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阅读下面短文并回答问题, 然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的字数要求)。
[1]Everyone has dreams. Usually they obey the rule that if you can dream it, you can achieve it!If you want to obtain a perfect life in the future, there are always some goals.
[2]The first goal common to all of us is health and energy. We all want to be healthy and fit, to have high levels of energy and to live free of pain and illness. Today, with the incredible advance in medical science, the quality of our health and fitness, and our lifespan is largely determined by design, not by chance. People with excellent health habits are far healthier, have more energy, and live longer and better than people who have poor health habits. Remember that health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing!
[3]The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationships—personal or social—with the people we like and respect, and who            in turn. Fully 85% of your happiness will be determined by the quality of your relationships at each stage, and in each area of your life. How well you get along with people, and how much they like and respect you, have more impact on the quality of your life than perhaps any other factor.
[4]The third common goal is to do work that we enjoy, to do it well, and to be well paid for it. You want to be able to get and keep the job you want, to get paid more and promoted faster. You want to earn the very most that is possible for you at each stage of your career, no matter what you are engaged in.
[5]The fourth goal we all have in common is to achieve financial independence. You want to reach the point in life where you have enough money so that you never have any financial worries. You want to be completely free of them. You want to be able to order dinner in a restaurant without referring to the price listings to determine what you want to eat.
小题1:What does this passage mainly about? (no more than 12 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)
小题3:Why does the author put health ahead of other goals?(no more than 20 words)
小题4:What does the underlined word“them”in the last paragraph probably refer
to? (no more than 3 words)
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.

小题1:Four goals for your perfect life
小题2:like and respect us
小题3:① Because healthy people have more energy, and live longer and better than people who are not healthy
② Because without health everything is nothing
小题4:financial worries

小题2:根据in turn可知,是我们喜欢和尊重的人,和喜欢和尊重我们的人

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[1]Environment is very important to a student’s success. A child who is in comfortable environment learns more and enjoys class better than a child who is not. A classroom with good decoration such as the students’ art works, and enticing games and crafts makes for an inviting opportunity for the students to learn while still having fun. Classrooms need to be fun and rewarding while still offering high standards of education.
[2]Children need to feel welcomed and safe in their learning environment. If ____ at school with bullies or a teacher, the parents should consult the school system to resolve the problem. Pay attention to your children. Ask how their day at school went, ask what they learned, and always be attentive to any problems they speak of.
[3]Learning for a child should be fun and entertaining. No one likes to feel forced to do something they do not want to do. Fun learning allows for children to learn and not really even realize they are doing so. Children like to feel smart and special. Smaller classrooms allow for more one-on-one time between student and teacher. This can often greatly improve students’ learning. Keeping up with the class makes a child feel more comfortable and more eager to attend class and try to learn. Smaller classrooms also ensure that children receive recognition for a job well done. This boosts self-confidence as well as the eagerness to learn.
[4]We cannot expect school to be the only comfortable environment a child needs to be in. A child’s home life can affect how they feel about school. Actually, learning is about how we feel about ourselves. Environment is important but as you can see it is not all matters in the learning process.
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage? ( no more than 8 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
小题3:What should parents do when their children have some problems? (no more than 6words)
小题4:What is the true meaning of learning, according to the author? (no more than 10 words)
小题5:What does the word “it” (Line 3, Paragraph 4) probably refer to? (no more than 2words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Once upon a time there was a painter who had just finished his course from a great painter. He wanted to assess his skills, so he decided to display one of his best works on a busy street.
He put his painting at a busy street-crossing. And below it a board read — "Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. Since I'm new, I might have made some mistakes in my work.   65 "
When he came back in the evening to collect his painting, he was completely shocked to see that the whole painting was filled with crosses.
    66  He burst into tears and said sadly, "I'm useless and if this is what I have learned to
paint, I'm not worth teaching."
The master smiled and suggested, "My son, I will prove that you are a great artist." The master told him, "Just paint the same painting once again and give it to me."
Then they went to the same street the next morning and displayed the same painting. The master took out another board which read — "Gentleman, I have painted this piece. Since I'm new, I might have made some mistakes. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. Please do
me a favor.   67 "The master and the young painter went back home.
They visited the place in the evening. The young painter was surprised to see that actually there was not a single correction done!   68  If you want to help people improve their behaviors, it is worth investing your effort in learning how to help people change their behaviors, attitudes and skills. Also, always remember not to get carried away or judge yourself by someone else's criticism and feel depressed as you are the best judge to judge yourself!
A.It is easy to criticize, but difficult to improve.
B.Please put a cross wherever you see a mistake.
C.Discouraged and broken, he ran to his master's place.
D.If you see a mistake, kindly pick up the brush and correct it.
E. Criticizing has the function of helping people improve themselves.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

