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Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Recently I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. The airline had announced her        and standing near the security gate, they hugged and he said, “I love you. I wish you enough.” She        said, “Dad, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Dad.” They kissed and she left.
He walked over toward the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to       . I tried not to interrupt him, but he        me in by asking, “Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?”
“Yes, I have,” I replied. “Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?” “I am        and she lives much too far away. I have        ahead, and the reality is, the next trip back will be for my funeral” he said.
“When you were saying good-bye I heard you say, ‘I wish you enough’. May I ask what that means?”
He began to smile. “That’s a wish that has been        for many generations within my family. My parents        say it to everyone.”
He paused for a moment, looking up as if trying to remember it       , and then he smiled and        the following:
  “I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
  I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
  I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
  I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much       .
  I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
  I wish you enough        to appreciate all that you possess.
  I wish you enough ‘Hellos’ to get you enough the final ‘Good-byes’.”
  Then he walked away, leaving me lost in thought.
A.in generalB.in publicC.in particularD.in turn
A.cryB.restC.sit downD.talk
A.handed overB.handed downC.handed inD.handed out
A.ought toB.had toC.used toD.were able to
A.in detailB.in heartC.in memoryD.in general
A.bigger B.worseC.sweeterD.better


小题1:考查名词词。A. arrival到达;B. regret遗憾;C. departure离开;D. joy喜悦。听到广播通知旅客登机,他们站在安检门旁边,相互拥抱着。根据句意故选C。
小题2:考查短语辨析。A. in general总体上;B. in public  在公共场合;C. in particular尤其;D. in turn依次,轮流。女儿回答说:“爸爸,和你在一起的生活已经足够了,您的爱就是我所需要的一切。我也祝您拥有一切。根据句意故选D。
小题3:考查动词。A. cry哭;B. rest休息;C. sit down坐下;D. talk交谈。他站在那里,我看出他想哭。根据句意故选A.
小题4:考查动词。A. showed显示;B. led导致;C. took 带走;D. welcomed欢迎。我不想打扰他的思绪,但他却主动跟我打招呼了。根据句意故选D。
小题5:考查形容词。A. ill生病;B. strong 强壮的;C. old年老的; D. brave勇敢的。我年纪大了,她住得离我太远。根据句意故选C.
小题6:考查名词。A. stories故事;B. challenges挑战;C. trips旅行;D. jobs工作。我必须面对挑战。而等她下一次回来时,可能就是参加我的葬礼了。故选B。
小题7:考查短语辨析。A. handed over移交;B. handed down传递;C. handed in   上交;D. handed out分发。那是一个祝福,在我们家已经延传了几代人。故选B。
小题8:考查情态动词。A. ought to应当;B. had to不得不;C. used to过去;D. were able to能够。我的父母曾对每个人都说过这句话。根据句意故选C
小题9:考查短语辨析。 A. in detail详细地;B. in heart情绪高涨;C. in memory 记住;D. in general总体上。 他停顿了片刻,仰起头来,似乎在努力详尽地回忆着。故选A。
小题10:考查动词。A. talked  交谈;B. shared分享;C. cried哭;D. declared宣布。他朝我转过头来,与我分享祝福。故选B。
小题11:考查形容词。A. bigger更大;B. worse 更糟;C. sweeter更甜;D. better更好。我祝你拥有足够的痛苦,这样,哪怕是生活中最小的快乐,也会绽放光芒。故选A。
小题12:考查名词。A. success成功;B. gain获得;C. sorrow悲伤;D. loss损失。我祝你拥有足够的损失,让你更珍惜你的拥有。根据句意故选D.

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

We come by business naturally in our family.Each of the seven children in our family worked in our father’s store.As we worked and watched,we ____ that work was about more than ____ and making a sale.
One lesson stands out in my mind.It was shortly before Christmas.I was in eighth grade and was working evenings,straightening the toy section.A little boy,five or six years old,came in.He was wearing a brown torn coat with ____ sleeves.His shoes were scuffed(磨损) and his one shoelace was torn.The little boy looked poor to me—too poor to ____ to buy anything.He looked around the toy section,picked up this item and that,and ____ put them back in their place.
