical industry is safer than traveling by air.
小题2:Chemical accidents are usually important enough to be reported as news because       .
A.they are very rare
B.they often cause loss of life
C.they always occur in big cities
D.they arouse the interest of all the readers
小题3:According to the passage, the chemical accident that caused by the fault of management happened in_________.
A.Texas city B.Flixborough
C.Seveso D.Mexico City
小题4:From the passage we know that “ammonium nitrate” is a kind of _____.
A.natural gas, which can easily catch fire
B.fertilizer, which can't be stored in a great quantity
C.poisonous substance, which can't be used in overcrowded areas
D.fuel, which is stored in large tanks
小题5:From the discussion among some experts we may conclude that _____.
A.to avoid any accident we should not repair the facilities in chemical industry
B.the local authorities should not be concerned with the production of the chemical industry
C.all these accidents could have been avoided or controlled if effective measures had been taken
D.natural gas stored in very large tanks is always safe


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A mother isdevastated, crying, yelling all she can in that dark corner. There was nobody tohear her yell and not a soul to calm her, because outside her house is a long winding lonely road.The wind was at rest and the leaves didn't rustle, silence filling the air. Loneliness was alreadykilling her, but no one knows what made her cry?
Losing something you love with all your heart isn't really the pain you can ever overcome.Radha lost her baby, her only means to live. She saw her child getting killed and the accidentwas terrible. One lonely night, she was walking down the street to get a breath of fresh air withher child hugged tight in her arms.
The whole time she walked with her child in her arms, the only thing that worried her wasAryan's future. She was imagining and feeling every day of the child's growthand figuringwhat she would have in store for him. But who knows what's in store for us tomorrow, life canchange in a second.
On that deserted road, were a few streetlights barely enough? It was this one light that couldbe seen from a distance,but as it came closer it got brighter and brighter. That light changedRadha's life into darkness forever. A speeding car came down that road. The driver came with a full speed throwing beer bottles out of his half open window. He was definitely drunk,and the speed took, everything in its path. Just then, there was a loud cry, and silence set in again.
But the mother wasn't hurt. She opened her eyes, unable to focus her eyes, and didn't seeAryan. After a few minutes when her sight cleared up she looked all over in a panic for her baby,but alas! ... The child hadn't even seen life.
Simple, don't drink and drive.You could take a life, but kill a number of people.
小题1:The word "devastated" in Paragraph 1 would probably mean      .
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE of Radha?
A.She had expected much of Aryan.
B.She got her eyes injured in the accident.
C.She was hit by one bottle on the arm.
D.She had everything ready for Aryan's future.
小题3:The last sentence underlined implies that            .
A.drunk driving is absolutely forbidden
B.drunk driving is certain to kill a lot of people
C.the driver killed Aryan and his mother
D.there is more than one victim in a car accident
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.The Death of a Miserable Child
B.A Sad Mother on a Windy Night
C.The Price for Another Man's Mistake
D.Overspeeding from Drunk Driving


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

China is a land of bicycles. At least it was back in 1992 when I traveled the country. Back then everyone seemed to be riding a bicycle. Millions of them, all black. Cars were rare. Yet since my arrival in Beijing last year, I’ve found the opposite is true. There are millions of cars. However, people still use their bicycles to get around. For many, it’s the easiest and cheapest way to travel today. Bicycles also come in different colors---sivler, green, red, blue, yellow, whatever you want.
It’s fun watching people biking. They rush quickly through crossroads, move skillfully through traffic, and ride even on sidewalks(人行道). Bicycles allow people the freedom to move about that cars just can’t provide.
Eager to be part of this aspect of Chinese culture, I decided to buy a bicycle. Great weather accompanied my great buy. I immediately jumped up on my bicycle seat and started home.
My first ride home was orderly (守秩序的). To be safe, I stayed with a “pack” of bikers while cars on the streets came running swiftly out of nowhere at times. I didn’t want to get hit. So I took the ride carefully.
Crossing the streets was the biggest problem. It was a lot like crossing a major highway back in the United States. The streets here were wide, so crossing took time, skill and a little bit of luck.
I finally made it home. The feeling on the bicycle was amazing. The air hitting my face and going through my hair was wonderful. I was sitting on top of the world as I passed by places and people. Biking made me feel alive.
小题1: According to the author, why are bicycles still popular in China today?
A.Because they are traditional and safe.
B.Because they are convenient and inexpensive.
C.Because they are colorful and available.
D.Because they are fast and environment friendly.
小题2: The author decided to buy a bicycle because he intended ______________.
A.to ride it for funB.to use it for transport
C.to experience local skillsD.to improve his riding skills
小题3: How did the author feel about his street crossing?
A.It was boring.B.It was difficult.
C.It was lively.D.It was wonderful.
小题4: Which of the following best describes the author’s biking experience?
A.The author enjoyed showing off his biking skills.
B.The author was annoyed by the air while riding.
C.The author was praised by the other bikers.
D.The author took great pleasure in biking.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

