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16.你们班准备举办一个主题为"My Favorite Sports Star"的班会,请你根据以下表格信息,写一篇英语短文,简要介绍羽毛球选手林丹,并向全班作演讲.
参考词汇:羽毛球 badminton; 绰号 nickname; 冠军 champion; 敬礼 salute; 扣球 smash
Good afternoon,everyone!
My favorite sports star is Lin Dan,whose nickname is Super Dan,a world-famous badminton player.(高分句型一)
Born on Oct.14th,1983,in Longyan,Fujian Province,China,Lin Dan started playing badminton at the age of five and joined the army when he was twelve.(高分句型二)His professional career began six years later when he was admitted into the national team.He is 1.78 m tall and weighs 72kg.He is famous for hissmash as well as his left-handed playing style.So far,he has received lots of champions and honors in a variety of international competitions,including the two Olympic gold medals from Beijing and London.(高分句型三)After winning a game,he often salutes audiences of all sides or throws his sportswear to the crowds to celebrate his victory.
Thank you for listening.

分析 本篇书面表达属于图表类作文,根据提示信息你们班准备举办一个主题为"My Favorite Sports Star"的班会,请你根据以下表格信息,写一篇英语短文,简要介绍羽毛球选手林丹,并向全班作演讲   写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息  2、提纲是文章的总体框架,要在图表的范围内进行分析、构思和想象.要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写.本文写作时可以按照要点所给的顺序写.3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态.4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点.
【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种表达:at the age of在…岁的时候;be admitted into被录取;is famous for因为…而出名;including包括;a variety of 各种各样;
My favorite sports star is Lin Dan,whose nickname is Super Dan,a world-famous badminton player.(高分句型一)
  Born on Oct.14th,1983,in Longyan,Fujian Province,China,Lin Dan started playing badminton at the age of five and joined the army when he was twelve.(高分句型二)
So far,he has received lots of champions and honors in a variety of international competitions,including the two Olympic gold medals from Beijing and London.(高分句型三)

解答 Good afternoon,everyone!
        My favorite sports star is Lin Dan,whose nickname is Super Dan,a world-famous badminton player.(高分句型一)
        Born on Oct.14th,1983,in Longyan,Fujian Province,China,Lin Dan started playing badminton at the age of five and joined the army when he was twelve.(高分句型二)His professional career began six years later when he was admitted into the national team.He is 1.78 m tall and weighs 72kg.He is famous for his smash as well as his left-handed playing style.So far,he has received lots of champions and honors in a variety of international competitions,including the two Olympic gold medals from Beijing and London.(高分句型三)After winning a game,he often salutes audiences of all sides or throws his sportswear to the crowds to celebrate his victory.
         Thank you for listening.

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.My mom only had one eye.I hated her…she was such an embarrassment.My mom ran a small shop at a flea market.She collected little weeds and such to sell…anything for the money we needed she was such an embarrassment.There was this one day during elementary school.I remember that it was field day,and my mom came.I was so embarrassed.How could she do this to me?I threw her a hateful look and ran out.The next day at school…"Your mom only has one eye?!"and they taunted me.
I wished that my mom would just disappear from this world so I said to my mom,"Why don't you just die?"My mom did not respond.I guess I felt a little bad,but at the same time,it felt good to think that I had said what I'd wanted to say all this time.Maybe it was because my mom hadn't punished me,but I didn't think that I had hurt her feelings very badly.
That night…I woke up,and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.My mom was crying there,so quietly,as if she was afraid that she might wake me.I hated my mother who was crying out of her one eye.So I told myself that I would grow up and become successful,because I hated my one-eyed mom and our desperate poverty.
Then I studied really hard.I left my mother and came to Seoul and studied,and got accepted in the Seoul University with all the confidence I had.Then,I got married.I bought a house of my own.Then I had kids,too.Now I'm living happily as a successful man.I like it here because it's a place that doesn't remind me of my mom.
This happiness was getting bigger and bigger,when someone unexpected came to see me"What?!Who's this?!"It was my mother…Still with her one eye.It felt as if the whole sky was falling apart on me.My little girl ran away,scared of my mom's eye.
And I asked her,"Who are you?I don't know you!!"as if I tried to make that real.I screamed at her"How dare you come to my house and scare my daughter!Get out of here now!!"And to this,my mother quietly answered,
"oh,I'm so sorry.I may have gotten the wrong address,"and she disappeared.Thank goodness…she doesn't recognize me.I was quite relieved.I told myself that I wasn't going to care,or think about this for the rest of my life.
Then a wave of relief came upon me…one day,a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house.I lied to my wife saying that I was going on a business trip.After the reunion,I went down to the old shack,that I used to call a house…just out of curiosity there,I found my mother fallen on the cold ground.She had a piece of paper in her hand.It was a letter to me.
She wrote:
My son,I think my life has been long enough now.For you…I'm sorry that I only have one eye,and I was an embarrassment for you.You see,when you were very little,you got into an accident,and lost your eye.As a mother,I couldn't stand watching you having to grow up with only one eye…so I gave you mine…I was so proud of my son that was seeing a whole new world for me,in my place,with that eye.I was never upset at you for anything you did.The couple times that you were angry with me.I thought to myself‘it's because he loves me.'I miss you so much.I love you.You mean the world to me.My World Shattered.I hated the person who only lived for me.I cried for My Mother,I didn't know of any way that will make up for my worst deeds…
So I gave you mine.With all my love to you!Your mom.

