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D.teachers should encourage students to voice their own opinions bravelyIt's nice to have friends.Sometimes you need one person to talk to.You can play games,hang out or even just talk on the phone.Consider these suggestions to meet people and form strong,lasting friendships.Well,take your time,and don't rush.
?Join an organization or a club with people who have common interests.
You don't necessarily have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them.But if you have something in common with them,it can make it a lot easier to talk to them and plan activities.Whatever your age and whatever your interests,there is an organization or a club for you.Social networking sites such as Facebook,Twitter are also a great way to meet new people and learn more about them.
?Join a sports team.
As long as you enjoy the sport and support your teammates,joining a local team with a laid-back attitude could be a great way to make new friends.A sports team isn't the only way.If you play instruments or sing,try joining a band.?Make small talk.
Keep the conversation light and cheery.Even if you're complaining about something,make sure it's something you're both dissatisfied with,and emphasize the positive-how such a situation can be avoided in the future.Many conversationalists say that it is good to follow a 30/70 (30% talking,70% listening) pattern during small talk when possible.
?Ask them out for lunch or coffee.
That will give you a better opportunity to talk and get to know each other a little bit better.A good way to extend yourself is to say:"Hey,well,I've got to go,but if you ever want to talk over lunch or coffee or anything like that,let me give you my number or e-mail address."This gives the
person the opportunity to get in touch with you; they may or may not give you their information in return,but that's fine.Maybe they don't have time for new friends~~don't take it personally!Just offer your information to whoever seems to be potentially a good friend,and eventually somebody will get in touch.
?Be loyal(忠诚的)to a friend.
You've probably heard of fair-weather friends.They're the ones who are happy to be around you when things arc going well,but are nowhere to be found when you really need them.Part of being a friend is being prepared to spare time and energy in order to help out your friends.If a friend needs help with an unpleasant thing,or if he or she just needs a shoulder to cry on,be there.If your friends make a joke,laugh with them.Never complain about a friend.
?Be a good listener.
Many people think that in order to be seen as‘friend material'they have to appear very interesting.Far more important than this,however,is the ability to show that you're interested in others.Listen carefully to what people say,remember important details about them (their names,their likes and dislikes),ask questions about their interests,and just take the lime to learn more about them.You don't want to be the guy or girl that always has a better story than anyone else or that changes the subject suddenly instead of continuing the flow of conversation.
?Be trustworthy.
One of the best things about having a friend is that you have someone to whom you can talk about anything,even secrets that you hide from the rest of the world.The key to being a good friend is the ability to keep secrets,so it's no secret that you shouldn't tell other people things that were told to you in confidence.
46.According to the given information,what quality do you need to have if you want to make friends?A
47.Those who can enjoy a happy life together but it's hard to go through hardness hand in hand areD
A.loyal friends B.close friends C.dishonest friends D.fair-weather friends
48.While having a conversation with your friends,you should avoidB
A.applying the 30/70 pattern 
B.talking too much about yourself
C.showing interest in their topics
D.knowing more details about them
49.To be a reliable friend,you'd betterC
A.have some common interests with your friends
B.find something to complain about with your friends
C.keep the secrets that your friends have told you
D.exchange your personal information with your friends.

分析 本文是一篇说明文.主要阐述了就如何交朋友维系一个强劲、持久的友谊方面给出了一些建议;与志趣相投的人参加组织或俱乐部;参加体育团队;做简短交谈;请朋友出去吃午饭或和咖啡;忠诚于朋友;做一个好的倾听者;做一个值得信赖的人.