Dad came down the stairs and walked over to the boy.His steel blue eyes ____ and the dimple(酒窝) in his cheek stood out as he ____ the boy what he could do for him.The boy said he was looking for a Christmas ___ for his brother.I was impressed that Dad treated him with the same ____ as any adult.Dad told him to take his ___ and look around.He did.
After about 20 minutes,the little boy picked up a toy plane,walked up to my dad and said, “How much for this,Mister?”
“How much you ____?” Dad asked.
The little boy held out his hand and ___ it.His hand was creased(起皱) with ____ lines of dirt from holding his ____ too tightly.In his hand lay only 27 cents.The ____ on the toy plane he’d ____ was $3.98.
“That’ll just ___ it,” Dad said as he made the sale.Dad’s reply still ____ in my ears.When the little boy walked out of the store,I didn’t notice the worn coat or the ____ torn shoelace.What I saw was a happy child with a ____.
C.tight D.colorful
C.wet D.flat
A.toy B.pocket
C.hand D.money
A.carried outB.picked out
C.put outD.pulled out
C.single D.double


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I never thought I would have a life­changing experience at Wal­Mart.
Although my thoughts were only on speed,the checkout line I was standing in wasn’t moving as quickly as I wanted,and I glanced toward the cashier.
There stood a man in his seventies,wearing glasses and a nice smile.I thought,well,he’s an old guy!
For the next few minutes I watched him.He greeted every customer before scanning the items.Sure,his words were the usual,“How’s it going?” But he did something different—he actually listened to people.Then he would respond to what they had said and engage them in brief conversation.
I thought it was odd.I had grown accustomed to people asking me how I was doing simply out of robotic conversational habit.After a while,you don’t give any thought to the question and just mumble something back.I could say,“I just found out I have six months to live,” and someone would reply,“Have a great day!”
But that wasn’t the end.
He gave them the change,walked around the counter,and extended his right hand in an act of friendship.He looked the customers in the eyes.“I sure want to thank you for shopping here today,” he told them.“You have a great day.Bye­bye.”
The looks on the faces of the customers were priceless.There were smiles and some sheepish grins.All had been touched by his simple gesture—and in a place they never expected.They would gather their things and walk out,smiling.
Of course,he did the same to me and I got to know his name,Marty.
Who was that guy?It was as if Sam Walton had come back from the dead and invaded this old guy’s body.
I had never walked away from that shop feeling like that.
小题1:The checkout line the writer was standing in moved slower than expected because ________.
A.the cashier couldn’t work as fast as others
B.there were some big purchases
C.the cashier did more than scanning the items
D.the writer was not patient enough
小题2:According to the writer,when common people ask you “How’s it going?” ________.
A.they don’t really care what you may answer
B.they are just practicing their conversation ability
C.they are inquiring about your private information
D.they don’t expect to hear any negative answers
小题3:What was most customers’ reaction to Marty’s behaviors?
A.They thought it priceless.
B.They were in some way moved.
C.They thought it awful and odd.
D.They felt somewhat offended.
小题4:What does the writer intend to express through the text?
A.Our everyday life is always full of surprises.
B.Most customers enjoy being treated this way.
C.Being different is a good way of doing business.
D.A little positive action can make a big difference.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Carlos had been in New York for five months now, and he detested it. He would never forget the day when the plane landed. His parents had big smiles on their faces as they discussed the wonderful new life they would have in this great city. His older sister and brother looked in wonder and excitement at the buildings. Uncle Miguel and Aunt Esperanza thought of the good jobs they would get. Grandmother and Grandfather told him what a lucky boy he was to come to this wonderful city. But Carlos was lonely. The city looked big, cold and dirty to him.
They lived in an apartment in Manhattan. There were stores and cinemas close to their home. But Carlos didn’t want these things. He loved his home in the country in Puerto Rico; he loved the green fields, the hot sun, and the lovely beaches.
He didn’t want to go to school because it made him think of his friends at home. And he didn’t want to learn a new language that he could never describe the world as beautifully as his own.
He began to go the dock(码头), because this made him feel closer to Puerto Rico. He sat down and watched the ships. He would often find a man also sitting there looking at the sea. The man was Eric—a taxi driver who came there to escape from the noisy traffic.
Eric noticed the young boy and felt his sadness. One day he said, “Yes, it’s hard to leave your homeland. I remember when I left Norway 15 years ago. I know it’s hard to start a new life in a new country, but let’s face it. I did it, and you can do it, too.”