24.What did the writer's mother do when he was young?C
A.A cook.B.A worker.C.A businesswoman.D.A cleaner.
25.The writer wshed his mom to die,which made his momA.
A.sad      B.happy        C.calm        D.quiet
26.The writer studied very hard in order toC.
A.go to a famous university
B.become a successful man
C.live far away from his mother
D.make his mother live happily
27.The writer mainly wants to tell usC.
A.how he knew his mother's secret
B.how he became a successful man
C.how much his mother loved him
D.how his mother lost one eye.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:词汇应用



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

4.假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请给你的外教Mr.Black写一封邮件,邀请他参加你们学校举行的英语读书会(reading circle)活动,邮件的内容包括:
Dear Mr.Black,
I hope that everything goes on well with you.I'm writing to invite you to join us in the English reading circle to be held in our school.(高分句型一)We'll feel honored if you are present.
The activity is scheduled at 8:00 am this Friday in the auditorium.Aiming to improve the students'understanding of the beauty of foreign literature,the reading circle will allow students to communicate with each other face to face,sharing their own reading experience together.(高分句型二)
As we consider that you can give us some professional introductions to English literature and some valuable suggestions on English reading,we sincerely hope that you can come to join us.(高分句型三)
Would you be kind enough to spare some time for us?Thank you in advance.Hope to hear from you soon.
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:词汇应用

11.The strength of the snowstorm in the mountainous area can be surprising sometimes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

参考词汇:实体店 brick-and-mortar store      打车hail a car
Dear Mike,
I am back in China now,and the changes in people's life here are striking.
In the past,people had to take some cash when going out,but now we can use our cellphones to hailacar and pay for our meals.(高分句型一)I think the development of smartphones,which is increasingly fast,is the main cause of the change.(高分句型二)
Another difference is that in the past,people would go to brick-and-mortar stores to buy what they wanted,while people can buy almost everything online now.(高分句型三)The development of the Internet and the growth of delivery service combined make online purchase possible.
From my point of view,we are lucky to live in the information age.After all,there are only a few clicks of my mouse between me and a product from America.I hope you can come to China to see the changes in person.
Best wishes,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:词汇应用

8.Children should be taught toshare(share)their toys.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

5.•假如你是李华曾经是一名失学儿童,你有幸得到在中国工作的Mr Brown的资助,可以重返校园.你给Mr.Brown写了一封信,内容如下:
Dear Mr.Brown.
I am writing to express my deepest thanks for the money and books you sent me.I could not have returned to school without your help.(高分句型一)Thank you so much.
I have been working hard since I went back to school.I have made great progress in my studies with the help of my teachers.They often praise me and encourage me.But for your help,I might have left school and couldn't have got such a good education.(高分句型二)I have made up my mind to study harder and make greater progress.(高分句型三)
How are you getting on with your life and work?I would like to meet you in person,but I have no opportunity to do so.Would you please send me a photo of yourself?
Thank you again for your generous help and best wishes!
Yours Sincerely,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.The"selfie"is used to describe the self-taken photo,often from a smartphone.Someone takes about 10selfies each time he does,and he only ends up(61)posting(post) one or two of those.He picks the one that he feels make him look the(62)best(good).In that picture,he gains confidence.For that moment,everything bad or terrible that has happened to him(63)is removed(remove),because that smile is what gives him the(64)determination(determine) to love himself.
I read(65)apoem recently and the young man said,"if I ask you(66)whatyou love,the answers will most likely roll off your tongue.You love to read.You love to write.You love your mom,your daughter,or your best friend.How long do you think you can go on and on before you say'I love(67)myself(I)'?"
That statement hit me like a ton of bricks.I've struggled with confidence all my life.l still do.And in(68)noway am I saying that taking a selfie is a gateway(69)toconfidence.(70)However/Rather/Instead,the selfie does deserve some credit for allowing individuals to express themselves.

