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3.given-be given。will be given是将来时的被动语态。




1.have-be。这是there be结构。


3.What conclusion can we draw from the passage?

A.It’s more blessed to give than to receive.  B.Well begun, half done.

C.Where there is a will, there is a way.   D.Every advantage has its disadvantage.


短 文 改 错

Boys and girls,

May I have your attention , please . There will have       1.________   

a lecture at half past three on the Friday afternoon .        2.________   

It’s about “Information and English Study”. And it will given   3.________   

by Mr. Li Ping , who is a famous teacher from the English       4.________   

Department . There must be something interested         5.________   

and instructive . We can get more information from one ,   6.________   

I think . And it will improve their English study to a     7.________   

new stage . Anyone wants to attend it can come to        8.________   

Room 206. Take note and have a discussion after it .       9.________   

Please come here on time . Not be late .                 10._______   


2.One reason why helping others results in better mental health is that ___________.

A the helper may pay less attention to his own anxieties

B.helpers may be rewarded by other church members

C.the receiver will share the sorrow with the helper

D.helping others itself is a kind of physical exercise

解析: A。推理判断题。从文章倒数第二段可知。


1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Older people are more likely to help others.

B.The researchers got the result from those who were given help.

C.Altruistic actions may result in better mental health.

D.Feeling crushed by others’ demands can be negative.



5.In the last two paragraphs, the author wants to tell us tha_________________.

A.learning a second language is the same as studying maths

B.early learning of a second language helps you a great deal in study other subjects

C.Italian is the best choice for you as a second language

D.you’d better choose the ages between 2 and 34 to learn a second language.



People who offer love, listening and help to others may be rewarded with better mental health themselves, according to a new study of churchgoers in the September/October issue of Psychosomatic Medicine.

The study is one of the first to track the positive health benefits of altruistic(利他的) behavior, says Carolyn Schwartz, Sc.D. of the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

“The findings really point up how helping others can help oneself,” Schwartz says.

Schwartz and his workmates analyzed (分析) the information collected by the Presbyterian Church for 2,016 church members. The members were asked about how often they “made others feel loved and cared for” and “listened to others”, and how often they received this attention in return.

The members also answered the questions about their mental and physical health. Most of the church members were in good physical and mental health to begin with, experiencing only normal levels of anxiety and depression.

 While the researchers did not find any significant differences in physical health clearly related to giving and receiving help, they concluded that giving help was a better predictor(预报器) of good mental health than receiving help.

But feeling crushed (压倒) by others’ demands can have negative psychological(心理的) effects, according to the researchers.

“Although our findings suggest that people who help others experience better mental health, our findings also suggest that giving beyond one’s own resources is related with worse reported mental health,”Schwartz says.

Church leaders, older people, women and those who took satisfaction from prayer (祷告) were more likely to be helpers rather than receivers, according to the study.  

People who give help to others may be less likely to focus inward on their own anxieties and depression or more likely to see their own troubles in mind, leading to better mental health, say the researchers.  

Alternatively(二者择一的), it may be that “people who are functioning well psychologically are better able and therefore more likely to give help,” Schwartz says.