From then on the taxi driver and the young boy began to develop a deep friendship.
小题1:The underlined word “detested” in Paragraph 1 probably means “________”.
小题2:According to the text, ________________.
A.Carlos’ grandparents were afraid of the traffic in New York
B.Carlos’ parents were looking forward to the life in New York
C.Carlos’ uncle and aunt found it hard to get jobs in New York
D.Carlos’ brother and sister got excited at the schools in New York
小题3:Why did Carlos feel lonely?
A.He knew nobody around his apartment.
B.No one went to the movies with him.
C.His parents left him alone at home.
D.He missed the life in Puerto Rico.
小题4:Eric and Carlos became friends because they ________.
A.came from the same countryB.faced the same problems
C.were the same ageD.both hated noise


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My mind went blank when I saw the gun pointing against the car window as we pulled out of the garage. This can't be happening to me. Then I felt the gun, cold, against my head, and I heard my friend Jeremy saying,“What do you want? Take my wallet,” but at the time I thought of nothing.
I remember being a little annoyed when the gunman pulled me from the car by the hair. I remember the walk to the house—Jeremy, me, the two men with two guns. I remember the fear and anger in the gunmen's voices because Jeremy was being slow, and I remember wondering why he was being slow. I did not realize that Jeremy had thrown the keys into the bush. But I remember that sound of the gun hitting Jeremy's head and the feeling as the man who had hold of my hair released me. And I remember the split second when I realized he was looking at Jeremy,and I remember wondering how far I could run before he pulled the trigger. But I was already running, and upon reaching the car across the street, I didn't crouch (蹲伏) behind it but screamed instead.
I remember thinking there was something ridiculous and illogical about screaming “Help, help!” at eight o'clock on a Tuesday evening in December and changing my plea(恳求) to the  more specific “Help, let me in, please let me in!” But the houses were cold, closed, unfriendly, and I ran on until I heard Jeremy's screams behind me announcing that our attackers had fled.
The neighbors who had not opened their doors to us came out with baseball bats and helped Jeremy find his glasses and keys. In a group they were very brave. We waited for the police to  come until someone said to someone else that the noodles were getting cold, and I said politely,“Please go and eat. We're OK.”
I was happy to see them go. They had been talking of stricter sentences for criminals, of  bringing back the death penalty(处罚) and how the President is going to clean up the country. I  was thinking, they could be saying all of this over my dead body, and I still feel that stiffer  sentences wouldn't change a thing. In a rush all the anger I should have felt for my attackers was  directed against these contented people standing in front of their warm, comfortable homes  talking about all the guns they were going to buy. What good would guns have been to Jeremy  and me?
People all over the neighborhood had called to report our screams, and the police turned out  in force twenty minutes later. They were ill­tempered about what was, to them, much trouble  about nothing.  After all, Jeremy was hardly hurt, and we were hopeless when it came to  describing the gunmen. “Typical,” said one policeman when we couldn't even agree on how tall  the men were.  Both of us were able to describe the guns in horrifying detail, but the two  policemen who stayed to make the report didn't think that would be much help.
The policemen were matter­of­fact about the whole thing. The thin one said,“That was a  stupid thing to do, throwing away the keys. When a man has a gun against your head you do  what you're told.” Jeremy looked properly embarrassed.
Then the fat policeman came up and the thin one went to look around the outside of the  house. “That was the best thing you could have done, throwing away the keys,” he said. “If you  had gone into the house with them...” His voice became weaker. “They would have hurt her” ——he twisted his head toward me——“and killed you both.” Jeremy looked happier. “Look,” said the fat policeman kindly, “ there's no right or wrong in the situation. There's just luck.”
All that sleepless night I replayed the moment those black gloves came up to the car  window. How long did the whole thing last? Three minutes, five, eight? No matter how many  hours of my life I may spend reliving it, I know there is no way to prepare for the next time—no  intelligent response to a gun. The fat cop was right. There's only luck. The next time I might end up dead.
And I’m sure there will be a next time.  It can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone.Security is an illusion(幻觉); there is no safety in locks or in guns. Guns make some people feel safe and some people feel strong, but they're fooling themselves.
