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Many people think of the brain as a mystery.They don’t know much about intelligence and how it works. When they do think about what intelligence is,many people believe that a person is born smart,average,or dumb—and stays that way in the whole life.But new research shows that the brain is more like a muscle—it changes and gets stronger when you use it.And scientists have been able to show just how the brain grows and gets stronger when you learn.

Everyone knows that when you lift weights,your muscles get bigger and you get stronger.A person who can’t lift 20 pounds when he/she starts exercising can get strong enough to lift 100 pounds after working out for a long time.That’s because the muscles become larger and stronger with exercise.And when you stop exercising,the muscles shrink and you get weaker.That’s why people say “Use it or lose it!”

But most people don’t know that when they practice and learn new things,parts of their brain change and get larger a lot like muscles do when they exercise.Inside the cortex (皮层) of the brain are billions of tiny nerve cells,called neurons.The nerve cells have branches connecting them to other cells in a complicated network.Communication between these brain cells is what allows us to think and solve problems.When you learn new things,these tiny connections in the brain actually multiply and get stronger.The more you challenge your mind to learn,the more your brain cells grow.Then,things that you once found very hard or even impossible to do—like speaking a foreign language or doing algebra (代数)—seem to become easy after learning them for a period of time.The result is a stronger,smarter brain.

Scientists started thinking that the human brain could develop and change when they studied animals’ brains.They found out that animals that lived in a challenging environment were more “perspicacious”—they were better at solving problems and learning new things.

1.According to the first paragraph,________.

A.the function of our brain is like that of the muscle

B.until now it’s impossible to explain the brain’s mystery

C.many people believe one’s intelligence is naturally determined

D.one’s brain grows stronger as the age increases

2.Training muscles is compared to________.

A.using the brain

B.connecting things in your brain

C.lifting weights

D.doing research about the brain

3.What does the underlined word “perspicacious” in the last paragraph probably mean?



4.The following paragraph will most probably talk about________.

A.the differences between animals’ brains and humans’ brains

B.the relation between human brains and muscles

C.scientists’ findings about animals’ brains

D.how to make your brain smarter through self?development








1.A.the function of our brain is like that of the muscle。该选项错在function,根据文章可知brain和muscle确实有相似之处,但不是“功能”相似。.“But new research shows that the brain is more like a muscle”说明,到目前为止,人们对brain并不是毫无发现,所以B选项错误。“it changes and gets stronger when you use it”,所以大脑是越用越灵,而此处并未提及与年龄有关,故D选项错误。而C,是由“many people believe that a person is born smart,average,or dumb—and stays that way in the whole life.”可以推知。

2.But new research shows that the brain is more like a muscle—it changes and gets stronger when you use it.”可推知,正确答案为A即:Training muscles is compared to using the brain.

3.根据该词后破折号后面的“they were better at solving problems and learning new things”可知,该词应为“聪明的,机敏的”之意。




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高二4月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Barrack Obama __________ President of the United States since 2010.

A. became a B. has become a C. has turned D. has been



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏江阴祝塘中学五校联考高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— 2013 was a successful year for us China.

— ___________, and ________.

A. So it was; so 2014 willB. So was it; so 2014 will

C. So was it; so will 2014D. So it was; so will 2014



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届新疆昌吉州一中高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1. Women have no access ____ education in old days.

2.They began to use English,but they also brought _____ some words from their own


3.Just accept them for who they are,and give them encouragement to live as rich and full

____ life as you do.

4.Old Tom was off and back to ____hunt where the other killers were still attacking the whale.

5.Which of those books _____ are on the table belong to you.

6.When we arrived at the village ,Tombe’s mother , Kiak, ____ had been pulling weeds in her garden , started crying “ieee ieee”.

7.You were seen ______(put )a letter into the mailbox just now.

8.The children enjoyed _________ (take)to the aquarium.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届新疆兵团农二师华山中学高三上学期学前英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







Hello, boys and girls! Today, I am going to talk with what you should do when a fire alarm go off. If you hear 

the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside. Stay close to your teacher and classmate. Don't panic or get out of line, and trying to remain quiet and calmly. Soon the firefighters will come and put out a fire. If it's a false alarm and there is no fire, your teacher will lead us back to the classroom. If you notice that when someone is missing and hurt, tell your teacher immediately. 



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题



The life in the country was so boring that I soon got _________ _________ _________ it


It's a mistake to think ofFlorida only_________ _________ _________its tourist attractions.


Some buildings damaged in the earthquake are still _______ _________ _________ repair.


With the help of the government, the peasants ________ _______ _______ the situation.


We ________ ________ ________ by the news that our team was defeated in the game.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two systems on the whole.

The of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are gestated孕育 by . In China, the mother river is the Yellow River while the Indian one is the Hindu River. These two cultures were developed for several thousand years and formed their own . Then in Dang Dynasty of China, the Chinese culture went overseas to Japan, into the Japanese society and shaped the Japanese culture nowadays. Though a bit different from the Chinese one, it belongs to the same .