[1]Why play sports? You might say “to get exercise” and you’d be right. To have fun? That’s true, too. But there’s more. In fact, there are at least 5 more reasons. According to the Women’s Sports Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.
[2]Girls who play sports do better in school. You might think that athletics wi1l take up all your study time. But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don’t. Exercise improves learning, memory, and concentration, which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.
[3]Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills. Sports teach valuable life skills. When you work with coaches, trainers, and teammates to win games and achieve goals. you’re learning how to be successful. Those skills will        at work and in family life.
[4] Sports are good for a girl’s health. In addition to being fit and maintaining (维持) a healthy weight, girls who p1ay sports are also less likely to smoke. And later in life, girls who exercise are less likely to get breast cancer or osteoporosis (骨质疏松).
[5]Playing sports builds self-confidence. Girls who play sports feel better about themselves. Why? It builds confidence when you know you can achieve your goals. Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape, maintain a healthy weight, and make new friends.
[6] Exercise cuts the pressure. Playing sports can reduce stress and help you feel a little happier. How? The brain chemicals released during exercise improve a person’s mood. Friends are another mood-lifter. And being on a team creates tight bonds between friends. It’s good to know your teammates will support you—both on and off the field!
小题1:What’s the main idea of the text? (no more than 8 words)
小题2:List three advantages that exercise can give you when you are in school. (two words for each)
小题3:Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
小题4:Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.
小题5:What can lift your mood while playing sports? (no more than l5 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You can't avoid a conflict at work. If you can avoid a conflict, it means you will win what you want regardless of what the other person wants. Since the potential issue has not been removed, it will simply reappear later. Here are the necessary steps to effectively get rid of conflicts at work.
★ Realize that some conflicts are unavoidable at work. On numerous occasions, conflict and disagreement are likely to happen. But when a conflict happens it's not the end of the world. On the contrary, it can be the beginning of an interesting learning process. Conflicts mean that people care enough to disagree strongly. The trick is not to allow the conflict to go on forever.
★ Handle conflicts sooner rather than later. Solve a conflict when it starts, as it only gets worse with time going by. Conflicts at work arise not from something that was said, but from something that wasn't said! Everyone's waiting for the other to admit he's wrong and gets more unpleasant after the conflict has lasted a while. It's essential to interrupt the "waiting game" before it gets to that point.
★ Ask nicely. If somebody has done something that made you angry, or if you don't understand their viewpoint or actions, simply asking nicely about it can make a world of difference.  Never assume that people do what they do to annoy or hurt you. Sometimes there's a good reason why that person does what he or she does, and a potential conflict disappear right there. Do remember to make an inquiry, not an accusation of any sort.
★ Appreciate. Praise the other part in the conflict. Tell them why it's worth it to you to solve the conflict. This can be difficult as few people find it easy to praise and appreciate a person they disagree strongly with, but it's a great way to move forward.
How to小题1:conflicts at work
Conflicts won't 小题2:if not dealt with
小题3:on handling conflicts
● Don't be afraid of conflicts which can happen in many小题4:and try to resolve a conflict soon or it will get小题5:
●Interrupt the "waiting game" and try to admit your小题6:actively.
● Don’t imagine people do something to make you小题7:on purpose.
● Remember not to小题8:others, but ask them nicely about what they do, which may make a difference.
● Try to appreciate the other part in the conflict although it is 小题9:to do so.
As long as you learn to do with conflicts, you'll work in joy.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

[1]If you are worried about things and are under a lot of stress at work or school,then you are prob-ably not sleeping well. Worry can keep you awake,tossing and turning in bed until the early hours of the morning when you eventually fall asleep. When you wake up,you don't feel refreshed,but tired and worn out and unable to face a new day.
[2] Dr. Henry Winkle,in a recent newspaper article entitled Stress and Sleep,indicates that       .Dr. Winkle says,“The more we worry,the less we sleep,the more we are unable to deal with stress. If  we can find a way to get a good night's sleep,”he adds,“we can often find the energy to deal with what's worrying us.”
[3]So,what is a good night's sleep? Research shows that the amount of sleep which people need in order to keep healthy varies a lot. Seven hours is about the average amount,though strangely enough,sleeping longer often gives you a headache instead of making you feel more refreshed.
[4]Dr. Winkle believes that preparing for sleeping is important. People who work late should try to give themselves a short break and do something restful before going to bed. This could be watching TV or listening to music. Doing some exercise earlier in the day should help you to feel physically as well as mentally tired. A bedtime drink can also help,but coffee or tea should be avoided as they contain caffeine and will keep you awake.
[5] “When you put the light out,” Dr. Winkle says,“concentrate on relaxing your muscles,working slowly up from your feet,and you 'll be asleep before you know it.”
小题1:What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 5 words)
小题2:Complete the following statement with words from Paragraph 2. ( no more than 3 words)
People shouldn't go to sleep immediately but should          after working late in the night.
小题3:Point out the disadvantage of drinking coffee and tea before going to bed. (no more than 6 words)
小题4:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 10 words)
小题5:What does the word “it” (Line2,Paragraph5) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