小题1:When the writer saw the gun pointing against the car window,________.
A.she felt very annoyed
B.she lost consciousness
C.she felt very much nervous
D.she lost the power of thinking
小题2:What most possibly drove the two gunmen away?
A.Jeremy's fighting.
B.The author's screaming.
C.Their neighbour's brave action.
D.The police's arrival.
小题3:When the author called for help, the neighbors didn't come out immediately because________.
A.they were much too frightened
B.they were busy preparing dinners
C.they needed time to find baseball bats
D.they thought someone was playing a trick
小题4:What the author wants to tell us is that________.
A.neighbors are not helpful in moments of difficulty
B.the police are not reliable when one is in trouble
C.security is impossible as long as people can have guns
D.preventing robbers entering your house is the best choice


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Two weeks before Christmas, Mother told me we were going to my grandmother's house for the holiday. Grandma and Uncle Henry lived on a farm some 15 miles out of town They had no electricity or running water and _      what I considered the "good things" in life. They     made no plans for Christmas When Christmas Eve arrived, Mom told me in her best "I-mean-it" voice to _       all the decorations from our tree. She packed those up    all the materials for a _    turkey dinner.
Christmas morning       perfectly with the sun shining brightly across a fresh blanket of snow. _   I was angry silently in the backseat of the car as we made our _   to grandma's. This was going to be the  _    Christmas ever! Grandma was  _    to see us as we walked up to her door. "What on earth are you doing here?" she said." We weren't expecting     . It's Christmas, and I don't even have a turkey to cook for you." "I knew     ." Mom said as we set boxes of goodies(好吃的) on the kitchen table. "That's _    we brought all with us." "We _    have a tree" Mom insisted. "       what will we do with all these decorations?" Uncle Henry quickly caught Mom's spirit. He called me to join him, and we found a perfect Christmas tree in the woods. Soon the house _     fresh and piney as we decorated the pine tree, and the day           a festive air . The turkey dinner was very good, too. I was actually beginning to enjoy this unusual Christmas day!
Dessert was almost forgotten _      Mom came out with the final surprise-a flaming (色彩鲜明的)pudding! "Merry Christmas, mother," Mom said. "Dear me!" Grandma said with her mouth wide open. "I haven't seen a flaming pudding since I left England before I was married." Tears of        filled her eyes. I could not keep the tears .       my eyes, either. I knew then that Mom had also given me the best Christmas present ever.
She had taught me what a beautiful thing it is to give.
A.wantedB. lackedC.refusedD. prepared
A.instead ofB.by the side ofC.along withD.in spite of
A.decisionB.WayC.wish D.plan
A.anyoneB.othersC.someoneD.no one
A.In shortB.ThereforeC.HoweverD. Or rather
A.went onB.put onC.took onD.tried on


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Travis laughed as he tore at the wrapping (包装) paper on his birthday present. He was so       ! Finally, he would have the coolest pair of name-brand basketball shoes.
All the guys on his team were wearing the name-brand shoes of a popular basketball      , Chuck Hart.     Hart was criticized for his poor sportsmanship and infamous        he was a great player. In fact, Travis wasn’t thinking about Hart’s behavior; he had only expected to see Hart’s       on the side of the box. He realized that something was     as he tore away the last piece of paper. Not Hart’s. The new shoes were the name-brand of another player, Robert Ryann, who was        for his amazing work in the community.
Travis’s hands     ; his heart stopped. It wasn’t that the Ryann shoes weren’t nice, but what would his friends think?
They were the wrong shoes and Travis would be     by the other players. When he looked up into his dad’s eyes, however, Travis knew he     tell him. “Thanks, Dad. I was really hoping for shoes,” Travis said as he pulled the shoes out of the box.
Next morning his dad drove him to school. When they      in front of his destination, Travis slowly opened the car door. Just then, his dad stopped him.
“Hey, Travis, wait a minute…” his dad said     “Travis, I know those aren’t the shoes you had hoped for, but I saw the names of the two guys and made a(n)      . The guy whose name is on those shoes,” he said, pointing down at Travis’s feet, “is someone I     . Do you know how often Ryann has found himself in     ? “
“ No,” Travis said.