解答 46.A     细节理解题.根据第一段中"Well,take your time,and don't rush."可知,要和别人成为朋友,保持持久的友谊,不能急于求成,慢慢来,即要有耐心,故选A.
47.D     细节理解题.根据第六段中"You've probably heard of fair-weather friends.They're the ones who are happy to be around you when things arc going well,but are nowhere to be found when you really need them."可知,可共安乐而不能共患难的朋友为酒肉朋友,故选D.
48.B     细节理解题.根据第七段中的"You don't want to be the guy or girl that always has a better story than anyone else or that changes the subject suddenly instead of continuing the flow of conversation."可知,当和朋友交谈时,要成为一个好的倾听者,多倾听对方说话的内容,记住重要细节,并询问他们的兴趣,而不是谈论关于自己方面的事情,故选B.
49.C     细节理解题. 根据第八段中"The key to being a good friend is the ability to keep secrets,so it's no secret that you shouldn't tell other people things that were told to you in confidence."可知,成为一个可以信赖的朋友的关键是要具有能帮对方保守秘密的能力.故选C.

点评 解答细节理解题时,一个常用的方法就是运用定位法,即根据题干和选项中的关键词从原文中找到相关的句子,与选项进行比较从而确定答案;推理判断题既要求学生透过文章表面文字信息推测文章隐含意思,又要求学生对作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展作正确的推理判断,力求从作者的角度去考虑,不要固守自己的看法或观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6._       __ about our physical and mental health,our class advisor suggested us taking more exercise and having enough sleep.(  )
A.ConcerningB.To be concerned
C.ConcernedD.Having concerned


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.People all think it strange that the boy should tell what's written on the paper in another room without looking at it.It really ________ explanation.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Chemicals also stay in the ground and underground water for a long time,______affects crops and,________,animals and humans.(  )
A.this; howeverB.that; therefore
C.which; thereforeD.which; so


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.You're standing in the dairy section at the grocery store,searching for your favorite brand.Suddenly,you catch a smell of chocolate cookies.You forget about dairy and head for the bakery (烘烤食品) section.Guess what?You just walked into an odor (气味) trap (陷阱)!The odor was cooked up by scientists in a lab.
For years,scientists have been studying the special powers of smell.They found that more than our other senses,smell changes our mood and helps us remember things.
So companies have begun spending thousands of dollars to scent (使充满香味) entire stores.Artificial (人造的) scents are being used to lead customers by the nose.These smells help to get people inside and put them in the mood to buy.They even make customers remember the store later,so they'll come back for more.Also,many companies have smartly made use of product smells.A company added lemon fragrance to its dish cleaner.They wanted people to think the soap contained"natural"cleaners.It worked!
New uses for smells are being created every day.One bank,for example,gives customers coupons (优惠券) advertising car loans (贷款).To get people to take out a loan,bank officials hope to coat these coupons with the fresh leather smell of a new car.In Australia,telephone offices are putting sweat odor on unpaid bills.Since some people sweat when they're scared,this smell might remind them of when they were frightened.And they'll pay the bills right away!
What lies ahead for our noses?Smell scientists are working on some pretty far-out ideas.Would you believe TV sets that produce smells?Or how about scent diets?Certain food smells will fool your stomach into thinking it's full.Alarm clocks will scent your bedroom with a strong pleasant smell designed to wake you up.Scientists are even working on ways to keep garbage from smelling.Researchers expect scents to help students make more sense of what they're learning.
And just think. Someday soon,even your homework may smell nice!