When the two mother rivers gave birth to the eastern culture, another famous culture was on the Mesopotamian Plain美索不达米亚平原 ---- the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these two are well-known as the of the European culture. Like the Chinese culture, the European one also waters. When the colonists of England in America, their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn't from the European one a lot.

At the same time, the difference of the language systems _ the cultural differences. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic language while the Western languages are mostly based on the Latin system, for example, the one I’m using to write this paper.

Other factors like human race difference counts as well. But what’s more, as a result of the far distance and the steep险峻的areas between the East and West, the two cultures seldom until recent centuries. So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no with the other.

1.A. connectedB. separateC. ancientD. remote

2.A. preservationB. developmentC. resourceD. origin

3.A. coastsB. lakesC. riversD. mountains

4.A. stylesB. habitsC. waysD. means

5.A. hurriedlyB. graduallyC. unfortunatelyD. suddenly

6.A. madeB. crashedC. mixedD. applied

7.A. cultureB. nationC. influenceD. system

8.A. brought upB. brought outC. brought aboutD. brought along

9.A. bottomB. keyC. baseD. basement

10.A. crossedB. drunkC. swamD. dived

11.A. touched down B. put downC. got downD. settled down

12.A. evolveB. judgeC. distinguishD. rise

13.A. adds to B. results toC. turns toD. takes to

14.A. approachedB. contacted C. involved D. communicated

15.A. impact B. differenceC. connection D. familiarity



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省清远市高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

When an important holiday comes, I usually think of what gifts to buy or prepare for my family members. It is the act itself rather than the thing you buy 1. matters. Either a small present, a text message or a phone call can mean a lot to the receivers. 2. , I had never got anything from my son, who is a university student. Parents never forget to celebrate their children’s birthday, but their children seem to be very 3. (forget).They seldom do something in return.

Life is unpredictable, and you never know what will happen tomorrow. When my son came back during the summer vacation, my wife and I, as usual, 4. (meet) him at the station. On arriving home, much 5. my surprise, my son took out a wrist watch and gave it to me, 6. (say) it was a birthday gift for me. It is a very fashionable watch, 7. shows not only hours, minutes and seconds but days as well. You can imagine how surprised and excited I was at that moment.

Some people say children get too much care and love from their parents and just take them for granted. 8. is natural for people to have such concerns and worries, but things may not turn out as badly as 9. (expect).We need to look more at the positive side of life, as a famous writer once said, “Life is 10. best classroom one can never get.”



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省广州市高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

How far would you be willing to go to satisfy your need to know? Far enough to find out your possibility of dying from a terrible disease? These days that’s more than an academic question, as Tracy Smith reports in our Cover Story.

There are now more than a thousand genetic tests, for everything from baldness to breast cancer, and the list is growing. Question is, do you really want to know what might eventually kill you? For instance, Nobel Prize-winning scientist James Watson, one of the first people to map their entire genetic makeup, is said to have asked not to be told if he were at a higher risk for Alzheimer’(老年痴呆症).

“If I tell you that you have an increased risk of getting a terrible disease, that could weigh on your mind and make you anxious, through which you see the rest of your life as you wait for that disease to hit you. It could really mess you up.” said Dr. Robert Green, a Harvard geneticist.

“Every ache and pain,” Smith suggested, could be understood as “the beginning of the end.” “That’s right. If you ever worried you were at risk for Alzheimer’s disease, then every time you can’t find your car in the parking lot, you think the disease has started.”

Dr. Green has been thinking about this issue for years. He led a study of people who wanted to know if they were at a higher genetic risk for Alzheimer’s. It was thought that people who got bad news would, for lack of a better medical term, freak out. But Green and his team found that there was “no significant difference” between how people handled good news and possibly the worst news of their lives. In fact, most people think they can handle it. People who ask for the information usually can handle the information, good or bad, said Green.

1.The first paragraph is meant to__________.

A. ask some questions

B. introduce the topic

C. satisfy readers’ curiosity

D. describe an academic fact

2.Which of the following is true of James Watson?

A. He is strongly in favor of the present genetic tests.

B. He is more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease.

C. He believes genetic mapping can help cure any disease.

D. He doesn’t want to know his chance of getting a disease.

3.According to Paragraphs 3 and 4, if a person is at a higher genetic risk, it is__________.

A. advisable not to let him know

B. impossible to hide his disease

C. better to inform him immediately

D. necessary to remove his anxiety

4.The underlined part “freak out” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to“_________”.

A. break down B. drop out

C. leave off D. turn away

5.The study led by Dr. Green indicates that people__________.

prefer to hear good news

B. tend to find out the truth

C. can accept some bad news

D. have the right to be informed