[1] Ashley Power’s mother bought a computer for her when she was eight. When she was thirteen, she was surfing the Internet regularly, but she couldn’t find anywhere for teenagers to meet and talk. And one day she thought, “If I had my own website, I’d make it a really interesting site for teenagers.”
[2]So, when Ashley was sixteen, she launched her own website, called Goosehead. She had no idea how big a success it would be, but three years later, the site was the most successful teen site in the USA! It was getting 100,000 hits every day, and Ashley had about 30 employees.
[3] After a few years, the website closed down. Then Ashley, who lives in Los Angeles, was asked to write a book called The Goosehead Guide to Life. The book is about how to design a website and start a business. It begins with a section called “All About Ashley,” where Ashley tells readers what it is like to be the boss of a company when you are only sixteen. “ I was so happy. But it was crazy in a lot of ways. I got very stressed. I mean, I was only sixteen — I didn’t even have a car! If you were sixteen and you had your own company, you’d be stressed, too!“
[4] In an interview Ashley gave advice to teenagers who wanted to start their own business, “Just be strong and have your dreams and work hard at them. And don’t listen when _______, because I heard ‘no’ a lot. Just keep going until you hear ‘yes’!”
小题1:For what purpose did Ashley create GooseHead?(no more than 10 words)
小题2:What is the main idea of Paragraph 2? (no more than 6 words)
小题3:According to paragraph 3, what did Ashley do after GooseHead closed down?(no more than 10 words)
小题4:How did Ashley feel as a young boss of a company?(no more than 5 words)
小题5:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[1] Teenagers who spend hours in front of the television may have a poorer diet as young adults, a new study suggests. It’s not clear, researchers say, whether television itself is the reason, but it is possible that things like snacking(吃零食) in front of the TV or seeing ads for junk food influence young people’s diets.
[2] The study included nearly 1,400 high school students. It showed that those who watched TV for five hours or more everyday had less-healthy diets than their students five years later. As a group, they ate fewer fruits and vegetables, but ate more fast food, snack products and fried foods.
[3] "We’re not able to tell why," lead researcher Dr. Daheia J. Barr-Anderson said. "But we do have some speculations." People who spend a lot of time in front of the TV, especially teenagers, may have more snacks. It may influence their long-term diet quality. It’s also possible that TV ads for fast food, sweets and snacks make teenagers eat more of those foods. TV time might also replace exercise time for some kids.
[4] The researchers found a clear relationship between TV time during high school and diet quality of the young. The heaviest TV viewers              , and those who’d watched fewer than two hours everyday had the most fruits, vegetables.
[5] According to Barr-Anderson, the findings support experts’ advice that children should watch no more than two hours of television everyday. "Parents should cut the TV time," Barr-Anderson said. She advised that parents set a good example by eating right, being physically active and controlling their own TV time.
小题1: Complete the following sentences according to the underlined one in paragraph 3. (no more than 5 words)
Some children may spend much time watching TV instead of                             .
小题2: What does the underlined word “It” in paragraph 2 refer to? (no more than 3 words)
小题3:According to Barr-Anderson, what should parents do to set a good example for their children? (no more than 15 words)
小题4:Fill in the blank in paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)
小题5:What is the passage mainly about? (no more than 12 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[l]Children learn by doing. While children may feel love towards others,they aren' t always sure how to express it. Parents can teach their children to love others by helping them find proper ways to express their care and concern. When they do so,their children will have a better understanding of what loving others really means.
[2]Provide Opportunities: Care and compassion are a part of love.Teach your child to love others by providing opportunities to put love into action. Make a card for a sick friend, bring cookies to an elderly neighbor or volunteer at a local soup kitchen.
[3]Potential: Visit your local library and look for appropriate books that talk about love, care and com­passion. Read stories and point out how characters expressed their love. _____, "How did the characters feel when they felt loved?"
[4]Talk: Coach your child to express his love in different ways. When we feel care and compassion towards others,the appropriate response is to show it. Talk about ways you can show -care and compassion with your child. These may include offering a kind word to a sad friend,helping someone in need,or doing something for someone that they cannot do for themselves.
[5]Considerations: Role-playing can be an effec­tive way to teach children new ideas. To role-play how to love others, set up a situation and act it out with your child. For example, pretend that one of his stuffed toys is not feeling well; ask him what he could do to help his toy feel better.
小题1:.. Complete the following sentence according to the underlined one in Paragraph 2. (no more than 5 words)
You should give your child chances of                  to teach him to love others.
小题2:. What does the underlined word “These” in Paragraph 4 refer to? (no more than 10 words)
小题3:.What's the author's advice for you on role-playing how to love others? (no more than 15 words)
小题4:. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)
小题5:.. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 15 words)