52.How do sales methods affect customers in the stores?D
A.They change customers'preferences.
B.They persuade customers to use credit cards.
C.They make customers avoid bad and unsafe products.
D.They influence customers to make unplanned purchases.
53.Why do telephone offices put sweat odor on unpaid bills?A
A.Because the sweat odor is a reminder of terrifying experience.
B.Because the sweat odor can change people's attitude.
C.Because most people don't think much of sweating.
D.Because many people dislike paying bills.
54.What does the author mean by saying"Someday soon,even your homework may smell nice!"?C
A.Students would benefit more from smell research.
B.Students would be more willing to do homework.
C.Smell research would develop beyond our imagination.
D.Smell research would make great differences to our life.
55.Why does the author write this passage?C
A.To encourage the store owners to use smells.
B.To expose wrong practices by smell scientists.
C.To inform the readers of an interesting subject.
D.To blame the advertisers that use smells to sell.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.It was 3:45 in the morning when the vote was finally taken.After six months of arguing and final 16 hours of hot parliamentary debates,Australia's Northern Territory became the first legal authority in the world to allow doctors to take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish to die.The measure passed by the convincing vote of 15 to 10.Almost immediately word flashed on the Internet and was picked up,half a world away,by John Hofsess,executive director of the Right to Die Society of Canada.He sent it on by way of the group's online service,Death NET.Says Hofsess:"We posted bulletins all day long,because of course this isn't just something that happened in Australia.It's world history."
The full import may take a while to sink in.The NT Rights of the Terminally Ill Law has left physicians and citizens alike trying to deal with its moral and practical implications.Some have breathed sighs of relief,others,including churches,right-to-life groups and the Australian Medical Association,bitterly attacked the bill and the hurry of its passage.But the tide is unlikely to turn back. In Australia-where an aging population,life-extending technology and changing community attitudes have all played their part-other states are going to consider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia (安乐死).In the US and Canada,where the right-to-die movement is gathering strength,observers are waiting for the dominoes(多米诺骨牌) to start falling.
Under the new Northern Territory law,an adult patient can request death-probably by a deadly injection or pill-to put an end to suffering.The patient must be diagnosed (诊断) as Terminally Ill by two doctors.After a"cooling off"period of seven days,the patient can sign a certificate of request.After 48 hours the wish for death can be met.For Lloyd Nickson,a 54-year-old Darwin resident suffering from lung cancer,the NT Rights of Terminally Ill Law means he can get on with living without the haunting fear of his suffering:a terrifying death from his breathing condition."I'm not afraid of dying from a spiritual point of view,but what I was afraid of was how I'd go,because I've watched people die in the hospital fighting for oxygen and clawing at their masks,"he says.

71.Which of the following has the similar meaning to"But the tide is unlikely to turn back."?D
A.What happened in Australia can change world history.
B.It is impossible to pass the NT Rights of the Terminally Ill Law.
C.Doctors are allowed by law to take the lives of the ill patients.
D.That the Law has been passed probably can't be changed.
72.From the second paragraph we learn thatD.
A.the objection to euthanasia is slow to come in other countries
B.physicians and citizens share the same view on euthanasia
C.changing technology is chiefly responsible for the hurry passage of the law
D.it takes time to realize the significance of the law's passage
73.By saying"observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling",the author meansB
A.observers are taking a wait-and-see attitude towards the future of euthanasia
B.similar bills are likely to be passed in the U.S.,Canada and other countries
C.observers are waiting to see the result of the game of dominoes
D.the effect-taking process of the passed bill may finally come to a stop
74.We can learn from the passage that Lloyd NicksonA.
A.will face his death with calm when dying
B.experiences a lot the suffering of a lung cancer
C.has an intense fear of terrible suffering
D.undergoes a cooling off period of seven days
75.The author's attitude towards euthanasia seems to be that ofC.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Editor,
   Recently I feel a little frustrated,so I am writing to you for advice.I have a very close friend who I have trust in.He is a very nice student who has really given others the impression of an honest guy and many times he was honored as an excellent student in our school,so in my eyes,he is so great.
   But last week,when we were taking the mid-term English exam,I suddenly found that in his hand was his cell phone,he was copying something from it secretly!But the teacher didn't find this at all.When the result was announced,he was praised for getting a very good mark.
   I feel shamed for him,my best friend,and for what he had done in the exam,but he teacher still believes that he is diligent and does well in English.Should I tell the teacher about his cheating in the exam?If I do so,maybe he would not understand me and would no longer regard me as a friend,and then I may lose a close friend forever.If I don't tell the truth to the teacher,he will cheat again in the next exam.What should I do?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

3.参考词汇:电子贺卡-electronic card.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.---Excuse me,is this seat______?
---yes.Go ahead.(  )

