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explain recognize continue lovely debt precious *positive attend earn besides ball lecture silly quality advantage disadvantage comfort successful conduct lightning charge electric shock prove tear control sharp fasten sense doubt cruel conclusion




3.答案:(1)do with (2)do with (3)do with (4)do with (5)done with (6)do with (7)do without (8)do without (9)deal with (10)dealt with (11)deals with


[例1] 剖析:本题考查短语动词的辨析。此处用take up,表示“从事;开始做”的意思。本句话的意思是“为保持身体健康,约翰逊教授退休后把骑自行车作为一项固定的锻炼形式”。


[例2]剖析:本题考查名词性从句的句子结构。根据句子的意思分析,此处用it is结构,it在此为形式主语,代替后面的that从句。形式主语或形式宾语只能用it。本句话的意思为“我们的希望是双方为和平而努力”。


[例3] 剖析:本题考查动词的时态和主谓一致。从后面的时间状语分析,此处用过去进行时态,表示“当地震发生时”正在进行的动作。此句话的主语为the teacher,为单数形式,介词短语with...为插入语。相似的插入语还有:as well as(也;还有),including(包括)等。


[例4] 剖析:本题考查不定代词的用法。分析句子的结构,此处用it指代后面when引导的从句。“I like/appreciate it+从句”为固定句型结构。




2.答案:(1)So far (2)so far (3)as/so far as (4)So/As far as (5)as far as


1. 答案:(1)make;up (2)making;up (3)make up (4)make up (5)is made up of

(6)make up for


3.deal with, do with, do without

do with为及物动词短语。用于特殊疑问句时一般用what引导。含有“处理;处置” “对待(不用被动语态)”“以……将就(不用被动语态)”“放置(常用过去时或完成时态,不用被动语态)”“忍受(与cannot连用,不用被动语态)”等意思。 do without的意思为“没有……也行;将就”“用不着”。 deal with为及物动词短语。用于特殊疑问句时一般用how引导。主要义项有:对付;处理;论及……(和do with同义,主要区别在于特殊疑问词);相处;与……交易(不用于被动语态)。

(1)Your clothes are worn out. What did you ______ them?

(2)He didn’t know what to ______ the property his father had left.

(3)The new teacher didn’t know what to ______ the class.

(4)Butter was so expensive that we had to ______ margarine(人造奶油)in those days.

(5)What have you ______ papers for the meeting? (6)I cannot ______ the loud noise.

(7)We cannot ______ a telephone in our business.

(8)There wasn’t any coffee left, so we had to ______.

(9)He knows well how to ______ children. (10) I think the problem should be ______ quickly.

(11)This book ______ ancient history of China.


[例1] (2004年上海,54)To keep healthy, Professor Johnson ______ cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.      A. took up B. caught on C. carried out D. made for

[例2] (2004年北京,24)The Foreign Minister said,“______ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”         A. This is B. There is C. That is D. It is

[例3] (2004年北京,28)The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class,______ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.    A. was  B. were  C. had been  D. would be

[例4] (2004年全国卷Ⅰ,27)I like ______ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.

A. this B. that C. it D. one


1 ___ as she is ,she is kept so busy with her work for women’s rights that she feels anything but __.

  A  Alone; alone   B Lonely; lonely  C Lonely; alone  D Alone; lonely

2 The class began with 20 students, but several have ______ within the last month.  

  A dropped out  B crossed out  C laid off  D left over

3 Excuse me, Mr. Black , but I have to __ you with a few questions.  A ask B bother C disturb D admire

4 I don’t know what will become __ the boy if he keeps failing his examinations. A with B in C of D on

5 Come on .Don’t lose heart. Everybody has problems _________ their goals.

A to reach   B for reaching   C reaching   D at reaching        

6 How I regretted __ the hours in the forest, __ I should have studied hard in the classroom..                                 

  A to waste; when   B to waste; where  C wasting; when  D wasting; where   

7 That was the way that he thought of __________ the problem.            

A working out  B to working out  C for working out  D to work out

8Every boy and every girl as well as some teachers who ___ to visit the museum ____ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning.    A are; are   B is; is   C is; are    D are; is

9 There is a mountain ____ the top is always covered with snow.            

  A whose   B of which   C it’s  D that

10  After he left school he got a job as a clerk in a company ,but later he turned ________ 

  A to drive   B for driving   C to driving   D to be driver

11 I won’t be able to go on holidays with my mother ____ ill in hospital .       

  A is   B being    C to be    D having being

12 This custom has been ______ since the 18th century.              

  A taken down   B put down   C handed down    D turned down

13 We will be shown around the city: schools, museums, and some other places, ___ other visitors seldom go.    A what   B which   C where   D when

14 After 3 months of sailing eastwards they arrived in Australia , a place ___ westerners had never been.                          

A which   B that    C where   D /

15 __ needs further discussion whether we’ll build a library or not.   A We  B He  C It  D The 

16 Shangdong lies _______ Shanxi.  A east of  B in the east  C east to  D the east of

17 __________ that so many soldiers were killed in the battle.             

A That was a shock  B. It was a shock  C It was shocked  D That was shocking

18 In the street there was not a single person _______ she could turn for help.       

   A to whom   B for whom  C whom  D /




注意:1.文章的开关已为你写好;   2.词数120左右。

Chinese senior middle school graduates have different opinions on how to choose their courses and universities.

About 35% of the students insist that the choice should be based on their own interest. They say interest is the way leading to success. They think it a miserable thing to be obliged to study what they have no interest in.

About 45% of the students, however, consider it is the need of the society that matters a lot, for, they say, it will help them find the jobs they like best. In addition, interest can be developed and changed.

Interestingly, there are about 20% of the students who find it so difficult to make a choice that they prefer to follow the advice offered by their parents or teachers.

In my opinion, 。。。。。。。。。



2.so far, as far as, so far as    so far“到目前为止”,常跟现在完成时连用。可置于句首、句中或句末。 as far as=so far as“直到;同样远的距离”,as far as 既可用于肯定句,亦可用于否定句,而so far as 仅用于否定句。也可表示“就……而言,至于”,两者可互换。

(1)______ we have learned English for six years. (2)Your work has been good ______ this year.

(3)We didn’t go ______ the others.    (4)______ I know he will be away for three months.

(5)He will help you ______ he can.