At the age of sixteen, I joined a volunteer group with my dad.I went on my first volunteer project in West Virginia.On the night we arrived, we discovered that "our family" was living in a trailer(活动房车) that was in poor conditions.A crew had been wolfing on it for two weeks, but every time they finished one problem, another surfaced.
We decided the only reasonable solution was to bridle a new house – something unusual but necessary under these circumstances.The family was overjoyed with their new house that was twenty by thirty feet with three bedrooms, a bath and a kitchen.
On Tuesday of that week, while we ate lunch together, I asked the family's three boys, Josh, Eric and Ryan, "What do you want for your new room?" Expecting toys and other gadgets that children suavity ask for, we were astonished when Josh responded, "I just want a bed."
The boys had never slept in a bed! They were accustomed to plastic mats.That night we had a meeting and decided that beds would be the perfect gift.On Thursday night, a few adults in our group drove to the nearest city and bought beds and new bedding.
When we saw the delivery truck coming, we told the family about the surprise.We could hardly contain ourselves. It was like watching excited children on Christmas morning.
That afternoon, as we fitted the frames of the beds together, Eric ran into the house to watch us.Too dirty to enter his room, he observed with wide-eyed enthusiasm from the doorway.
As my father slipped a pillowcase onto one of the pillows, Eric asked, "What is that?"
"A pillow," he replied.
"What do you do with it?" Eric continued to ask
"When you go to sleep, you put your head on it," I answered softly.Tears came to my eyes as my father handed Eric the pillow.
"Oh...that's soft," he said, hugging it tightly.
Now, when my sister or I start to ask for something that seems urgent, my dad gently asks, "Do you have a pillow?"
We know exactly what he means.
小题1:The author's first volunteer project was             .
A.working on a poor trailer
B.helping a poor family
C.donating beds and bedding
D.dealing with a housing problem
小题2:On hearing Josh's answer, the author was shocked because           .
A.the family lived in a trailer
B.Josh didn't know what a bed was
C.Josh expected to get some toys
D.The boys had no bed to sleep in
小题3:By "We could hardly contain ourselves.", the author means that they all
A.felt confused B.felt excited with joy
C.couldn't help laughingD.failed to keep the secret
小题4:From the passage, we can learn that what Eric had never seen before is         .
A.a trailerB.a bed
C.a pillowD.a truck
小题5:From the last two paragraphs, the author's father means that
A.what the author wants to get may be unnecessary
B.the author should not waste money on small things
C.the author should do more volunteer work for the poor
D.what he will buy is not what the author wants but a pillow


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was an autumn morning shortly after my husband and I moved into our first house. Our children were upstairs unpacking,and I was looking out of the window at my father moving around mysteriously on the front lawn. “What are you doing out there?” I called to him.
He looked up, smiling. “I’m making you a surprise.’’ I thought it could be just about anything. When we were kids, he always created something surprising for us. Today, however, Dad would say no more ,and caught up in the business of our new life ,I eventually forgot about his surprise.
Until one gloomy day the next March when I glanced out of the window,I saw a dot of blue across the yard. I headed outside for a closer look. They were crocuses (番红花)throughout the front lawn 一 blue, yellow and my favorite pink ,with little faces moving up and down in the cold wind. I remembered the things Dad secretly planted last autumn. He knew how the darkness and dullness of winter always got me down. What could have been more perfectly timely to my needs?
My father’s crocuses bloomed (开花)each spring for the next five seasons, always bringing the same assurance: Hard times are almost over. Hold on, keep going, and light is coming soon.
Then a spring came with only half the usual blooms and the next spring there were none. I missed the crocuses ,so I would ask Dad to come over and plant new bulbs. But I never did. He died suddenly one October day. My family were in deep sorrow, leaning on our faith.
On a spring afternoon four years later, I was driving back when I felt depressed. It was Dad’s birthday, and I found myself thinking about him. This was not unusual — my family often talked about him, remembering how he lived up to his faith. Suddenly I slowed as I turned into our driveway. I stopped and stared at the lawn. There on the muddy grass with small piles of melting snow ,bravely waving in the wind, was one pink crocus.
How could a flower bloom from a bulb more than 18 years ago, one that hadn’t bloomed in over a decade? But there was the crocus. Tears filled my eyes as I realized its significance.
Hold on, keep going, and light is coming soon. The pink crocus bloomed for only a day, but it built my faith for a lifetime.
小题1:According to the first three paragraphs, we learn that ______.
A. it kept bothering the author not knowing what the surprise was
B. the author was unpacking when her father was making the surprise
C. it was not the first time that the author’s father had made a surprise
D. the author knew what the surprise was because she knew her father
小题2:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The author usually felt depressed in the season of winter.
B. The author’s father planted the crocuses to lift her low spirits.
C. The author often thought about her father after he died.
D. The crocuses bloomed each spring before her father died.
小题3:The author’s father should be best described as ______.
A. a part-time worker who loved flowers
B. a kind-hearted man who lived with faith
C. a full-time gardener with skillful hands
D. an ordinary man with doubts in his life
小题4:What can be the best title for the passage?
A. Crocuses — My Source of FaithB.Crocuses— Father’s Surprise
C. A Pink Crocus — My MemoryD.Crocuses in Blossom — My Favorite