“ Never. He’s never talked back to his coach or started a fight, and he’s a team player. You could have acted like a(n)      when you didn’t get the shoes you wanted, Travis,     you were polite and made the best of it. You have honor, like the guy whose name is on these shoes. I am hoping that someday, your       will be on the coolest pair of shoes I’ll ever see.”
When Travis looked down at his feet, he saw the shoes     . His dad had used his mind and heart to give the son a thoughtful      .
小题3:A Unless             B. If                 C. Because         D. Although
A.fellB.frozeC.shook D.folded
A.questionedB.noticedC.teased D.attacked
A.pulled upB.put upC.took upD.turned up


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Helen Thomas, the pioneering White House reporter known for putting presidents on the hot seat, died at 92.
To those who regularly watch presidential press conferences, Helen Thomas is a familiar figure.Usually dressed in red and always seated in the front row, she is always the first or second reporter the president calls upon.It is an honor she has earned.Besides, it affords her the perfect opportunity to do what she does best - challenge the president and other public officials to tell the plain truth.She said, "We reporters' priority(首要事情) is the people's right to know - without fear or favor.We are the people's servants."
Helen Thomas was born in Kentucky in 1920.All the nine Thomas children were brought up to value education, and all were expected to make something of themselves through working hard.She made up her mind while still in high school to become a reporter after writing for the student newspaper.After receiving her bachelor's degree in 1942, Thomas headed straight for Washington, D.C.in search of a newspaper job.Before long, she landed one at Washington Daily News.Her duty included fetching coffee and doughnuts for the paper's reporters and editors.The eager young woman found the atmosphere exciting and was convinced she had made the right career choice.
Her big break came when she was sent to Florida to report on the vacation of President-elect John F.Kennedy and his family.Once President Kennedy took office, Thomas changed her focus from the president's family to his policies.She began attending the daily press briefings at the White House as well as presidential press conferences.Thomas has covered every president since Kennedy.Over the years, Thomas found her job "thrilling and inspiring," but never boring.And she took very seriously her duty to "keep an eye on the president" and keep American people informed.
小题1:What can we learn about Helen Thomas from the passage?
A.Her career took off after covering the Kennedys.
B.Her first job was to deliver doughnuts to a news agency.
C.She was born to a large family in Kentucky in 1942.
D.She decided to be a reporter while in college.
小题2:Paragraph 3 is written to show Helen Thomas
A.is a good decision maker for her career
B.appreciates education and hard work
C.wants to be famous by writing reports
D.has great support from her family
小题3:What does Helen Thomas think other work?
小题4:What can be the best title for the text?
A.A reporter sticking to the facts.
B.A reporter challenging President Kennedy.
C.A reporter from an ordinary family.
D.A reporter for Washington Daily News.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day newly wedded Nancy lost her ring while helping to plant potatoes. Friends were called and the field was searched long but in vain. Later, when the potatoes were harvested, Everyone looked out for the ring but it remained lost. Another year came round and all the farmers working in the field kept their eyes open. The following year was the same. And year after year, whoever had business in the field always had Nancy’s ring in his mind.
Then the farm changed hands but it went no farther than to cousins. So the memory of the lost ring remained alive until thirty-eight years had passed. Then came a spring day when a man was ploughing the field behind a pair of horses. Even after thirty-eight years he still looked out for the ring, and knew just which part of the field Nancy had lost it in. At this time, when he came there, he found it .He picked it up, put it carefully into his pocket, left his horse, and ran all the way down to the village and placed it into Nancy’s hand.
小题1:The underlined word “in vain”  in the 1st   paragraph  most probably means “_______”.
A.suggested .B.returned no resultC.insistedD.decided
小题2:How did Nancy come to lose her ring?
A.She lost it while helping to harvest tomatoes in the field
B.She lost it while watering the plants in the field.
C.She lost it while working in the field.
D.She lost it while helping to plant potatoes in the field.
小题3:What did the ploughman do after finding the ring?
A.He picked it up and put it in his pocket.
B.He ran back to tell everybody in the village.
C.He placed it in a secret spot.
D.He returned it to the owner.
小题4:What can you infer from the story?
A.The ring was invaluable.
B.People on the farm were honest and helpful.
C.The ring’s mysterious disappearance was the work of supernatural power.
D.Nancy no longer expected that her ring would be found again.

